Mortgage Stress Grinds Higher [Before Rate Rises]

Digital Finance Analytics has released the latest results from our rolling 52,000 household surveys, which examines household financial flow stress. The headline is that more households are feeling the pinch, thanks to higher costs of goods and services, fuel, child care and healthcare costs.

We examine the net cash flows of our households, and if they are consistently spending more than net income, we classify them as “stressed”. This is a better measure of financial health than a set percentage of income going on a mortgage or rental payment – often cited as 30% or more. This broad brush approach tells us very little.

Overall 42.2% of mortgaged households are in financial flow stress, a trend exacerbated by the larger mortgages held by recent borrowers, as illustrated by the RBA’s rising debt to income ratio. This degree of stress is concerning because mortgage interest rates are likely going to rise quite fast, in line with RBA cash rate expectations.

Indeed, the latest ASX market indicator suggests rates could rise by more than 3% in the next 18 month. Our own view is RBA rises will be less significant, else they will break the economy, but given the internationally rising inflation reads, and benchmark rates, we must expect mortgage rates to rise.

While some households are well able to handle higher rates, those in our stressed categories are less able to cope, thus stress levels would rise. Our modelling illustrated the potential additional number of households impacted by each rate increase.

The current levels of stress are spread across most states and territories, with Tasmania the most exposed due to continued price rises, while incomes are flat or falling in real terms. Those highlighted in yellow are higher than the previous month. Rental stress is highest in New South Wales, while Investor Stress is highest in the ACT.

Analysis across our household segments shows significant pockets of stress among younger, often first time buyers many of whom bought in the high-growth development corridors around our major urban centres. That said no segment is untouched, and many first generation Australians are in difficulty.

To complete the picture, we feature data on the top – most stressed post codes for our four stress categories.

Mortgage Stress – Top Household Counts

Rental Stress – Top Household Counts

Investor Stress – Top Household Counts

Financial Stress – Top Household Counts

Financial stress is an aggregate of mortgage, investor and rental stress, compared to all households.

Finally, we underscore that pressures on households are going to continue to build as inflation strengthens, and costs rise. Incomes in real terms are not. And mortgage rates are set to rise.

So households would do well to record their income and expenditure, because around half in our surveys have no clear view of their spending patterns, which makes prioritization impossible.

Households under stress with a mortgage should talk to their lender, as they have an obligation to assist – though refinancing or equity draw down are unlikely to be permanent solutions. In some cases a controlled property sale is a better option.

New borrowers would do well to ensure they have adequate buffers and not over commit at this point in the cycle, especially bearing in mind that the RBA has recently indicated property prices may well ease as rates rise.

FINAL REMINDER: DFA Live Q&A Flood Special With Meighan Wells: Brisbane Property 8pm Sydney Tonight

Join us for a live discussion as I explore the latest in Brisbane Property with Meighan Wells. We will be looking in particular at the issues around flooding.

As the Principal of Property Pursuit and co-founder of the Home Buyer Academy and co-presenter of Your First Home Buyer Guide Podcast, Meighan is committed to excellence and the swelling list of satisfied clients as well as its multi-award-winning status is a testament to her ethics and hard work. In recognition of her expertise and high standards in the fast-growing buyer’s agency industry, Meighan was engaged to develop and deliver the education module for the REIQ course Acting as a Buyer’s Agent and is the former Chairman of the REIQ Buyers’ Agent Chapter.

You can ask a question live.

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A Week Of Critical Signals

This week we get a series of economic signals, as several countries will be delivering their latest figures. China’s inflation figures already surprised on the high side on Monday although they were still relatively modest at 1.5% year-on-year in March. But that still saw yields on China’s 10-year government bonds fall below U.S. Treasury yields for the first time in 12 years.

Later in the week, the U.S. and the U.K. will be reporting their inflation numbers. The U.S. is expected report that the pace of inflation in March rose at annual rate of 8.4%, a four-decade high. The conflict and its impact on supply chains, notably food, had not yet figured in CPI data, which was nonetheless already at 40-year highs. The probability of a US recession next year is now sitting at 40%.

And, the spotlight will also fall on the RBNZ, BoC, and ECB and their interest rate decisions. On Thursday the economic calendar will start with Australia’s employment numbers for March.

Today’s post is brought to you by Ribbon Property Consultants.

If you are buying your home in Sydney’s contentious market, you do not need to stand alone. This is the time you need to have Edwin from Ribbon Property Consultants standing along side you.

Buying property, is both challenging and adversarial. The vendor has a professional on their side.

Emotions run high – price discovery and price transparency are hard to find – then there is the wasted time and financial investment you make.

Edwin understands your needs. So why not engage a licensed professional to stand alongside you. With RPC you know you have: experience, knowledge, and master negotiators, looking after your best interest.

Shoot Ribbon an email on & use promo code: DFA-WTW/MARTIN to receive your 10% DISCOUNT OFFER.

Seeking Property Smoke Signals…

Real estate sales are facing headwinds as buyers and sellers grow more wary ahead of the federal election campaign and deal with affordability problems and the prospect of rising interest rates.

And there are Easter and the school holidays.

Data from SQM Research shows “Vendors are racing to sell to make the most of the current strong prices and before the market softened further,” SQM Research managing director Louis Christopher said.

“Sellers now understand that this is probably as good as it gets when it comes to selling, with the federal election and rate hikes looming, buyers are likely to stay on the sidelines.”

Buyers’ advocate David Morrell believes uncertainty, ranging from the federal election to rising interest rates, has caused buyers and sellers to “hit the pause button”.

