Domain released their preliminary results today.

The final results for last week showed a higher clearance rate but still on low volumes.

In Canberra, 50 auctions were listed, 39 confirmed and 17 sold with 2 withdrawn and 22 passed in to give a Domain clearance of 41%. We think that should be 34%.
In Brisbane, 36 auctions were listed, 24 confirmed and 9 sold with 3 withdrawn and 15 passed in to give a Domain clearance of 33%. We think that should be 25%
In Adelaide, 49 auctions were listed, 25 confirmed and 18 sold with 6 withdrawn and 7 passed in to give a Domain clearance of 58%. We think that should be 36%.
Sydney should be 52% and Melbourne 50%. In each case we divide the number reported sold by those listed.