Banks prepare for war, customers in the crosshairs

From The New Daily.

The big banks are arming themselves for a propaganda war against the Treasurer’s $6.2 billion bank levy, with bankers warning that customers and shareholders will be the ones who pay the new levy.

To help pay for Tuesday’s cash-splash budget, Treasurer Scott Morrison announced a roughly $1.5 billion a year tax on the ‘Big Five’: CBA, ANZ, Westpac, NAB and Macquarie, to be paid over the next four years.

The banks are fuming, according to the industry’s peak lobbyist, and have been left no option but to extract more money from shareholders, savers, borrowers – or all three.

In a blistering press conference, Australian Bankers Association CEO Anna Bligh accused the Treasurer of a “grab for cash to fill a budget black hole” and of setting a “very dangerous” policy precedent.

Minutes earlier, there were reports that Commonwealth Bank CEO Ian Narev had sent an email to staff warning the costs could hit customers and shareholders.

The rhetoric is only hours old, but is already mirroring the fightback of big mining companies against Kevin Rudd’s Minerals Resource Rent Tax in 2009, which the industry branded a “super profits tax”. The Abbott government later repealed the tax.

Ms Bligh said the government had put the economy at risk by “singling out” its most profitable sector, simply because the banks were “easy targets”.

“Right now the major banks of Australia are very angry,” she said.

“There are only three options for the banks. It will be either be paid by shareholders, by savers, by borrowers or a combination of all three.

“I don’t think the Treasurer has thought through the full implications of this tax.”

Because bank share prices fell quickly and heavily on budget day, there has been speculation of a leak. Mr Morrison told the press gallery he had seen “no evidence” of this.

National Australia Bank CEO Andrew Thorburn echoed the lobbyists’ threats, saying the “tax” would impact “millions” of Australians, including every one of his bank’s 10 million deposits and borrowers and its 570,000 direct shareholders

“It is not just a tax on a bank. It is a tax on every Australian who benefits from, and is part of, our industry.”

But Mr Morrison cautioned the big banks, which make a combined profit of more than $30 billion, to simply accept the levy.

“Families absorb costs, small businesses absorb costs,” Mr Morrison told the National Press Club on Wednesday.

He said companies’ value lay in the way they treated their customers and the services they provided.

“They already don’t like you very much,” he said to the banks.

“But prove them wrong on this occasion. Don’t confirm their worst impressions. Tell them another story. Tell them you will pony up and help fix the budget.”

There are already suggestions the banks would soon raise mortgage rates by up to 0.15 per cent to recoup some of the costs of the levy.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull also warned the banks that if they pass the cost on to customers, “the ACCC will be watching them very, very carefully”.

Between the levy’s introduction on July 1, 2017, and June 30, 2018, the consumer watchdog will be asking the banks to “explain” any increases to residential mortgage rates, fees and charges.

The levy is expected to reap the budget $6.2 billion in extra revenue over the next four years.

It will apply to banks with liabilities of more than $100 billion (indexed with nominal GDP), and will charge them a yearly sum equal to 0.06 per cent of the total value of those liabilities (which don’t include customer deposits).

Tiny houses: the big idea that could take some heat out of the housing crisis

From The Conversation.

If you could have a new home, exactly to your specification for about a year’s average salary wouldn’t you take it? Many people, in the US, UK and Europe want to find an alternative housing solution that is cheap and mortgage free but also ecologically sustainable. The solution may be to build so-called “tiny houses” – very small dwellings, often built on trailers, that make the most of unused, unwanted or free sites in the city or country.

The tiny house is, indeed, tiny. It comes in at less than 25 square metres, but is able to provide comfort and security at minimum cost. These are primarily wooden buildings and can be bought ready-to-use or can be assembled by their future occupant. For as little as £15,000, you can buy a kit, or for up to £50,000 you can get a fully assembled and fitted-out home for two.

Because of their size they can be built on a steel-framed base similar to a trailer or caravan, meaning they can be mobile and therefore capable of use on temporary sites. They are usually single-space dwellings, sometimes with an open loft for sleeping reached by a ladder or steep stair with a shower room below. Most people would choose to set up a permanent or temporary connection to conventional services, but you can also go “off-grid” with solar panels, wood burners, and bottled gas for energy needs and chemical toilets or outhouses for sanitation.

