Latest Lending Data Investment Boom

The ABS released their Lending Data to January 2015. The recent trends continue, with a growing investment housing lending sector, at the expense of  other commercial lending. In trend terms, The total value of owner occupied housing commitments excluding alterations and additions rose 0.8%. The trend series for the value of total personal finance commitments fell 0.1%. Revolving credit commitments rose 0.2%, while fixed lending commitments fell 0.3%. The trend series for the value of total commercial finance commitments rose 1.1%. Revolving credit commitments rose 6.6%, while fixed lending commitments fell 1.0%. The trend series for the value of total lease finance commitments fell 2.5% in January 2015.

LendingMixJan2015We see a slight fall in relative terms in commercial lending, (and in this data. lending for investment housing is included in the commercial category. )

LendingMixPCJan2015But, splitting out the investment housing we see that more than 31% of all commercial lending is for investment housing – and note the consistent trend up from 19% in 2011.

LendingCommercialMixPCJan2015Turning to housing lending, we see investment loan flows were more than 51% of all new loans written (excluding refinance).

LendingHousingMixPCJan2015In other words, more investment loans than owner occupied loans were written in January 2015.

LendingHousingMixJan2015Finally, looking across all housing categories, we see that investment loans made up 41%.

LendingFinancePieJan2015  This momentum in investment lending continues to distort the market. We need proactive intervention, like the recently announced initiatives in New Zealand. I have to say I think APRA is just not cutting the mustard.

US Rates To Stay Low, Thanks To Dollar – Moody’s

According to Moody’s latest, conceivably, dollar exchange rate appreciation might substitute for a fed funds rate hike. All else the same, the need for a higher fed funds rate recedes as the dollar exchange rate strengthens. A persistently strong dollar is likely to weaken the pricing power of US businesses and labor. Since bottoming in the summer of 2011, the US dollar has soared higher by a cumulative 29% against a basket of major foreign currencies. In the context of an economic upturn, the dollar’s ongoing ascent is the steepest vis-a-vis major foreign currencies since the cumulative 31% surge of the five years ended 2000, or when core PCE price index inflation grew by merely 1.6% annualized, on average, notwithstanding real GDP’s comparably measured growth rate of a scintillating 4.3%.

MoodyMar2015Lately, the strong dollar has put downward pressure on the prices of US exports and imports. February 2015’s -5.9% annual plunge by the US export price index was the deepest such setback on record for a mature US economic recovery. The dollar’s earlier surge of the five-years-ended 2000 saw the US export price index slide by -0.8% annualized, on average. Moreover, February’s price index for US imports excluding petroleum products fell by -1.8% annually. Expect more of the same according to the -1.3% average annualized drop by the US core import price index during the five-years-ended 2000.

Is Low Inflation Good Or Bad?

Mark Carney, Governor, Bank of England, gave a speech on Inflation. I have summarised his arguments in this post because the current low inflation rates around the world have profound implications, and current inflation targets and assumptions reflect earlier responses to hyper inflation, which may not be so relevant now. That said, low inflation appears to carry significant risks, and low interest rates do not help.

16 of 18 inflation targeting economies had inflation below target in January 2015. These include US, UK, Canada, euro area, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, Australia, China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand and Brazil. 11 of those countries have inflation rates below 1%.

InflationJan2015For example, the Reserve Bank of New Zealand, said yesterday:

“Annual CPI inflation is expected to fall to around zero in the March quarter and remain low over 2015, reflecting the high exchange rate, low global inflation, and the recent falls in petrol prices. Inflation expectations appear to have fallen recently, and we will be closely monitoring the impact of this trend on wage and price setting behaviour, especially in the non-traded sector.”

There are some significant implications of this low inflation environment, especially bearing in mind that these countries are using central bank monetary policy to try and wrangle inflation above 2%. This 2% inflation seems to reflects the lessons of the past, including the fight against high inflation in the 1970s and 1980s, as well as the deflationary disasters that have followed past financial crises. The target is set by government, but managed by the central bank. Indeed, the banks have to explain to the politicians if inflation falls outside the target band. Mark Carney has just written an open letter to the UK Chancellor addressing the current low inflation there.

Whilst high inflation damages growth, in part, because high inflation also tends to be volatile, generating uncertainty that makes important economic decisions more difficult. In contrast, a little inflation ‘greases the wheels’ of the economy, helping it to absorb shocks. A positive average inflation rate also gives monetary policy space to respond to negative shocks by cutting interest rates. Persistently low inflation can be difficult. Deflation proper is potentially dangerous. During the Great Depression, sharp falls in prices reinforced collapsing output and skyrocketing unemployment.

