Domain released their preliminary results for today.

Similar trends with last weeks final results giving a national clearance of 47.6%. Preliminary clearance is 54%, with Sydney sitting at 64.5% and Melbourne at 52.7%, with 1,699 listed (compared with 2,409 last year) and 1,072 reported (2,409 last year). So lower volumes are clearance counts. We will see where the final results settle.
I discussed the true state of play with property insider Edwin Almeida this week and we discussed how the auction data is collected, and whether it can be relied upon.

Brisbane listed 78 auctions, reported 35 and sold 11 with 9 withdrawn giving a Domain clearance of 25%.
Adelaide listed 64 auctions, reported 34 and sold 17 with 12 withdrawn giving a Domain clearance of 37%.
Canberra listed 86 auctions, 66 reported and 27 sold with 6 withdrawn giving a Domain clearance of 38%.