Cutting back

There are now so many tiny house enthusiasts that it can justifiably be described as a movement, with online forums for practised and aspiring builders to share ideas and experiences. These houses are both cute and eccentric. Perhaps they tap into a common aspiration that people had as children to build a fort, a tree house, or a den. However, they also meet the deep human need to find a home that is just right for us. For those who have built their own Tiny House there is a special sense of connection to something made by their own hand, tuned to their own needs, even if they have used other people’s plans and commercially available components.

Tiny house advocates are attracted for both practical and cultural reasons. Although the idea of sorting out your main living expense for the price of a family car is undoubtedly a key motivation, it is also about empowerment of the individual to step outside the corporate idea that “bigger and more expensive is better”. Tiny house owners no longer aspire to an island kitchen unit or a wide screen TV in the basement, and it’s fair to say that buying stuff slows right down when you have nowhere to put it.

It is also about environmental responsibility and sustainable living. These buildings, simply because of their size, use considerably less energy both in their construction and running costs. The inclusion of other simple efficiencies such as LED lighting, super-insulation, and water reclamation simultaneously boosts ecological credibility and lowers monthly bills.

A sustainable life

We might think that this sort of living stems from ultra-modern, post-capitalist thinking, but in truth, it isn’t a new concept. The historic roots of the tiny house movement are in the traditional buildings that 17th-century settlers first built when homesteading North America and before that in earlier European rural precedents. These were simple, often one room buildings, built on minimal stone foundations and made from local timber hewn to shape.

The modern versions are often built to the same or better construction standard as full size houses, but contemporary American tiny house owners relate to the early settlers’ way of life using minimal resources, and to Henry David Thoreau’s book Waldon: A Life in the Woods, an important and influential record of the author’s experiment to live a sustainable life.

However, there are hurdles to overcome in tiny house living. A major issue is identifying suitable and available sites. In both Europe and North America planning legislation is clearly aimed at conventional buildings with expensive, long-term connections to services such as water supply, drainage, electricity and gas. Obtaining permission to set up a tiny house in an urban area close to employment and resources isn’t easy.

In the UK, the problem can be even more difficult with planning permission hard to obtain unless the building type meets recognised size, type and materials guidelines. The mobility aspect of many tiny houses can be a bonus here as in theory it enables owners to take advantage of temporary sites with the capacity to relocate when permission expires, or their requirements change.

The crucial question, of course, is whether the tiny house helps solve the larger housing problem in the UK, where housing charity Shelter estimates 250,000 dwellings are needed each year. It is a possibility if planning restrictions on dwelling size and typology can be relaxed and construction companies are willing to take on such low cost work on the small sites these buildings can utilise. However, a fundamental problem of providing any affordable accommodation in property hotpots would also need to be addressed by government legislation, ensuring these desirable little residences were only occupied by their owners and not gobbled up by absentee investors.

Author: Robert Kronenburg, Roscoe Professor of Architecture, University of Liverpool

Why The Banks Were An Obvious Target

Stepping back, we can see that there really should have been no surprise that the budget grabbed a $6 billion prize from the banks.

Apart from the fact that the financial sector is so big – half of all company dividends in Australia come from the financial sector – there have been  moves around the world to tax banks in various ways.

The only debate is whether the funds raised go towards general taxation, or to a specific fund to insulate banks for later potential failures.

Clearly in last night’s announcement, it was all about plugging a hole in the budget, and we expect the charge to remain at least for the next 10 years. And as banks liabilities grow so does the money to Treasury, so there is a natural hedge down the track. In any case, this is really an indirect tax on consumers.

But it is worth looking at what has been happening else where.

In the UK an 8% higher company tax rate was applied to banks last year.

In the European Economic Community there are active proposals to impose a Financial Transaction Tax, which would be on trading transactions between banks. According to early plans, the tax would impact financial transactions between financial institutions charging 0.1% against the exchange of shares and bonds and 0.01% across derivative contracts,The tax that could raise 57 billion Euros per year if implemented across the entire EU.

The IMF had proposed several approaches to a Bank Levy, but it was initially targetted at helping to recoup the costs of bank failures and bail-outs in 2007.

The IMF’s report suggested a levy on all major financial institutions balance sheets. They said it could be imposed at a flat rate initially but could be refined later depending on the risk profile of the particular institution.

