Brokers burned by customer-driven channel conflict

From The Adviser.

Home loan conversion rates are plummeting as borrowers attempt to secure a mortgage by making multiple applications across different channels, new research has found.

Data from Digital Finance Analytics (DFA) shows that in recent months, the number of mortgage applications which are made, but which do not lead to a funded loan, is on the rise.

Back in 2015, the ratio was around 80 per cent. Now it has dropped to around 50 per cent.

DFA principal Martin North said that the data, which is based on 52,000 Australian households, shows that more multiple applications are being made to a portfolio of lenders in an attempt to get a single approved loan.

“Essentially, they are backing both horses,” Mr North explained. “They are talking to brokers and potentially putting applications in via brokers but also putting applications in themselves.

“It is creating a lot of noise in the system. That means there is a much lower probability of an application a broker is handling translating into a funded loan.”

The analyst believes that a number of factors are contributing to the rise in multiple mortgage applications being made by the same client across different channels. The ease of applying for a mortgage online, driven by comparison websites and digital platforms that enable a DIY approach, is believed to be a major factor.

In addition, Mr North points out that consumers understand that credit has become tighter following the introduction of macro-prudential measures.

“They understand that the hurdles are higher now,” the principal said. “They don’t necessarily trust one channel over another, but they will try this portfolio approach and see what turns up. The fact that the processes are far simpler now than they used to be is making it easier.”

The DFA data shows that younger borrowers under the age of 40 are making multiple applications more than any other age groups. Mr North said that this is not surprising, given their digital literacy.

He believes that the findings shift the conversation about mortgage channels and pose significant challenges for banks and brokers.

“I bet nobody asks whether the borrower currently has a mortgage application in the system,” Mr North said. “Perhaps, that’s a questions banks and brokers need to start asking.”

The Best Indicator Yet Rates Are On Their Way Up

The US 10-Year Bond Rates climbed above 2.4% yesterday and provides a strong signal that interest rates in the USA are on their way up as the FED reduces QE and moves benchmarks higher. After the Trump effect took hold late last year, we reached a peak in March, before falling away but the current rates are level with those in May.

There will be a knock on effect on the global capital markets of course, and as Australian Banks are net borrowers of these funds, will feel the effect of more expensive capital, and this is likely to flow through to their product pricing. As Treasury Head John Fraser said today:

“…though global monetary conditions can also impact upon the wholesale funding costs of Australian banks”.

We suspect the markets are underestimating the potential for rates rises, and soon.


Lenders Cut Attractor Mortgage Rates

As predicted, lenders are now falling over themselves to offer new low-rate loans to attract business, in the run up to Christmas, utilising the war chests they created earlier in the year when many rates, especially investment loan books were repriced up. Even some loans to investors are being cut (but not for existing customers of course!)

This from Australian Broker, summarises some of the recent moves:

Several banks have introduced lower principal and interest rates for new mortgage customers either by dropping rates or introducing discounts for new lending.

Effective from 23 October, Westpac has brought in better discounts on its Flexi First Option Home and Investment Property Loan products.

This is a two-year introductory offer which increases the discounts as follows:

Old discount New discount 2-yr intro rate Base rate Comparison rate
Flexi First Option Home Loan 0.71% p.a. 0.84% p.a. 3.75% p.a. 4.59% p.a. 4.44% p.a.
Flexi First Option Investment Property Loan 0.96% p.a. 1.15% p.a. 3.99% p.a. 5.14% p.a. 4.93% p.a.

Both loans come with no establishment fee, saving new borrowers $600. These changes will not affect Westpac’s interest only mortgage products.

Westpac subsidiaries, St George, BankSA and Bank of Melbourne, have also introduced promotional discount rates, effective from 23 October.

Rates on the 2 Year Residential Investment Principal & Interest loan have decreased by 20 basis points while the Basic Owner Occupier Principal & Interest Promotional Rate has dropped by two basis points:

Old rate Change New rate Comparison Rate
2 Year Residential Investment P&I loan 4.34% p.a. -0.20% 4.14% p.a. 5.63% p.a.
Basic Owner Occupier P&I Promotional Rate 3.80% p.a. -0.02% 3.78% p.a. 3.79% p.a.

