The Great Debate On China [Podcast]

An edited edition of a live debate on China and its relationship with Australia, featuring Salvadore Babones (University of Sydney) and Robbie Barwick (The Citizens Party).

Original live stream and chat is available here:

Digital Finance Analytics (DFA) Blog
Digital Finance Analytics (DFA) Blog
The Great Debate On China [Podcast]

Author: Martin North

Martin North is the Principal of Digital Finance Analytics

One thought on “The Great Debate On China [Podcast]”

  1. Great to see Robbie Barwick put a balanced point of view. A brave fellow in the context of media attitudes in Australia.

    The blindness of citizens of the US, well illustrated by the attitudes of Salvatore, to the advantage that accrues to the US via the universal acceptance of the US dollar as a medium of international exchange is patently apparent in this debate.

    We need to have ‘The Great America debate’.

    There is no country/economy/society that is in greater need of financial discipline than the US. There is no country that is at greater risk of implosion due to a lack of rigor in budgetary and monetary matters than is the US. And no country less aware of the cataclysm that awaits it.

    And the pity of it is that Australia and the rest of the globe is so highly dependent on the US.

    But, this is changing. Seems that the US dollar is on the skids, perhaps terminally.

    The situation is well illustrated by the old adage: give an inch and they’ll take a mile.

    I have just bought a backpack vacuum cleaner, designed in Perth, assembled in China. There is no country, no society more skilled, more hard working or more dynamic in terms of innovation than is today’s China.

    Recommended: on Netflix

    The US is resting on its laurels……….to put the matter in the most polite term imaginable.

    Respect for civil liberties…………………………tell that to Martin Luther King. Police, ‘I can’t breathe’. Black lives matter is today’s cry.

    On Hong Kong. Let’s imagine that the civil disruption that has occurred in Hong Kong was occurring in Washington or New York.

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