This is akin to the Financial Crisis Responsibility Fee which President Obama’s proposed  after the GFC and would raise US$90 billion over 10 years from US banks with assets of more than US$50 billion. Except the revenue was to flow into general funds.

Another approach is a Financial Activities Tax (FAT) which could be charged on bank profits, banker’s remuneration, or both. Again this could flow to general revenue, or to a fund to assist with a future bank crisis.

Given the large sums involved it is no surprise that the banks are targets, despite the fact this distorts the free market. When a government is short of cash this can appear a nice target – especially if the sector is already on the nose.

But is does set a worrying precedent – it says if you are a profitable business (especially in a sector which makes excess profits) then you are a target. In the Australian context, there are other sectors which would fit that description just as well.

By the way, some have called this a “Tobin Tax”. James Tobin a Nobel Prize winner, suggested a tax be added to all spot conversions of one currency into another to curtail short-term financial round-trip excursions into another currency.

But now, the Tobin tax is wrongly used to describe all forms of short term transaction taxation, whether across currencies or no.


What The Liability Levy May Mean

Despite the rumors yesterday, the imposition of the liability levy in the budget last night was something of a surprise. It will hit the big four, and one other, only at this stage. They need liabilities of more than $100 billion to be captured.

On one hand you could argue that it is a simple, if rather lazy revenue raising measure, which plays to the gallery in terms of banks universally being poorly perceived and is a vote of no confidence in the bank driven processes of cultural reform.

Or you can argue it is an appropriate response to the recent aggressive repricing of the mortgage books and growing profits, despite margin compression.

The Government conveniently linked it to the FSI “unquestionably strong” mantra, which is clever, but it is not necessarily directly connected.

Which ever way you run the argument, it is worth looking in more detail at the numbers involved and how the banks may react. First, the budget papers said the big four banks had liabilities of $3.3 trillion, more than the national GDP. This is true. This number comes from the APRA Banks Performance data for December 2016.

Within the mix, more than $1 billion are on call deposits, and another $700m on term deposits.

Now, liabilities within the $250k consumer deposit protection scheme are excluded, as are those related specifically to capital ratios.  It is not easy to separate this out from public data.

“Ordinary bank deposits and other deposits protected by the Financial Claims Scheme – including those held by everyday Australians – will be excluded from the levy base. It will not be levied on mortgages”.

Individual banks have different liability structures. Looking at APRA data to March 2017, by bank, we see CBA has the largest volume of call deposits. This has been the case for many years, and reflects the heritage of the bank.  Banks have been powering their deposits higher, especially term deposits, as part of the required net stable funding ratio, which is a mechanism to reduce their reliance on more risky overseas funding (the big banks still rely partly on US commercial paper to fund some of their book).

Presumably the fifth bank is Macquarie, as the other bank using the IRB capital approach. Other regionals are pursuing this route, which in theory should reduce their costs of capital, but in practice, as the Basel rules morph, the gap between standard and IRB is reducing (and perhaps to the point where there is little benefit in switching?). If they were to get bigger they might fall in the levy zone.

The measure is 6 basis points on the net liabilities, and is expected to yield about $1.5 billion each year. So, the assumption is 70-80% of liabilities may be captured. This would equate to 4-5% of annual profit of the big four, but may not be equally distributed.

In addition, banks have the option of switching their funding from bonds and other financial instruments to retail deposits below 250k to avoid the charge. So we would expect even greater competition for consumer deposits in the months ahead. A change in treasury mix will take some time, but may improve financial stability down the road.

Banks in Australia are still relatively inefficient (no world class cost income ratios here), so in theory they could drive out costs harder. But this is hard.

They can also adjust their deposit pricing for larger deposits, to cover the costs, or lift their lending rates to cover the costs of the levy. Whilst the ACCC has been charged with looking at mortgage rates and how they move, given the many moving parts between changes to capital ratios, repricing to adjust volume flow (especially in investor and interest only loans), and competitive issues, it will be hard to unscramble the egg to identify repricing connected to the levy within the bank treasury function. The upcoming APRA discussion on revised capital ratios will just add to the confusion.

Banks could also reduce their payouts to shareholders a little, and there are a number of reasons why future returns may be lower, perhaps coming back to an average of circa 12-13%. This is more to do with the slowing residential mortgage sector, which has the main growth engine for the industry for years. The recent round of results showed that, trading income apart, home lending drove the results, despite lower net interest margins.