Finally, Bankwest has also introduced lower P&I rates for new owner occupied and investment lending on its Complete Variable and Premium Select Home Loans products. These changes came into effect on 20 October.

Borrowings Old rate New rate Comparison rate
Complete Variable Home Loan
Owner occupied $200k+ 3.92% p.a. 3.79% p.a. 4.22% p.a.
Investor $200k – $749k 4.49% p.a. 4.39% p.a. 4.81% p.a.
$750k+ 4.39% p.a. 4.29% p.a. 4.71% p.a.
Premium Select Home Loan
Owner occupied $20k+ 4.09% p.a. 3.99% p.a. 4.01% p.a.
Investor $20k – $749k 4.59% p.a. 4.49% p.a. 4.51% p.a.
$750k+ 4.49% p.a. 4.39% p.a. 4.41% p.a.


ANZ introduces accessibility features

ANZ today announced the rollout of its specially designed accessibility features to all retail and commercial Visa debit cards to make everyday banking easier for customers with a disability.

All ANZ’s 3.4 million Visa debit cards will now have tactile indicators, larger fonts and high visibility leading edges to help customers identify their cards and to help them easily identify which way to insert their card into ATM and EFTPOS terminals.

Commenting on the rollout, ANZ Senior Manager Everyday Banking Steve Price said: “We know that one in five Australians lives with a disability of some sort, so it’s really important we develop products all our customers can use conveniently.

“We have a commitment to inclusive design and accessibility standards in all aspects of our product development, so the extension of these features to a further 3.4 million cards is a significant part of delivering on that.”
The new cards also work with all of ANZ’s mobile payment options, including Apple Pay, Android Pay, Samsung Pay and Fitbit Pay. They also feature Visa PayWave so customers can ‘tap and pay’ wherever contactless payments are accepted, including at ANZ’s contactless ATMs

The rollout follows ANZ’s development of the accessibility features that were first introduced to its Access cards in October 2016. The features will also be extended to ANZ’s range of commercial credit cards in November, and to Visa debit cards in New Zealand early next year.

ANZ worked with Vision Australia to run focus groups with people who have different levels of vision impairment to test the accessibility features before developing the cards.

CPI Higher In September

The Consumer Price Index (CPI) rose 0.6 per cent in the September quarter 2017, the latest Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) figures reveal. This follows a rise of 0.2 per cent in the June quarter 2017.

The most significant price rises this quarter are electricity (+8.9%), tobacco (+4.1%), international holiday travel and accommodation (+4.1%) and new dwelling purchase by owner-occupiers (+0.8%). These rises are partially offset by falls in vegetables (-10.9%), automotive fuel (-2.3%) and telecommunication equipment and services (-1.5%).

The CPI rose 1.8 per cent through the year to September quarter 2017 having increased to 1.9 per cent in the June quarter 2017.

Chief Economist for the ABS, Bruce Hockman, said “Utilities prices rose strongly in the September quarter 2017. The most significant rises relate to electricity and gas prices, with increases in wholesale prices being passed on to consumers. Increases in wholesale prices have been observed across the National Electricity Market (NEM), with the most significant rises this quarter in electricity being observed in Adelaide; Sydney; Canberra and Perth.”

Banks blacklist Brisbane postcodes

From Mortgage Professional Australia.

Banks are cracking down on loans to borrowers buying into Brisbane’s over-supplied apartment market, with a number of risky postcodes identified, which require bigger deposits.

The four major banks – Westpac, Suncorp, Australia and New Zealand Banking Group (ANZ), and National Australia Bank (NAB) – are restricting lending for certain Brisbane postcodes, where apartment buyers will now be required to have a deposit of up to 20% to qualify for a home loan.

Suncorp has blacklisted nearly 40 postcodes in the Queensland capital, including Inner Brisbane, Teneriffe, Fortitude Valley, Bowen Hills, and Herston.

The banks are refusing to loan more than 80% of the cost of a unit due to “[weaknesses] in the investment market” as well as the current oversupply in inner-city apartments. Prices for apartments in inner-Brisbane have dropped to their lowest level in three years and a recovery is not expected for at least another 12 months.