“The market is in a state of flux as people look for a smoke signal telling them where the market is going,” Mr Morrell said. “Others are pulling up stumps before Easter.”

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Today’s post is brought to you by Ribbon Property Consultants.

If you are buying your home in Sydney’s contentious market, you do not need to stand alone. This is the time you need to have Edwin from Ribbon Property Consultants standing along side you.

Buying property, is both challenging and adversarial. The vendor has a professional on their side.

Emotions run high – price discovery and price transparency are hard to find – then there is the wasted time and financial investment you make.

Edwin understands your needs. So why not engage a licensed professional to stand alongside you. With RPC you know you have: experience, knowledge, and master negotiators, looking after your best interest.

Shoot Ribbon an email on & use promo code: DFA-WTW/MARTIN to receive your 10% DISCOUNT OFFER.

Its Edwin’s Monday Evening Property Rant!

More from our Property Insider, Edwin Almeida. In today’s show we look at lock-downs in China, the latest auction and listings, and the current property market slowdown. In addition we somehow got onto pushing a wheelbarrow in high heals and food rations.

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Lessons From A Crypto Advertising Crackdown!

The U.K.’s Advertising Standards Authority said last week that it had issued notices to over 50 companies that advertise cryptocurrencies, asking them to review their ads to ensure compliance with existing rules.

The ASA has published several rulings about the advertising of cryptocurrencies which fall within its remit. Ads for cryptocurrencies have been ruled misleading and socially irresponsible and also in breach of rules which apply to ads for financial products.

In Australia, it’s a pretty unregulated field. Grey Yanco, ASIC’s executive director of market supervision said advice on cryptocurrency and digital currency could not be monitored by ASIC due to loopholes caused by cryptocurrency not being registered as a financial product.

He told the ABC the lack of protections were ‘concerning’ for the commission.

‘ASIC is not able to regulate crypto assets that are not financial products. So if you do invest in those products, you’re effectively on your own,’ he said.

And I would add the general advertising standards in Australia provide little or no protection other than advertising shall not be misleading or deceptive or be likely to mislead or deceive and should be clearly distinguishable as an ad.

So I believe the template of the UK reforms should be copied here. And the black hole where ASIC has no role in supervising crypo needs to be closed.

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The Push-Pull Market Dynamics…

In our weekly market review, we survey trends in the US, then Europe, Asia, and Australia, as well a covering developments in Oil, Gold and Crypto. The main take-out is the continuing uncertainty pertaining to inflation, and interest rates, as well as conflict in Ukraine. The fallout is already significant, with global food prices reach a new all time high, the UN has reported.

The Dow ended higher Friday, but that wasn’t enough to prevent a weekly loss as tech snapped its winning streak under pressure from surging Treasury yields following further details on the Federal Reserve’s plan to rein in inflation.

Finally in Crypto, Bitcoin is nowhere near where it was just five months ago – at that time in November of 2021, the world’s number one digital asset was trading for about $68,000 per unit – the currency has managed to get itself out of the doldrums and spike into the mid to high $40,000 ranges, a solid improvement over the $37,000 it was trading for in mid-March.

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The RBA Predicts House Price Falls!

The RBA Financial Stability Report includes a warning about high household debt AND home price falls. But their “new” model is proposing a less powerful relationship between prices and interest rate moves than their previous one (which was built at a time lower rates were expected…) I smell a rat…

They suggest 15% falls over a couple of years if interest rates rise by 2%, whereas the previous model was ~28% for 1% change.

Pretty convenient eh?

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The New Zealand Time Machine Housing Pivot Bites!

New Zealand housing is a significant bellwether for other markets, seeing as pricing peaked early due to excessive stimulus associated with COVID, and then the Central Bank started to lift the cash rate ahead of other central banks. Now we are seeing the impact spilling out into the housing sector.

Westpac, the last of the main banks, has now moved to raise home loan rates. Though like two other rivals, Kiwibank and BNZ, they have refrained from raising their 3.99% one year fixed rate.

The QV House Price Index has experienced its largest drop in more than a decade, with the main centres currently taking the brunt of the impact of rising interest rates and tightening bank credit.

Today’s post is brought to you by Ribbon Property Consultants.

If you are buying your home in Sydney’s contentious market, you do not need to stand alone. This is the time you need to have Edwin from Ribbon Property Consultants standing along side you.

Buying property, is both challenging and adversarial. The vendor has a professional on their side.

Emotions run high – price discovery and price transparency are hard to find – then there is the wasted time and financial investment you make.

Edwin understands your needs. So why not engage a licensed professional to stand alongside you. With RPC you know you have: experience, knowledge, and master negotiators, looking after your best interest.

Shoot Ribbon an email on & use promo code: DFA-WTW/MARTIN to receive your 10% DISCOUNT OFFER.

The RBA Is To Check On Australia’s Gold (Well Sort Of!)

A senior Reserve Bank official is about to jet off on an all-expense taxpayer-funded trip to London to check that Australia’s 80 tonnes of gold bullion is still in the Bank of England’s vaults, the AFR says.

News of the impending departure was made during Senate estimates on Wednesday night and comes after a campaign by renegade LNP Senator Gerard Rennick who has long-held concerns that Australia is being dudded and the nation’s gold holdings are not where they should be.

Senator Rennick’s concerns stem from a “strictly confidential” RBA memo supplied to parliament, which states that “the existence of fake gold bars has been detected, in the past, by the presence of duplicate serial numbers”.

The Bank of England holds about 6400 bars on behalf of the RBA, worth about $6 billion. They sit alongside another 400,000 bars in special vaults used for centuries.

See my earlier show with John Adams on the subject:

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