Domain released their preliminary results today.

The final results from last week continue the anemic trends in terms of volumes. Melbourne in particular is weak compared to last year.
Sydney is looking a little stronger, but will likely settle again as more results come in later.

Brisbane listed 114 auctions, reported 56, sold 23 and 11 were withdrawn, giving a Domain clearance of 34%.
Adelaide listed 74, reported 49 and sold 26, with 1 withdrawn, giving a Domain clearance of 52%.
Canberra listed 51 auctions, reported 40 and sold 14, with 1 withdrawn, giving a Domain clearance of 34%.
Sydney listed 639 auctions, reported 353 and sold 266, with 94 withdrawn, giving a Domain clearance of 59.5%.
Melbourne listed 803 auctions, reported 589 and sold 318, with 33 withdrawn, giving a Domain clearance of 52.7%.