According to the Domain Group’s State of the Market report for the September quarter, Brisbane’s median apartment price was $376,685 during that quarter – down more than 3% over the quarter and more than 6% year-on-year.

Andrew Wilson, chief economist at the Domain Group, said the supply of apartments in suburbs such as the West End has outstripped demand.

“Even some of the outer suburbs such as Chermside have had significant levels of development recently, and as a consequence, supply has moved ahead of demand,” he told ABC News. “But if we look at the approvals … that [has] declined sharply so when the existing stock is soaked up there certainly will not be a lot of replacement stock coming through.”

Last month, RBA Governor Philip Lowe said that Brisbane’s property market was coming under closer scrutiny.

“We are … watching the Brisbane property market carefully, particularly the effect on prices of the large increase in the supply of new apartments,” he said during a dinner.

According to the Reserve Bank’s latest Financial Stability Review, nationally, apartment prices have continued to record weaker price growth than detached housing – a weakness that is consistent with the increased supply of apartments.

“Some concerns remain about the process of absorbing the substantial increase in new apartments in Brisbane. Brisbane apartment prices continue to fall, although the rate of decline has slowed,” the RBA said.

Here are the top 10 Brisbane postcodes that require a 20% deposit:

4000 Inner Brisbane
4010 Albion
4006 Fortitude Valley, Bowen Hills, Newstead, Herston
4101 Highgate Hill, South Brisbane, West End
4102 Dutton Park, Woolloongabba
4005 New Farm, Teneriffe
4011 Clayfield, Hendra
4032 Chermside
4122 Mansfield, Mount Gravatt, Wishart
4171 Balmoral, Bulimba, Hawthorne


QBE Housing Outlook Forecasts Slowing Price Growth

The annual report produced by BIS Oxford Economics for QBE Lenders’ Mortgage Insurance says that the outlook for house and unit prices is likely to become more subdued over the next year or two. Many markets are now building too much stock, particularly units, after new dwelling starts peaked at a record 233,600 dwellings in 2015/16.

Restrictions on bank lending to investors are expected to be an increasingly prominent feature of the outlook for the market over 2017/18. This will most likely reduce investor purchaser activity and slow price growth. Owner occupier demand is also expected to weaken, as the emerging downturn in new dwelling commencements translates into lower building activity over 2017/18 and 2018/19 and negatively affects the economy.

Low affordability in Sydney and Melbourne should begin to impact on the potential for purchasers to take on a larger mortgages.

Demand and supply

Population growth has been strong. Net overseas migration inflows rose from 178,600 in 2014/15, to an estimated 215,000 in 2016/17. Slowing economic growth is expected to cause net overseas migration to ease to 175,000 by 2019/20. While lower than recent cycles, this figure is up compared to the long-term, 20-year trend of 171,100 per annum and is higher than most years through the 1990s and early 2000s. This will continue to fuel underlying demand for dwellings. New dwelling commencements rose to record levels in 2014/15 and 2015/16, and are still well above underlying demand. Only New South Wales, Victoria and Tasmania are expected to be in dwelling deficiency over the next three years. However, the excess stock in markets is more likely to be for units, which have accounted for the larger share of the upturn in new dwelling supply.

Lending environment

Low interest rates have helped drive up prices and investors have been a key source of demand. Successive initiatives by the financial regulators to dampen speculative investment has resulted in banks lowering loan-to-value ratios to investors, as well as charging higher interest rates to investors and for interest only lending. The latest restrictions on interest only loans are expected to cause a slowdown in investor lending over 2017/18. This is likely to have a negative effect on dwelling prices, with price falls expected in some cities.

Median prices

Median house price growth in Sydney and Melbourne is expected to weaken in 2017/18 due to lower investor activity in the market. This is expected to have a greater affect in Sydney, given its greater recent influence from investors. The emerging momentum in house price growth in Canberra and Hobart is forecast to continue in 2017/18. Modest house price rises are expected in Brisbane and Adelaide; with these markets being dampened by weak local economic conditions. The downturns
in Perth and Darwin are forecast to bottom out in 2017/18 although any recovery is likely to be drawn out. Unit price growth is forecast to underperform house price growth. A disproportionately higher number of units being built in most markets will result in an excess supply in units. Restrictions on investor lending will also have a negative effect, given units are more favoured by investors.


