What The F (ed)? – The DFA Daily 19th April 2020 [Podcast]

The latest edition of our finance and property news digest with a distinctively Australian flavour.

Digital Finance Analytics (DFA) Blog
What The F (ed)? - The DFA Daily 19th April 2020 [Podcast]

Author: Martin North

Martin North is the Principal of Digital Finance Analytics

One thought on “What The F (ed)? – The DFA Daily 19th April 2020 [Podcast]”

  1. Martin, thanks for your independent point of view.

    Here is some queries that might give rise to a presentation:
    What advantages accrue to the US by virtue of the fact that the US dollar is accepted as a means to settle accounts internationally?

    Are there any disadvantages to the US?

    What circumstances might lead nations to choose a currency other than the US dollar as a means of settling international accounts? What currency is best placed to take over the role of the US dollar?

    What implications would there be for the US if other nations lost confidence in the US dollar as a store of value?

    Under what circumstances would the US dollar begin to depreciate?

    Is there any alternative to using an existing currency as a means to settle international accounts?

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