The impact on smaller banks will be interesting, as they are at a pricing disadvantage of 10-15 basis points, or more. So even if the full weight of the levy was applied to the mortgage book of the majors, regionals will still find it hard to compete. Indeed the pressure for deposits may become more intense adding extra margin pressure.

With so many moving parts, the true impact will be hard to track, but I think you can assume that consumers will end up paying, either with higher mortgage rates, lower deposit rates, or via lower dividends. The ABA has already said as much. So really this is not so much a levy on the banks as a second order tax on consumers and small business.

Might be smart politics, but the impost on the community may well get lost in translation!



A Perspective On Banks and the Budget

Nice perspective from Christopher Joye in the AFR this morning.

The bank leverage tax is an interesting innovation that raises tremendous revenue ($6.2bn) and encourages the big 4 and Macquarie to use more equity and less debt (and when they do leverage, to chase sticky household deposits of less than $250k in value rather than issuing wholesale bonds). This will presumably reduce the supply of wholesale securities at the margin, which could in turn lower spreads and reduce the banks’ cost of capital. The majors and Macquarie have many levers they can use to defray this tax, including cutting their internal operating costs, which are massively overinflated, lifting loan rates and/or reducing wholesale deposit rates. The leverage tax is clearly negative for big bank shareholders and positive for creditors with our long-held position that the majors’ returns on equity will mean-revert back to 12%-13%, and converge with returns generated by smaller banks, looking more and more certain by the day;

We also expect APRA to surprise the big banks with tougher-than-expected equity capital targets in their mid-year report on the level of leverage that will ensure they remain “unquestionably strong” on a global basis. This should see their common equity tier one capital ratios move comfortably towards 10.5%-11.0% and their all-important non-risk-weighted leverage ratios lift up to around 6% on an APRA basis (and closer to 7% on an internationally harmonised basis, which is where the 75th percentile global peer currently sits). If ever there was a good time to boost equity buffers, it is right now—if only the banks had listened to our advice over the last few years to pre-emptively raise equity capital when it was much cheaper at higher prices;

There are loads of other commendable policy developments for the financial system that have Treasury’s thoughtful hands all over them, including: backing open customer data sharing between lenders (we’ve supported this for years); extending APRA’s reach to non-bank lenders for macroprudential purposes (we’ve argued for this); undertaking further independent reviews of competitive neutrality via the Productivity Commission and ACCC; allowing regulators to ping bank executives with hefty new fines; forcing bankers’ bonuses to vest over longer timeframes; expanding APRA’s powers to intervene with bank compensation policies; and much more;

The budget announced some measures to minimise tax avoidance by banks that issue hybrids out of their foreign branches, which ostensibly applies to the CBA Perls series though all outstanding securities have been granted transitional relief through to their call dates. This should not therefore impact any existing hybrids and had been long discussed with the industry (CBA will presumably now issue hybrids out of their Aussie business);

Budget 2017: government still [just] tinkering with housing affordability

From The Conversation.

It’s unsurprising that in the lead-up to this year’s federal budget there was a lot of discussion about housing affordability as its centrepiece. Over the past 20 years price-to-income and price-to-rent ratios have doubled. Sydney’s price-to-income ratio is over 12, making it the second-least-affordable city in the world. Melbourne is in fourth place.

And in a budget tableau as bland as this one, it wouldn’t have taken much to really play up the housing affordability policies.

Yet the measures in this budget involve not much more than tinkering.

On the minus side, the biggest announcement was a “first home super saver scheme”, which would allow voluntary contributions of A$15,000 per annum and A$30,000 in total (per person if in a couple) to superannuation for prospective first home buyers from July 2017. These could be withdrawn and taxed at 30 percentage points below the normal marginal rate and used for a deposit.

This will cost the government A$250 million over four years and do absolutely nothing to help first home owners. We have seen this movie before, with 50 years of first home owner grants in one form or another. All that happens is that this subsidy goes into the price of existing housing. Sellers benefit, buyers get no joy.

It’s bad economics, somewhat costly, and a cruel hoax on prospective home buyers who are struggling with an out-of-control housing market.

But the biggest minus of all was the absence of any measure whatsoever to address negative gearing and CGT exemptions for rental properties. Sorry, there is one: you now won’t able to deduct an airfare to the Gold Coast to “inspect” your rental property. The government has boxed itself in on this, with Labor having taken a plan to the last election to tackle both of these issues (full disclosure, the Labor plan bears a good deal of resemblance to my McKell Institute plan).

