Are We In The Midst Of A Cash Long Con?

Last Tuesday on my live show, I discussed the current Treasury paper on Mandating Cash Acceptance in Australia. But today I want to take this further and I will outline my concern that the Government many well be playing a long con with the community ahead of the upcoming election.

The paper says Cash acceptance refers to the practice of businesses accepting cash as a form of payment for goods and services. Cash acceptance levels must remain sufficient to enable consumers, including those unable to use digital payment methods, to participate in the economy.

my suspicion, is this is more political than anything else. The Government knows cash availability is a BIG issue, and cannot be avoided, so this Treasury paper allows the issue to flow on beyond the next election. Meantime the neo-liberals, in the pockets on the big banks, still want to take our rights to use cash away, so on one hand they can appear to be taking the right for cash seriously, but can also continue to assume the banks they support them. It’s a classic yes Minister long con.

We can break that by making sure we provide responses to Treasury, along the lines, of first, there should be no carve out of essential services – which is difficult to try to define, and all businesses should still be required to accept legal tender in the form of cash. A simple antidote to the long con.

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Author: Martin North

Martin North is the Principal of Digital Finance Analytics

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