While the demand and supply balance is important in determining pressure on prices and whether rents rise or fall, there is an upper limit on how much of a household’s income can be spent on mortgage repayments. As it becomes more difficult to service a mortgage on a property, further price growth becomes less possible unless incomes rise or interest rates reduce by a sufficient enough margin to make purchasing more affordable.

Affordability has deteriorated considerably in Sydney and Melbourne since 2012/13 due to strong house price growth. The ratio of mortgage repayments on a median priced house to average household disposable income is 39.7% in Sydney and 36.2% in Melbourne at June 2017. This is close to each city’s previous highs, indicating limited scope for continuing solid price growth.

Affordability has also become more difficult in Adelaide, Hobart and Canberra over the past 12 months, again due to rising prices.

Nevertheless, affordability is at levels similar to that seen in the early 2000s. In contrast, price reductions in Perth and Darwin have made purchasing a dwelling more affordable. Brisbane has remained at around the mid‑point of its historical range.Low affordability in Sydney and Melbourne should begin to impact on the potential for purchasers to take on a larger mortgage and bid up prices too much further. Moreover, it makes these markets vulnerable to rises in interest rates, as the most recent purchasers may have stretched themselves to buy their dwelling.

Notably, the better affordability in other cities is having a limited impact on prices. Weaker economic conditions and little growth in household incomes has made buyers more reluctant to overcommit on a loan. The better relative affordability should mitigate some of the downward pressure on prices in oversupplied markets and in resource‑sector exposed markets such as Perth, Darwin and to a lesser extent Brisbane.


The Treasury View Of Household Debt

John Fraser, Secretary to the Treasury, gave an update on household finances and housing as part of his opening statement to the October 2017 Senate Estimates.  More evidence of the Council of Financial Regulators group-think?  The view that debt is born by those with the greater capacity to repay belies the leverage effect of larger loans in a rising interest rate environment.

Housing market and dwelling investment

The housing market is another sector which we will be monitoring closely.

In recent times, Australia has experienced one of the largest booms in housing construction since Federation, supported by record low interest rates and strong population growth.

Since June 2014, dwelling investment has constituted around 11 per cent of our economic growth.

Much of this has been driven by an unprecedented increase in the construction of high-rise apartment blocks in our east-coast cities.  As a proportion of GDP, medium and high density housing construction is now 1.7 per cent, more than double its long-run average.

Housing market activity also continues to be characterised by some quite stark regional differences. Over the past three years, dwelling price growth in our capital cities has been around double that of regional areas. Also, as the east-coast states have experienced strong growth in investment and prices, the market in Western Australia has been much weaker.

However, as noted at Budget, forward indicators of housing construction, notably for apartments appear to have peaked.

The most recent national accounts show that dwelling investment grew by 1.6 per cent in 2016-17, which is less than we expected at Budget.

We expect that residential construction activity will decline moderately over the next few years, although an elevated pipeline of building work will underpin the sector.  Strong population growth in our east-coast cities will also support housing demand going forward.

Victoria continues to have the fastest growing population of all the States and Territories, growing at around 2.4 per cent through the year to the March quarter 2017.  New South Wales and Queensland each had population growth of about 1.6 per cent through the year to the March quarter 2017.

Over the past few months, dwelling price growth has moderated in our east-coast cities. After years of strong price growth, this is desirable.

Household debt

The state of household finances is an issue that is getting close attention in Australia and that is understandable – but it should be placed in context.

Several considerations should provide some comfort to those concerned about household debt levels.

While household debt has risen over recent years, interest rates have also fallen.

The net result is that the share of household disposable income going to interest payments is currently around its long-term average.

Many households have taken advantage of low interest rates to build substantial mortgages buffers, currently equivalent to over 2 ½ years of scheduled repayments at current interest rates.

And the distribution of that debt is concentrated in high income households, with around 60 per cent of debt held by households in Australia’s top two income quintiles – households that are best positioned to service that debt.