Nonetheless, it is reflective of the state of our politics that the one thing that could really help the most (and which the PM has agreed with very publicly in the past) is off the table.

But the measures aren’t all bad. On the plus side, there were incentives for people over 65 to downsize by allowing A$300,000 of the proceeds of a sale of their main residence to go into their superannuation, above the controversial A$1.6 million cap announced in last year’s budget.

Will the budget encourage older Australians to downsize? Maybe. One measure of how powerful an incentive it will be is that it costs only A$30 million over the four-year forward estimates period. This is not a big government spend.

It’s also unclear whether it will be a large enough financial incentive to overcome the emotional and psychological barriers to moving from the family home after many years in it. There was also a conspicuous absence of reforms to stamp duty, which is a major impediment to downsizing.

There was also good news on affordable housing with the establishment of the National Housing Finance and Investment Corporation (NHFIC). It will provide A$63.1 million over four years to operate a so-called “bond aggregator” that aims to provide cheaper financing for community housing providers. This is a good idea that should have a positive effect, and help address the high cost of funds that often plagues financing of housing for low-income earners.

Consistent with the recent populist policy announcements by this government, foreign purchasers of Australian properties were targeted in this budget. There will no longer be a capital gains tax (CGT) exemption for primary residences of foreign and temporary tax residents, and the grandfathering will only last until June 30 2019. There will also be a lower threshold for CGT withholding (A$750,000, down from A$2 million) on foreign tax residents, and the rate will be increased from 10% to 12.5%.

There were some wishy-washy words about the crucial issue of housing supply. The government has definitely identified the key role that supply plays. They are proposing a variety of “city deals” to provide incentives for zoning reform — especially in western Sydney. That’s all good, but whether it is anything more than the budget-summary feel-good headline – “Working with the states to deliver planning and zoning reform” – remains to be seen.

There was also the announcement of a tax on foreign owners who leave their properties vacant. This is supposed to raise A$16.3 million over four years — which is a rounding error in the scheme of things.

We had a housing affordability crisis before this budget, and we will have one after it. If the first step to recovery is acknowledging that one has a problem, then the government is still on step one.

Author: Richard Holden, Professor of Economics and PLuS Alliance Fellow, UNSW

Fintech sector receives federal budget ‘boost’

From Investor Daily.

The government has announced initiatives to increase competition in Australia’s fintech sector, increasing access to capital for small businesses and expanding the AFSL exemption for start-ups.

As part of the federal budget handed down this evening, the government and Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) announced there will be a reduction in barriers for new banks and a focus on increasing competition to drive lower prices and a better service for consumers.

The government will look to relax the legislative 15 per cent ownership cap for innovative new entrants, and will also lift the prohibition on the use of the term ‘bank’ by Authorised Deposit-taking Institutions (ADIs) with less than $50 million in capital.

This will allow smaller ADIs to benefit from the reputational advantages of being called a ‘bank’. Over time, these changes are expected to improve competition by encouraging new entrants, the government said.

As well as committing to increasing competition in the fintech sector, the government has released draft legislation that will make it easier for start-ups and innovative small businesses to raise capital.

The draft legislation looks to extend crowd-sourced equity funding (CSEF) to proprietary companies. This will open up crowd-sourced equity funding for a wider range of businesses and provide additional sources of capital, the government said.

Proprietary companies using CSEF will be able to have an unlimited number of CSEF shareholders.

The government will also be introducing a “world-leading” legislative financial services regulatory sandbox, according to the budget.

This will enable more businesses to test a wider range of new financial products and services without a licence which will reduce regulatory hurdles that have traditionally suffocated new businesses trying to develop new financial solutions, and has caused Australian talent go offshore, the government said.

Robust consumer protections and disclosure requirements will be in place to protect customers, however.

Further, the government is removing the double taxation of digital currency to make it easier for new innovative digital currency businesses to operate in Australia.

From 1 July 2017, purchases of digital currency will no longer be subject to the GST.

This will allow digital currencies to be treated just like money for GST purposes. Currently, consumers who use digital currencies can effectively bear GST twice: once on the purchase of the digital currency and once again on its use in exchange for other goods and services subject to the GST.

