How To Stop The Central Bankers’ Power Grab!

Time to act to save Australia from the Central Bankers’ Power grab. I discuss the impending legislation which would disable Parliament’s power to intervene on what the RBA does; with Robbie Barwick from the Australian Citizens Party.

We need to register our opposition to the bill which is being snuck in via the back-door of cross-party consensus. The very future of Australia as a democratic country is at stake. Call and email now!

Breaking news! Treasurer Jim Chalmers is preparing to introduce a bill to implement the RBA Review recommendations, including removing democratic accountability over the Reserve Bank, in two weeks – the last week of November.

Don’t let the major parties do a back-room deal to wave this bill through!

Help fight to protect the most important democratic protection in Australian law by calling and emailing three people immediately:

  1. Treasurer Jim Chalmers: Electorate (07) 3299 5910; Parliament House (02) 6277 7340; Email:
  2. Shadow Treasurer Angus Taylor: Electorate (02) 4658 7188; Parliament House (02) 6277 4362; Email:
  3. Your local Member of Parliament – click here to find your local MP’s details:

Tell them they have no right to repeal Section 11 of the RBA Act, which would give up the power of democratic accountability over the RBA and the banking system that political giants in history like John Curtin and Ben Chifley fought so hard to establish.

Robbie’s earlier video :

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Digital Finance Analytics (DFA) Blog
Digital Finance Analytics (DFA) Blog
How To Stop The Central Bankers’ Power Grab!

Author: Martin North

Martin North is the Principal of Digital Finance Analytics

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