A commonly cited reason is that falling prices prompt households and firms to delay spending and investment. The subsequent reduction in demand causes further reductions in prices through higher unemployment. That further reduces incomes and spending, drawing the economy into the vortex. But there is a more clear and present danger arising from the balance sheets of households and firms should deflation persist. When a household takes out a mortgage or a firm secures a loan, the amount owed is denominated in cash terms – that is, not adjusted for inflation. Unexpected, generalised, and persistently falling prices then mean the real value of debt increases: the same amount of money is owed, but that money now buys more goods and services. As a result, more consumption or investment needs to be foregone to service the debt. This debt-deflation dynamic was at the core of the Great Depression and in the Japanese malaise following the collapse of the asset bubbles of the 1980s. It would be a particular concern if the pace of wage growth were to follow prices down.

Whilst falling oil prices have impacted inflation, even “core inflation” which strips out such volatile factors continues to fall.

Core-Inflation-Jan-2015In some major economies there are additional disinflationary forces. For example, in the euro area, a series of necessary internal devaluations are weighing on wages and prices. In China, a rebalancing of investment and consumption risks generating further disinflation. The producer price inflation rate has been negative for 35 months in a row, reflecting long-standing overcapacity in industries such as concrete and steel, while the more recent weakness in the property market could further increase excess capacity in related sectors. All this suggests a persistent period of low inflation globally is a possibility, and could itself create a self-fulfilling fear of a bad outcome. Concerns that household or government debt will weigh on demand could cause firms to delay further their already weak investment spending. Such rational corporate caution is consistent with the behaviour of many financial asset prices, which appear to be pricing the possibility of material downside tail risks, such as that economic weakness and persistently low global inflation become mutually reinforcing. Those expectations matter as they feed into the wage and price setting processes that ultimately determine inflation.

Protracted global weakness could heighten the challenge of returning inflation quickly to target. That’s because weak global conditions would tend to push down on the equilibrium interest rate that would maintain demand in line with supply and inflation at the target. This equilibrium rate has likely been falling for the last three decades and turned sharply negative in the downturn. This meant central banks had to turn to unconventional policy tools to stimulate their economies in order to return inflation to target. In the cases of the UK and the US, these measures have been effective in supporting domestically generated inflation. Inflation is likely still to be negative in many countries, reflecting an excess of saving over investment.

RBNZ Left Rate Unchanged

The NZ Reserve Bank left the Official Cash Rate unchanged at 3.5 percent.

Global financial conditions remain very accommodative, and are reflected in high equity prices and record low interest rates. However, volatility in financial markets has increased since late-2014 following the sharp drop in oil prices, continued uncertainty about the global outlook and US monetary policy, and policy easings by a number of central banks.

Trading partner growth in 2015 is expected to continue at a similar pace to 2014. Growth remains robust in the US, but has slowed recently in China.

World oil prices are about 50 percent below their June-2014 peak, more reflecting increased supply than demand factors. The fall in oil prices is net positive for global economic growth, but will further reduce inflation in the near term, at a time when global inflation is already very low.

The domestic economy remains strong. The fall in petrol prices has increased households’ purchasing power and lowered the cost of doing business. Employment and construction activity are strong. Net immigration remains high, and monetary policy continues to be supportive. The housing market is showing signs of picking up, particularly in Auckland. However, there are a number of factors weighing on domestic growth, including drought conditions in parts of the country, fiscal consolidation, reduced dairy incomes, and the high exchange rate.

On a trade-weighted basis, the New Zealand dollar remains unjustifiably high and unsustainable in terms of New Zealand’s long-term economic fundamentals. A substantial downward correction in the real exchange rate is needed to put New Zealand’s external accounts on a more sustainable footing.

Annual CPI inflation is expected to fall to around zero in the March quarter and remain low over 2015, reflecting the high exchange rate, low global inflation, and the recent falls in petrol prices. Inflation expectations appear to have fallen recently, and we will be closely monitoring the impact of this trend on wage and price setting behaviour, especially in the non-traded sector.

Monetary policy remains focused on ensuring inflation settles at 2 percent over the medium term. As the economy expands, inflation returns gradually towards the midpoint of the target range.