The government has also commissioned Innovation and Science Australia to develop a 2030 Strategic Plan for Australia’s Innovation, Science and Research (ISR) System. The plan will outline what the nation’s ISR system should look like into the future and ensure that Australia is positioned as a world leader in innovation, the government said.

Fintech Australia chief executive Danielle Szetho warmly welcomed the measures, describing the budget as a “boost” for the emerging sector.

“We welcome these initiatives – they’re a huge step forward when it comes to growing a globally competitive Australian fintech industry, that will also deliver greater choice and improved financial outcomes for consumers,” Ms Szetho said.

“We’re also proud that many of these initiatives have come about through the strong and detailed advocacy work undertaken by FinTech Australia and its members.”

ACCC To Inquire Into Residential Mortgage Pricing

In the budget, the liabilities levy as we reported will create a 5% problem for the banks in terms of earnings, and as a result they will likely seek to recover these costs by repricing.

However the budget statement also said:

To facilitate the introduction of the levy, the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) will undertake a residential mortgage pricing inquiry until 30 June 2018.

As part of this inquiry, the ACCC will be able to require relevant ADIs to explain changes or proposed changes to residential mortgage pricing, including changes to fees, charges, or interest rates by those ADIs.

So something of a cat and mouse game, as lenders continue to adjust mortgage pricing thanks to changing capital weights, risks and funding.

Or you could look at it as a signal of market failure, insufficient competition requiring additional regulatory intervention. It is an acknowledgement of the market power of the big players!

APRA To Supervise The Non-Banks

APRA will be given new powers over the non-bank sector according to the budget. Currently non-banks are outside of APRA’s control and fall within ASIC’s remit. This is an important change.

Also we note that APRA will be encouraged to use geographic-based restrictions on the proivision of credit. This could for example be setting capital to different levels in different geographies, or setting different loan to income or loan growth levels.

Both these developments are significant!

Improving regulator tools to address housing risks

The Government is ensuring that the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) is able to respond flexibly to financial and housing market developments that pose a risk to financial stability. This includes giving APRA new powers over the provision of credit by lenders that are outside the traditional banking sector.

The Government also recognises that housing pressures and risks may not be the same in markets across Australia. For this reason, the Government will make it clear that APRA has the ability to use geographically-based restrictions on the provision of credit where APRA considers it appropriate.

The Budget And Housing

The Budget included a range of measures to address housing affordability with both supply and demand measures.  Foreign investors will be hit with charges on vacant property. First time buyers will get tax breaks for saving for a deposit. There are minor tightening of negative gearing relating to travel and equipment, but otherwise remains intact.

Reducing pressure on housing affordability

Championing the great Australian dream of home ownership

The Government is providing practical solutions across the entire housing spectrum; from Australians struggling to put a roof over their head through to older Australians looking to downsize.

Access to secure and affordable housing can improve education and health outcomes, increase workforce participation and reduce welfare dependency.

However, an extended period of price growth, particularly in Sydney and Melbourne, is creating pressure across the housing spectrum.

Potential first homebuyers are struggling to transition into home ownership and are staying in the rental market for longer. This has put upward pressure on rental prices.

As a result, households on lower incomes are finding it increasingly difficult to find affordable rental properties. This has led to longer waiting lists for public and community housing.

Improving housing affordability right across the housing spectrum must be a key objective for governments at all levels. There is no silver bullet. The response must be well targeted and coordinated.

A key factor behind rising prices in some major cities has been supply failing to respond to demand. A period of weak construction activity in the mid-to-late 2000s left these cities undersupplied, resulting in pent-up demand.

Despite record housing supply in recent years, more homes are needed for Australians. Not just for homeowners, but for renters, key workers such as nurses, teachers and police officers who can’t afford to buy or rent and those on lower incomes.

The current National Affordable Housing Agreement (NAHA) lacks accountability and transparency. Despite the Australian Government providing the States with over $9 billion since 2009, the NAHA has failed to achieve its objectives.

The Government is providing national leadership to work together with State and Territory governments to reduce pressure on housing affordability.

This Budget contains a comprehensive and targeted reform plan to improve outcomes across the housing spectrum.

