A Case Study In Corporate Capture

More than 4,000 Australians die unnecessarily each and every year due to avoidable exposure to asbestos. Yet inaction from the firms who created the problem, as well as from Governments and regulatory bodies leads to the conclusion this is probably one of the biggest and most intractable corporate scandals in Australia.

Using research from Asbestos Awareness Australia, a registered charity with the objective of raising awareness in the community, we examine how it is that companies driven by greed are able to play the system, while more people die.

The report is available here:

The worst form of the disease is mesothelioma, a cancer which has a 5 year survivability rate of just 6.5%, the worst on the cancer scale. And yet, even short-term exposure is sufficient to cause the disease to appear years later, and those doing DIY renovations are most at risk.

Public awareness campaigns are mute, and an estimated more than one third of properties across the country (homes, businesses, and Government buildings (e.g. schools) are exposure sites. In addition to rotting old asbestos, we are still importing products contains this carcinogen.

Reform is long (60 years) over due but because of corporate capture, nothing is changing. This video explains what is going. It is a classic case study.

You can find out more at the charity website https://asbestosawarenessaustralia.com.au/ where you can download a range of reports and videos on this important subject.

Author: Martin North

Martin North is the Principal of Digital Finance Analytics

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