More broadly, any assessment of the sustainability of Australia’s household debt position requires consideration of the assets that those households hold against their debt. We shouldn’t just think about one side of the household balance sheet.

The Australian household sector’s asset holdings are considerable, at around five times greater than its debts – Australian households may have over $2 trillion in debt, but they also hold over $12 trillion in assets.

That said, asset values can always fall (and often do) while debt values generally don’t, squeezing net worth in the process.

And perhaps more importantly, around 75 per cent of household assets are in housing and superannuation.

The fact that households need homes to live in, that it takes time to sell properties, and that superannuation is ‘locked away’ until retirement means that these assets cannot easily provide liquidity to households during periods of financial stress.

It’s also the case that higher debt levels have made households more sensitive to any increase in interest rates in the future.

The Reserve Bank will be mindful of this when thinking about domestic monetary policy, though global monetary conditions can also impact upon the wholesale funding costs of Australian banks.

For these reasons, Australian financial regulators are alive to the risks presented by household sector debt, and will continue to closely monitor and enforce sound lending practices by Australian financial institutions

Macroprudential policies

House price growth has moderated recently and there are welcome signs of moderation in investor and interest-only residential lending activity.

However, it is too soon to make a final assessment of the impact of APRA’s March 2017 macroprudential measures on lending.

These measures included maintaining the growth limit on investor loans first introduced in December 2014 at 10 per cent and limiting the flow of new interest-only lending to 30 per cent of total new lending.

Treasury and regulators will continue to be vigilant in assessing developments in the financial system and the adequacy of policy settings for maintaining financial stability.

While banks’ progress against these measures has been positive, regulators will need to think carefully about whether future efforts to maintain financial stability should lean against cyclical excesses or address structural risks within the financial system.

The Noise In The Mortgage Machine

Data from our Core Market Model highlights that in recent months the number of mortgage applications which are made, but which do not lead to a funded loan is on the rise. Back in 2015, the ratio was around 80%, but now it has dropped to around 50%.

There are a number of reasons why this is the case. First, lending criteria are tighter now, so more loans are rejected. As well as a reduction in acceptable sources of income and tighter analysis of costs, Loan To Value Ratios are lower and the interest rate buffer used for the underwriting assessments are higher.

Second, (and in response to the first), we are seeing more multiple applications to a portfolio of lenders in an attempt to get a single approved loan. These multiple applications are on the rise, and are facilitated by easier online processes and systems.

But we also found that once the lender has given a provisional approval, there is now a higher probability of the loan will proceed to funding, as this second chart shows.

This reflects better application processes across the system facilitated by electronic submission, tighter initial checks, before approval, and the still strong demand for loans.

The reasons for not completing also include loss of a potential purchase, and borrowers choosing not to transact.

What this means in practice is that many brokers and lenders will be chasing their own tails trying to get applications into the system – and they may not be aware that multiple applications are being made for the same potential borrower. All this takes time and effort of course, and costs.

But the good news is that once a provisional offer has been made and accepted there is now a greater probability of the loan being made.

The industry would therefore do well to put some more initial checks in place to test whether multiple applications are being made. This could potentially remove much of the noise – and hence cost –  from the system!

Five ways to kickstart the economy – without cutting company taxes

From The Conversation.

The Productivity Commission has released the first in a planned series of five-yearly updates on productivity in Australia. The report shows that there is much the Australian government can do to boost productivity and living standards.

These include changing how government delivers or controls education and health, and how it manages infrastructure. Interestingly, for the Commission, policy to improve productivity in the private sector (primarily tax and regulation), while still important, plays second fiddle.

The Commission backs up its recommendations in these huge domains by a compendium of analyses spread over hundreds of pages in 16 supporting papers.

The Productivity Commission’s review comes amid a period of slow productivity growth in Australia and around the developed world. Fifteen years ago, most economists expected that the internet revolution and the rapid shift of manufacturing to China would, for all the disruption they entailed, sustain strong growth in the rich world. But those hopes were dashed.

A wide range of research has identified many possible culprits for the productivity slowdown. These include mismeasurement, that “easy wins” such as universal education have already been used up, ageing, risk aversion, and a hit to investment and innovation from the global financial crisis.