A targeted and comprehensive plan

Unlocking supply

The Government will help boost the supply of housing and will encourage a more responsive housing market by:

  • Providing $1 billion to fund critical infrastructure, such as water infrastructure, that will speed up the supply of housing
  • Working with the States to deliver planning and zoning reform that speeds up development
  • Releasing suitable Commonwealth land, starting with Defence land at Maribyrnong in Melbourne, for housing development
  • Investing more than $70 billion from 2013-14 to 2020-21 on transport infrastructure across Australia
  • Specifying housing supply targets in new agreements with the States and Territories

Creating the right incentives

The Government is creating the right incentives to improve housing outcomes, including:

  • Helping first home buyers to save a deposit through voluntary contributions into superannuation
  • Reducing barriers to downsizing to free up larger homes for families
  • Improving the targeting of housing tax concessions
  • Strengthening the capital gains tax rules so that foreign investors pay their fair share of capital gains tax
  • Reforming foreign investment rules to discourage investors from leaving their property vacant
  • Supporting economic growth and jobs to boost real wages

Improving outcomes for those most in need

The Government will improve outcomes in social housing and homelessness by:

  • Requiring States and Territories to meet social and affordable housing targets under revised funding arrangements
  • Providing $375 million to give funding certainty to providers of homelessness services
  • Establishing a National Housing Finance and Investment Corporation to operate an affordable housing bond aggregator
  • Providing tax incentives to increase private investment in affordable housing

Helping first home buyers

Many Australians, particularly younger Australians, are finding it harder to save for their first home.

The Government will make this savings task easier by allowing first home buyers to build a concessionally taxed deposit inside superannuation through the First Home Super Saver Scheme.

From 1 July 2017, first home buyers can contribute up to $15,000 per year and $30,000 in total in voluntary contributions to their superannuation account, within existing contribution caps, that can then be withdrawn for their deposit. These savings will benefit from the tax advantages of superannuation. Contributions and earnings will be taxed at only 15 per cent, rather than at marginal rates, and withdrawals will be taxed at marginal rates less 30 per cent. Both members of a couple can save within the cap and then combine savings for a single deposit.

Boosting Louise and Craig’s first home deposit

Louise earns $60,000 a year and wants to buy her first home. Using salary sacrifice, she annually directs $10,000 of pre-tax income into her superannuation account, increasing her balance by $8,500 after the contributions tax has been paid by her fund. After three years, she is able to withdraw $27,380 of contributions and the deemed earnings on those contributions. After withdrawal tax, she has $25,760 that she can use for her deposit. By using this scheme, Louise has saved around $6,240 more for a deposit than if she had saved in a standard deposit account.

Louise’s partner, Craig, makes the same income and salary sacrifices $10,000 annually to superannuation over the same period.

Together, after 3 years, Louise and Craig have $51,520 for their first home, $12,480 more than if they had saved in a standard deposit account.

Reducing barriers to downsizing

Older Australians will be encouraged to downsize and free up housing stock. These homeowners will be given greater flexibility to contribute the proceeds of the sale of their home into superannuation. Downsizing frees up larger homes for younger families.

From 1 July 2018, people aged 65 and older will be able to make a non-concessional contribution of up to $300,000 to their superannuation after selling their home. This will be in addition to any other contributions they are eligible to make.

Helping George and Jane downsize

George and Jane, both retired and aged 76 and 69, sell their home to move into more appropriate accommodation. The proceeds of the sale are $1.2 million. They can both make a non-concessional contribution into superannuation of $300,000 from the sale proceeds ($600,000 in total), even though Jane no longer satisfies the standard contribution work test and George is over 75. They can make these special contributions regardless of how much they already have in their superannuation accounts.

Tightening foreign investor rules

The Government will stop foreign and temporary tax residents from claiming the main residence capital gains tax exemption when they sell their Australian property.

To reduce avoidance of capital gains tax in Australia by foreign residents, the Government is bolstering the integrity of the foreign resident capital gains tax withholding system by increasing the rate from 10 per cent to 12.5 per cent and reducing the threshold from sales valued at $2 million or above to $750,000 or above.

Helping private renters

A new annual charge of at least $5,000 will apply to new foreign-owned properties left vacant which will free up more rental housing stock.

The Government will also work with the States and Territories to develop standard long-term leases that offer more security to renters.

Improving regulator tools to address housing risks

The Government is ensuring that the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) is able to respond flexibly to financial and housing market developments that pose a risk to financial stability. This includes giving APRA new powers over the provision of credit by lenders that are outside the traditional banking sector.