Our central projection is consistent with a period of stability in the OCR. However, future interest rate adjustments, either up or down, will depend on the emerging flow of economic data.

Reforms To Offshore Banking Units

On 6 November 2013, the Government announced that it would proceed with certain reforms to the Offshore Banking Unit (OBU) regime.These reforms address a number of integrity concerns with the existing regime while ensuring the OBU regime targets mobile financial sector activity. They are now seeking input on proposed changes. Consultation closes for submissions on Wednesday, 8 April 2015

By way of background, an OBU is a notional division or business unit of an Australian entity that conducts OBU activities. To be considered as an OBU, an entity must be declared by the Treasurer as an OBU. An OBU receives concessional tax treatment in respect of eligible OB activities, provided additional criteria are met. One kind of eligible OB activity is a trading activity. Amongst other things, trading activity includes trading with an offshore person in shares, securities and units of an offshore entity, as well as options or rights in respect of these shares, securities and units. As a result, trading in the shares, securities or units (or the associated options or rights) of an offshore subsidiary may constitute an eligible OB activity. This has the effect of allowing the conversion of ineligible non-OB activities to eligible OB activities. That is, the offshore subsidiary may undertake ineligible activities and the OBU may claim the same economic benefit as assessable OB income by trading in the shares it owns in the subsidiary.

Potential activities which could be included:

  • Unfunded lending activities (Unfunded lending is where an OBU makes funds available to an offshore person but the funds are not drawn down, or are yet to be drawn down. Income in the form of fees for making the credit available is mobile income and will be treated accordingly as assessable OB income.)
  • Syndicated lending activities (A syndicated lending arrangement involves a number of financial institutions lending to a borrower. Syndicated arrangements are common in large capital raisings. In addition to committing to lend their own capital, an OBU may be involved in arranging contributions from a syndicate of other lenders. The OBU may also be involved in underwriting some of the credit risk. The OBU will earn a fee for these services.)
  • Guarantee activities and connections with Australia
  • Trading in commodities
  • Securities lending and repurchase agreements
  • Non-deliverable forward foreign currency contracts
  • Portfolio investment asset percentages
  • Advice on disposal of investments
  • Leasing activities

The proposed amendments in the draft Bill are:

  • limit the availability of the OBU concession in certain circumstances where it could otherwise be used to convert ineligible activity into eligible activity by trading in a subsidiary;
  • codify the ‘choice principle’ to remove uncertainty for taxpayers;
  • introduce a new method of allocating certain expenses between the operations of a taxpayer’s domestic banking unit and the OBU;
  • modernise the list of eligible activities; and
  • treat internal financial dealings (for example, between an Australian bank and its offshore branch) as if they were on an arm’s length basis.

OBUThe proposals are likely to lead to greater transparency and clarity, and will offer less wriggle room for financial engineering. Though the changes are mainly technical in nature there could be some implications for banks in Australia.

DFA Household Finance Confidence Index Fell In February

Using data from our household surveys, we have updated our household finance confidence index to end February. We compare the confidence of households now, compared with 12 months ago. The overall index, which is still below a neutral setting, fell slightly again in the month,  despite the RBA rate cut of 25 basis points in February. Households are less confident about their financial health than anytime since December 2012. To calculate the index we ask questions which cover a number of different dimensions. We start by asking households how confident they are feeling about their job security, whether their real income has risen or fallen in the past year, their view on their costs of living over the same period, whether they have increased their loans and other outstanding debts including credit cards and whether they are saving more than last year. Finally we ask about their overall change in net worth over the past 12 months – by net worth we mean net assets less outstanding debts.

FSI-Index-Feb2015Looking at the composite elements in the index, with regards to savings, those comfortable with what they have saved, fell by 1.7%, reflecting mainly lower deposit rates, especially amongst females. Those less comfortable rose a little (0.6%). Those in part-time work had similar ratings to those households unemployed, in contrast to those full time employed. In these charts, the blue is data 12 months to January, and orange is 12 months to February.

FSI-Savings-Feb2015Those households who think their real incomes have grown, fell by 1.8% in the month, whilst those households whose real incomes fell, rose by 1.3%.

FSI-Income-Feb2015Looking at household debt, households who were comfortable with their level of debt fell by 1.1%, though we found males more comfortable with their debt position than females. A slightly higher proportion were as comfortable as 12 months ago.

FSI-Debt-Feb2015Those whose costs of living stablised over the last 12 months rose by 0.5% to 59.3%, helped by lower interest rates, petrol and electricity bills.

