Adam and I Chat – Part 2

In this extended show I discuss property investment, asses classes, risks, and fractional reserve banking (versus credit creation) with Adam Stokes, who runs a channel on YT with a focus on Crypto.

This is my version of the show, Adam posted his at

You can find our earlier discussion here:

Author: Martin North

Martin North is the Principal of Digital Finance Analytics

One thought on “Adam and I Chat – Part 2”

  1. – My experience is that A LOT OF people lose their critical thinking (skills) when they hear the words “tax break(s)”. And that’s PRECISELY what e.g. the property spruikers are counting on.
    – Negative Gearing is NOT a tax break/tax benefit for the investor but a subsidy/benefit for the creditors/banks. NG means that an investor can borrow a larger amount of money. The larger the loan the more interest income the bank will have.

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