The Government also recognises that housing pressures and risks may not be the same in markets across Australia. For this reason, the Government will make it clear that APRA has the ability to use geographically-based restrictions on the provision of credit where APRA considers it appropriate.

Better targeting tax deductions

The Government will improve the integrity of the tax system by disallowing accommodation and travel deductions for residential rental property and by limiting depreciation deductions for the plant and equipment forming part of residential investment properties.

Together with changes to foreign investor rules, these changes will raise $1.4 billion over the forward estimates period.

Building more homes

Boosting supply and speeding up the delivery of new housing

National Housing Infrastructure Facility

The high costs of building critical infrastructure, such as roads and water networks, can delay the commencement of housing developments and slow the supply of new homes.

A $1 billion National Housing Infrastructure Facility will be established to provide a range of financing options to local governments. This will allow councils to address infrastructure bottlenecks that impede development and will bring forward the supply of new housing.

Unlocking Commonwealth land

The Government is contributing to the supply of housing by making sure Commonwealth surplus land holdings are put to better use, including for building new homes.

More than 127 hectares of surplus Defence land in Maribyrnong will be made available for housing and employment hubs. This could support up to 6000 new homes – less than 10 kilometres from the Melbourne CBD.

The Government will work with the Victorian and local governments to ensure the right infrastructure is in place, so that this land can be developed as fast as possible.

The Government is developing an online registry of Commonwealth land holdings. This will allow other levels of government, private businesses and community groups to bring forward proposals to put the land to better use, including for housing development.

Reforming State Payments

The current National Affordable Housing Agreement is not achieving its objectives. The Government will establish a new National Housing and Homelessness Agreement with State and Territory governments that is outcomes-based and reduces pressure across the housing spectrum.

The new national agreement will reward States that meet housing supply targets that better keep pace with demand, including targets for social and affordable housing. New housing that is offered exclusively to first home buyers will be encouraged.

The Government will bring forward and increase the supply of new homes by rewarding state land use planning reforms that speed up development application processes and allow for increased density in appropriate areas.

Better connecting home and work

The Government is committing more than $70 billion to infrastructure from 2013-14 to 2020-21 to reduce congestion, grow regional communities and better connect home to work.

In this Budget, the Government is establishing a $10 billion National Rail Program to fund priority regional and urban rail investments. Funding will also be provided for up to three business cases for infrastructure projects that will deliver faster rail connections between major cities and major regional centres.

The Government is working with State, Territory and local governments on City Deals that make cities better places to live and do business in.

The Government is working with the New South Wales and local governments on a Western Sydney City Deal that will help ensure the housing needs of the region are met.

The HIA has commented:

The focus on housing in tonight’s Budget is an important step in addressing the complex housing affordability challenge that Australia faces according to Housing Industry Association.

Graham Wolfe, HIA Deputy Managing Director said “the Budget’s housing focus will send important signals to state and local governments and the community that the Government is serious about meet the challenge of delivering more affordable housing

“There are no simple solutions but providing well targeted assistance to help first home buyers save for their first home and to providers of community housing through the ‘National Housing Finance and Investment Corporation’ will make a difference.

“Although not an affordability measure, the incentives for ‘downsizers’ will also help stimulate the supply of new housing more appropriate to the needs of our seniors.

“Much of the work to improve housing affordability rests with state and local governments and the Budget has made significant commitments to encourage action. The National Housing Infrastructure Facility has $1billion behind it is more than just window dressing.

“Linking the National Housing and Homelessness Agreement’s $1.8 billion to the states and local governments delivering improved housing supply and better planning systems is a significant and welcome reform.

“The ‘city deals’ expansion into smaller scale projects is also a welcome development: the big ticket projects are important but much can be achieved by removing obstacles to more efficient delivery of homes.
“However HIA is concerned about the negative impacts on residential building from the Budget’s measures on foreign investment.

“Plans to tax vacant homes, limit the share of foreign investment in new projects and increase foreign investor duties all send exactly the wrong signal to potential investors in Australia. Barriers to investment are not productive for the building industry or the economy more broadly; investment needs to be encouraged.

“HIA would urge the Government to build on the Budget’s initial steps towards more affordable housing by making this a standing item on the COAG agenda.

“In the meantime HIA will continue to urge the Government to undertake a thorough national inquiry into housing affordability and establish a mechanism for the regular monitoring of the crucial supply of land for the residential building industry”, Mr Wolfe concluded.