One of the Commission’s background papers covers many of these contributors to slow growth.

Australian productivity has grown faster than in many other high-income economies since the financial crisis, largely thanks to the mining boom and to our having avoided a deep recession.

But productivity growth has not been strong enough to keep wage growth strong in the face of declining export prices and some broader weakness as the mining investment boom comes off. Getting policy settings right is urgent to reduce the risk that Australia slides into the stagnation that other high-income economies have experienced.

The recommendations

The new report identifies five priorities to revitalise productivity: health, education, cities, market competition, and more effective government.

The Commission’s estimates imply that its policies would eventually boost GDP by at least two per cent, with additional non-market benefits in longer lives and quality of life.

In health, the report recommends changing funding arrangements, cutting low-value treatments, putting the person at the centre of health care, shifting to automated pharmacy dispensing in many locations, and moving to tax alcohol content on all drinks. The Commission estimates that the value of these reforms is at least A$8.5 billion over 5 years.

In education, the report makes recommendations to build teacher skills, better measure student and worker proficiency, extend consumer law to cover universities, and improve lifetime learning, including better information about the performance of institutions. The Commission does not put a dollar value on these reforms.

In cities and transport, the report recommends improved governance to stop poor projects being built, budget and planning practices to properly provide for growth and infrastructure, and policies to get more value out of existing and new assets (including road user charges, extending competition policy principles to cover land use regulation, and replacing stamp duties with land tax). The Commission estimates that these reforms would be worth at least A$29 billion per year in time.

To improve market competition, the report suggests a single effective price be placed on carbon, an end to ad-hoc interventions in the energy market, better consumer control of and access to data, and reforms to intellectual property to support innovation. The Commission estimates that these reforms would be worth at least A$3.4 billion per year.

Finally, to improve government, the report recommends that the states and the Commonwealth develop a new formal reform agenda that clarifies who has responsibility for what, tax changes, measures to improve fiscal discipline, and tougher accountability for implementation of agreed initiatives. The Commission does not put a dollar value on these reforms.

What’s missing?

The review’s omissions are informative, and some are glaring.

First, cutting company taxes is conspicuously absent from the proposals. It seems unlikely this omission is an oversight. It would seem, instead, that the Commission does not see a company tax cut as a priority for productivity growth, and is happy for government to make its own case for a tax cut.

Still, the report would have been stronger had it considered the tax mix more fully. There is credible case for a company tax cut, though it is not the only way to stimulate investment, it would take years to pay off, and it would hit the budget without increase in other taxes or spending cuts.

Second, the report gives short shrift to population growth. Governments are racing to keep pace with population growth in Melbourne and Sydney in particular, yet the report does not consider how population contributes to congestion, how it dilutes the value of natural resource rents, and how the challenges it creates for governments make it more difficult for them to deliver reforms that would boost productivity.

Third, the report does not give enough attention to reforms to improve market functioning. Many consumers in retail markets for services like energy and superannuation do not know how to identify good products, and so consumers often bear the costs of excess marketing or an excess of providers.

It seems likely that the Commission did not want to prejudge the subject of a current Commission inquiry on superannuation, but other markets have similar problems.

There are other gaps. The report does not give enough attention to macroeconomic stability, or even note the risks posed by the Australian house price boom. It does not mention the problematic National Broadband Network. It pays too little attention to the role of social safety nets in helping people manage risks and making the economy more flexible.

And finally, the report could have made stronger recommendations for better measurement. It is ironic that it finds the biggest opportunities in the health and education sectors, whose output is not measured with much accuracy.

Overall, the report is something of a landmark, and the Treasurer deserves credit for commissioning it. It condenses much of the policy advice the Productivity Commission has made in recent years, and adds new insights (for example, on land use).

It provides credible, if incomplete recommendations for improving health and education, and cities and transport. It undersells the value of further reforms to private sector regulation and tax. But it underscores how much governments can do on the “home turf” of the things they control most directly.

Now it is up to Commonwealth and state governments to absorb its insights, integrate them into their agendas, and put them into action.

Author: Jim Minifie, Productivity Growth Program Director, Grattan Institute