DFA Live Q&A HD Replay: Investing Now With Damien Klassen

This is an edited version of a live discussion with Head of Investments at Nucleus Wealth and Walk The World Funds, Damien Klassen. Where are the markets heading, and what are the chances there will be a policy mistake as rates are taken higher?

You can ask a question live.

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Its Edwin’s Monday Evening Property Rant!

Another stroll through the latest property news with our insider Edwin Almeida. From listings to sales, and from the psychology of buyers and sellers, we cover it all….



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So Long, And Thanks For All The Fish!

An important update relating to my plans for the channel in the months ahead. In about a month we are going to the UK to start up the household surveys. We will maintain our connections with Australia, and will continue to cover issues here, as well as there.

Importantly, we will be dialing back the shows for the next month or so, as we prepare to pack up the studio.

We want to say thanks to all our followers and supporters, and rest assured we won’t be off air for long, so keep following us to get alerts when we recommence our shows. And we still intend to continue with our Tuesday live shows after we have relocated.


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Banking Code Red For Branch Closures!

Another powerful piece from Dale Webster, highlighting the ineffectiveness of Baking Code, the arrogance of Westpac ignoring customers, and discriminating against disabled customers, and the Australian Bankers Association who simply talks their book, and defends what has been called “illegal” behavior.


Make your submission to the Senate here: https://www.aph.gov.au/Parliamentary_Business/Committees/Senate/Rural_and_Regional_Affairs_and_Transport/BankClosures


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Amplified Concerns Signals Further Market Falls Ahead!

In the latest market update, we look at stronger economic data from the US driving inflation and FED rates higher. We also cover Europe, Asia and Australia. Risks seem elevated with regards to future market action! A wake-up call to Bulls?


0:00 Introduction
1:30 Earnings and PEG
6:24 PCE Read
9:45 New Home Sales
11:39 US Markets
14:15 Oil Prices And the USD
17:10 European Markets
19:35 Asian Markets
21:20 Australian Market
23:54 Crypto
24:11 Summary and Conclusion


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More Bank Tricks To Make You Poorer!

Great article from The Conversation which discusses how deposit interest rates are not rising as they should, giving the banks the opportunity to bolster their profits.

As I discussed recently with Steve Mickenbecker from Canstar, people need to be careful, as the market is very misleading, or worse.


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Welcome To The Profit Price Spiral!

A new report suggests that inflation has been largely driven by excess company profit growth, and that the focus on a wage price spiral is misleading.

This discussion in already running in other countries, including the US and NZ.

Perhaps the RBA’s over focus on wage growth (and their poor forward estimates of future wages growth) are part of the problem.

Seem to me, the pro-corporate focus of regulators and Government is doing us a great disservice, with significant damage to society and core values.


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Weekly Ordinary Earnings Rose – But Fell In Real Terms!

The latest from the ABS shows again real weekly earnings rose, but failed to keep up with inflation – though the gender gap closed a little. Best place to earn more in the ACT or WA, in the public sector, or mining.


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More Household Pain Predicted In New Zealand!

The RBNZ Team lead by Adrian Orr was questioned in Parliament today, and we got more insight into the trajectory of rates, and the impact on households, with the debt servicing ratios set to rise higher than before the GFC! There was a sharp intake of breath!

In addition, there was a concession to the fact that if lending had been tighter, QE and money printing more controlled, then inflation would be lower. Is this the first time a Central Banker admitted this?


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New Zealand’s Central Bank Lifts Interest Rates by 0.5%!

Adrian Orr, RBNZ Governor said they were listing the Official Cash Rate by 0.5% today, with a peak of 5.5% still on the cards. The recent Cyclone may also add additional inflationary pressure.

He also highlighted the importance of cash – and branches – at a time of crisis, like when the power goes out. And the risks to social cohesion when this is ignored. Just wow!


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