3 thoughts on “Australia’s Debt Bubble Is Falling Apart!”

  1. The Low aussie dollar is exactly why aust needs to produce its own. It does not anymore, and that is why the coming Ponzi Pump tsunami won’t work. Face it – the Financial system is predicated on fraud, designed to disposess. Credit creation and interest is slavery.

  2. Strap in for the Ponzi Pump. It will end in tears ‘cos it won’t be used for infrastucture and jobs. By 2026 supposedly. Services and other consumption rely on basic wealth production- mining, farming, industry- going, going, gone!

  3. Interest kills economies, and civilisations.
    Ponzi=New credit must fund interest payments.
    Economic ground zero is not zero credit growth.
    Only major pumping wIll prop-up The Ponzi.

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