FSI-Costs-Feb2015More than half of the households said their net worth had increased over the past year, up by 1.1% for last month. Less households had seen a fall in net worth (down 1.85%)

FSI-Net-Worth-Feb2015Finally a slightly smaller number of households thought their jobs were as secure as a year ago, (down 1.1% to 61.6%), those who felt their jobs were more secure fell (down 0.9%), whilst those felling less secure rose a little (up 0.3%).

FSI-Job-Feb2015Our take is that household financial confidence is still in the doldrums, despite ultra low interest rates and sky high property prices. Their future spending patterns will remain conservative, and we will not see a sudden change in consumption patterns anytime soon. We will update the index again next month.

ASIC ‘s Market Supervision Activity

ASIC today published its ninth report on the supervision and surveillance of Australian financial markets and market participants. The report highlights ASIC’s direct engagement with market participants to address concerns about market conduct.

During the relevant period, there were 19,375 Trade surveillance alerts alerts compared to 17,091 alerts in the previous period.

For example, using the improved functionality of ASIC’s new market surveillance system, Market Analysis and Intelligence (MAI), a persistent pinging strategy was identified in an ASX20 security trading in ASX Centre Point and Chi-X hidden public dark venues. Following intervention by ASIC, that behaviour has now ceased. Pinging is the practice of using the placement of very small orders to test if there is liquidity.

Using MAI, surveillance analysts also identified a recurrence of hacking of retail online share trading accounts. ASIC has worked closely with the firms involved to implement strategies to disrupt this activity.

Further, between July and December 2014, discussions with market participants led to the amendment of order execution methods and the review of trading algorithms on 26 occasions.

The report also highlighted the impact of the improved functionality of ASIC’s new market surveillance system, MAI. The system has allowed ASIC to conduct very sophisticated analysis in very short periods of time.

ASIC is concerned about the high proportion of general advice compared to personal advice, particularly by full-service brokers. They intend to focus more efforts on reviewing the provision of advice by market participants, whether it is being categorised correctly as personal or general advice, and whether the relevant obligations are complied with appropriately. This may include a focus on management oversight and adviser training.

ASIC’s compliance reviews have identified deficiencies with the provision of personal advice and the requirement to provide a clear, concise and effective Statement of Advice. For example, we identified market participants that had not provided sufficient information to clients regarding the basis on which the advice was given—suggesting that inadequate consideration may have been given to clients’ circumstances, goals and objectives.

Other future areas of focus for ASIC, include the Market Entity Compliance System, which will enhance the way market participants and operators interact with ASIC. Other aspects of market conduct that ASIC will be paying close attention to in the coming six-month period include a thematic review of crossing systems which will assess how crossing system operators are meeting their regulatory obligations, targeted compliance reviews of client money obligations, and further analysis into the handling of confidential information.

They are also currently reviewing analysts’ re-ratings for the last four years and comparing them to the timing of publicly-available information. This review may identify potential leakages of confidential information that we will need to further investigate.

Unemployment Stays at 6.3% (Trend) – ABS

The ABS released the Labour Force data for February, today. Australia’s estimated seasonally adjusted unemployment rate for February 2015 was 6.3 per cent, compared with 6.4 per cent for January 2015. In trend terms, the unemployment rate was unchanged at 6.3 per cent.

The seasonally adjusted labour force participation rate decreased to 64.6 per cent in February 2015 from 64.7 per cent in January 2015.

The ABS reported the number of people employed increased by 15,600 to 11,652,400 in February 2015 (seasonally adjusted). The increase in employment was driven by increases in both full-time (up 10,300) and part-time employment (up 5,300). Seasonally adjusted employment increased for both males (up 9,300) and females (up 6,300) in February 2015.

The ABS seasonally adjusted aggregate monthly hours worked series increased in February 2015, up 13.0 million hours (0.8%) to 1,620.8 million hours.

The seasonally adjusted number of people unemployed decreased by 15,800 to 777,300 in February 2015. The decrease was driven by those looking only for part-time work, down 18,600.

The seasonally adjusted underemployment rate was 8.6 per cent in February 2015, a decrease of 0.1 percentage points from November 2014 based on unrounded estimates. Combined with the unemployment rate of 6.3 per cent, the latest seasonally adjusted estimate of total labour force underutilisation was 14.9 per cent in February 2015, a decrease of 0.1 percentage points from November 2014.

