DFA Live Q&A HD Replay – Tony Locantro: Market Signals

This is an edited edition of our latest live event.

Join us for a live Q&A as I discuss the latest financial market trends with Tony Locantro from Alto Capital. https://www.altocapital.com.au/the-alto-team


0:00 Start
0:30 Introduction And News
03:20 Tony Joins
04:20 A Year On From The Crash
10:20 Tony’s Presentation
27:35 5 Stocks
39:00 Tony’s Bingo
45:00 Market Valuations
50:00 Bond Prices
58:00 Sentiment Change
1:08:30 Back To Basics
1:15:00 Central Banks Control
1:20:40 Safest Assets?
1:29:30 Is Cash Safe In The Bank?
1:35:10 Bitcoin
1:38:30 Managing Debt
1:41:25 Summary And Close

Original version of the stream with live chat: https://youtu.be/Rk2Xsm1Eggs

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FINAL REMINDER: DFA Live 8pm Sydney Tonight – Tony Locantro Market Signals

Join us for a live discussion with Tony Locantro from Alto Capital. You can ask a question via the live YouTube chat. Some of the questions already in the queue:

  • How do you know when a market is over-valued – and what’s the difference between fundamental value and momentum trading – and which do you do?
  • Perth property seems hot – what’s Tony’s view of the next few months? Difference in different areas?
  • Gold is languishing – how does this connect to the price of Gold miners?
  • Small Caps seem more about relationships than market value – is this true?
  • Does Tony still hold his negative view on Bitcoin?
  • Tony talked about simplification – how to start is my question?

The Stark Choice For Australia Post

The latest edition of our finance and property news digest with a distinctively Australian flavour.

Today we discuss my views on AP in the light of the current senate inquiry.


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Will APRA Crimp Mortgage Lending? – The DFA Daily 15th March 2021

The latest edition of our finance and property news digest with a distinctively Australian flavour.


0:00 Introduction
0:40 Will APRA Act?
3:00 Options On The Table?
9:20 Bad Mortgage Buy-Backs
12:15 Irresponsible Lending
16:00 SME Lending Schemes
18:30 Fit It Orders
20:40 Conclusions and Close

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Labor, Cross-benches: Stop This Lending Disaster!

My final plea to the Senate to oppose the proposed changes to Responsible Lending rules when its debated tomorrow. We do not need more irresponsible lending, and we need people to champion the interests of ordinary Australians, not just the banking sector.

Apart for significant misinformation and spin about the proposed changes, Commissioner Hayne in the Royal Commission into Financial Services was crystal clear: My conclusions about issues relating to the NCCP Act can be summed up as ‘apply the law as it stands’

The dissenting report from the Senate by Senator Nick McKim Australian Greens Senator for Tasmania makes all the right points:

What this bill boils down to is that people will be left to fend for themselves. As is befitting of this government’s ideology, this bill will shift the burden of responsibility from the bank to the consumer. The vast majority of borrowers will not be provided with the most basic of consumer protection, which is that the product being sold to them is fit for purpose.

This gets to a fundamental question about how markets are regulated and what protections should be provided to consumers. Commissioner Hayne explored this issue at length and highlighted it in the second of four key observations that he made about the misconduct that he uncovered in the Introduction to his Final Report:

…entities and individuals acted in the ways they did because they could. Entities set the terms on which they would deal, consumers often had little detailed knowledge or understanding of the transaction and consumers had next to no power to negotiate the terms. At most, a consumer could choose from an array of products offered by an entity, or by that entity and others, and the consumer was often not able to make a well‑informed choice between them. There was a marked imbalance of power and knowledge between those providing the product or service and those acquiring it.

This is why consumer regulation exists. Because the dream of the efficient-market hypothesis, where well-informed individuals act rationally, seeking out the best deal for themselves, and, in doing so, this bill is designed to let the banks get on with writing loans as big as they possibly can, whether it’s good for people or not, so that they can pay even bigger bonuses and rack up even bigger profits. In a country that already has one of the highest levels of consumer debt per capita in the world, this bill would give the banks a license to entice people into even more debt. Rather than building productive capacity and ensuring individual security, this would further constrain household spending, further constrain innovation, and further lead Australia down the dead end path that is an economy built on ever increasing house prices at the expense of just about everything else.

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Markets Reach New Highs: The DFA Daily 13th March 2021

The latest edition of our finance and property news digest with a distinctively Australian flavour.

0:00 Start
0:45 Introduction
1:00 US Markets
4:30 Biden Support Packages
6:30 US and Global Charts
11:35 RBA Speech and Low Rates
17:07 Bond Rate Control
18:00 Westpac Investigation Closed
19:15 Responsible Lending Repealed
24:50 Australian Charts
28:10 End and Close

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The Great Steel Steal – Radio Interview

A segment in which I discuss the recent Greensill Capital collapse, and the implications for local steel operations, plus some observations on the impact of “Financial Engineering” which underlays these ventures. It was broadcast on our local ABC Radio station this week.

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