Note that The February 2015 data incorporates estimates rebenchmarked to the latest population estimates and projections. Commencing from the May 2015 issue this will be a regular quarterly process which will ensure that the Labour Force series reflect the most up to date population benchmarks. So further tweaks to the data have been made, making series comparisons difficult.

CBA Offers NFC Payments via Android Smartphones

Australia’s Commonwealth Bank has launched a new version of its CommBank app, which it says is Australia’s most popular, with 3.2 million unique users and approx 2.35 million of those logging in each week to securely manage everyday banking and payments, as reported in iTWire today.

The newly updated app introduces various new features today, alongside ‘innovations’ included in the app last year which the bank says is ‘resonating’ with its customers.

Lisa Frazier, the Commonwealth Bank’s Executive GM of Digital Channels, said: “Our evolution of CommBank app is focused on delivering a simple and convenient mobile experience with relevant and valuable features that exceed user expectations. CommBank app’s most recent features Cardless Cash, Lock & Limit, and International Money Transfers are proving popular.

“Cardless Cash has helped around 370,000 customers withdraw cash without their card at an ATM or enable a loved one to withdraw cash in an emergency. Lock & Limit has given our customers peace of mind, with over 360,000 transactional locks and limits set within the app.

Over 35,000 credit cards have been temporarily locked whilst their owners determine if they’ve lost or simply misplaced their card, while PIN changes and card activations remain the favourite self-service features in the app.”

But that’s what has already been introduced, so what’s new in the Commbank app zoo?

Tap & Pay for Android, that’s what. From today, this feature will be available on Android phones with NFC capability running Android OS Kitkat 4.4 and above. It uses Host Card Emulation (HCE) technology to enable Tap & Pay payments ‘on the most popular Android handsets’ and replaces the need to purchase a physical PayTag to make payments with a smartphone.

The CommBank App’s download page at Google Play notes that: “Payments from eligible transaction accounts only, not available for credit cards at this time)” and notes that you can “Also set up a widget for quick access to Tap & Pay”.

Angus Sullivan, who is another Executive GM at Commbank but in the Consumer Finance Payments & Strategy Division said: “Customer demand for convenient mobile payment technologies continues and we are focused on innovative payment features which deliver on this. Today, we are providing Android customers with a real mobile wallet solution which simplifies payments on-the-go.”

Andrew Cartwright, the SVP and Country Manager of MasterCard Australia said: “This collaboration between MasterCard and Commonwealth Bank places the power of mobile payment technology in the hands of more Australians. It also delivers the highest level of security for our cardholders who want a fast, easy and secure way to pay using their smartphone.

“We have seen rapid adoption of contactless payments in Australia, with more than 60 per cent of MasterCard transactions under $100 now made this way. MasterCard will continue to invest in technology that provides all Australians with a convenient and secure alternative to cash.”

The Commonwealth Bank has also banked several awards for its app, with its most recent being the Canstar Innovation Excellence 2015 award for its Cardless Cash, and Lock, Block and Limit features, getting the ‘Best’ designation, alongside the Innovative Online Banking Service in Money Magazine’s 2015 Best of the Best Innovation Awards, and finally the National iAward for Best Consumer Product.

First Time Buyer Investors On The March

The ABS published their Housing Finance to January 2015. Total lending for housing (both investment and owner occupied lending) lifted the stock 0.6% to $1.37 trillion. Investment rose 0.8% and owner occupied loans rose 0.5% in the month. Investment loans are close to 34.5% of all loans, a record.

ADILendingStockJan2015Looking at the changes in volumes by type, we see that the purchase of existing dwellings is rising, but refinancing, construction of new dwellings and purchase of new dwellings are down.

TrendChangeByTypeJan2015Looking across the states, momentum is rising in just two states, NSW and TAS. All other states are slowing.

StateTrendMovementsJan2015Turning to first time buyers, using the revised ABS data (method changed last month) and DFA survey data, we see that whilst first time buyers for owner occupation fell slightly (14.3% to 14.2% of all owner occupied loans), an additional 4,000 loans were written by first time buyers going direct to the investment sector. Much of this is centered on Sydney. As a result the cumulative first time buyer count is rising, with more than 21% of all loans effectively to first time buyers. You can read more analysis on this important trend here.

DFAFTBLoansJan2015This is another reason why no further assistance should be offered to “help” first time buyers into the market. It would be a waste of money.