Inside The Tent: How Power Really Works… With Cameron Murray

I caught up with Cameron as he republishes his book from 2017 Game of Mates: How favours bleed the nation as Rigged “How Networks Of Powerful Mates Rip Off Everyday Australians”.

This book will open your eyes to how Australia really works. It’s not good news, but you need to know it.’ – Ross Gittins ‘

You’ll be shocked at how far the Mates have their hand in your pocket.’ – Nicholas Gruen

Australia has become one of the most unequal societies in the Western world, when just a generation ago it was one of the most equal. This is the story of how networks of Mates have come to dominate business and government, robbing ordinary Australians.

Every hour you work, thirty minutes of it goes to line the Mates’ pockets rather than your own. Mates in big corporations, industry groups, government departments, the halls of parliament and the media skew the system to suit each other. Corporations dodge taxes, so you pay more. You pay more for your house and higher interest rates on your mortgage, more for your medicines and transport, and more for your children’s education and insurance, because the Mates take a cut.

Rigged uncovers the pattern of political favours, grey gifts and information-sharing that has been allowed to build up over two decades. Drawing on extensive economic research, it exposes the Game of Mates as nothing less than cronyism on a grand scale across Australia and how we have fallen behind other countries in combating it.

We also discuss the recent Canberra event and housing policy in general.

Dr Cameron K. Murray is a Research Fellow in the Henry Halloran Trust at the University of Sydney and an economist specialising in property and urban development, environmental economics, rent-seeking and corruption. Professor Paul Frijters teaches at the London School of Economics and was previously Professor of Health Economics at the University of Queensland.

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No Recession: For Now?

Is the US in recession or not? Well the “official figures” are unsure, and despite the inverted yield curve (2-10) you can still argue there is no recession, which gives latitude to the Fed to hike further and faster. We may hear something about this at Jackson Hole, the Central Bankers’ love-in!

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Robodebt Royal Commission Coming!

A Royal Commission into Robodebt was announced today. Deemed illegal in 2019, this programme “recovered” money claimed to be owed through data matching, and was proved to be faulty, leading some to take drastic steps to avoid the debt. Lessons do need to be learnt.

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The Economy Is Broken: Long Live The Phillips Curve! With Tarric Brooker…

My latest chat with Tarric Brooker, @AvidCommentator on Twitter.

His charts are available at:

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Australia’s World Economic Forum Secret Agent?

What has become of our country?

We have learnt that Australia for the past two years have had a secret government behind our backs and even behind the backs of the Ministers of the Crown. Adams was beyond gobsmacked to learn that Scott Morrison had secretly appointed himself the Minister in 5 portfolios behind the backs of his ministers including the Ministry of Health; Ministry of Finance; Ministry of industry; and Ministry of Resources.

This was somehow done without the Governor-General in some cases and in other cases with the Governor-General! The Governor-General participated in a conspiracy of appointing ministers in secret without evening informing the substantive ministers or the Palace!

It is essential that Australians remember that we have a dual constitutional system: A written constitution (influence from America); and Convention (influence from Britain). Convention is an essential part of how our parliamentary system actually works.

Parliamentary practice has been developed over the course of centuries and people have literally died and gone to civil war to develop our conventions and to ensure that the rights of Parliament and the Parliamentary system remains intact.

Between the Governor-General, Morrison, Porter and some official inside the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Parliament, conventions and have been trashed.

Its Edwin’s Monday Evening Property Rant!

Our latest chat about property focused on migration increasing, as announced by the Government over the weekend, and the impact on the markets – especially the rental sector. Plus of course Edwin’s regular updates on Sydney stats, and latest news.

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Yippee – Here Comes Immigration To Save The Property Market!

We all know interest rates are rising, and this is having a significant impact on mortgage underwriting, and so home prices and listing are rising.

But never fear, as the Government has a plan to save the market. Because now we know Labor will use the upcoming Jobs & Skills Summit as cover to launch Australia’s biggest ever immigration program.

So in today’s show we look at what they say, and also discuss the latest negative indicators on listings and auction clearances.

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Australians must fight in the new Orwellian Horror!

This week Australia’s living God made international headlines by declaring a research project into crypto currencies.

The Digital Finance Cooperative Research Centre (DFCRC) on a research project to explore use cases for a central bank digital currency (CBDC) in Australia.

The RBA announce coincides with the announcement by the Senate Select Committee on Australia as a Technology and Financial Centre.

Australians need to ensure that the RBA and the Federal Parliament does not impose totalitarian control through the Central Bank Digital Currency. Australia is headed down a path with little democratic consent and there is a lot of uncertainty were public policy is going in Australia.

There is a possibility that CBDCs will improve economic life in Australia, but there is also a possibility that it may not. The RBA cannot be allowed to alter economic life in Australia without a democratic mandate.

The Prime Minister and Treasurer need to explain why CBDCs are being developed in Australia and what is the public policy case.

The Australian people must ensure that physical cash is never eliminated and that freedom and privacy remains the corner stone of Australia’s payment system and economic life.

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Energy Bills: You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet!…

The UK is an object lesson in stupidity as energy prices go higher and bills to households more than double in a few short months. Some are threatening to start a payment strike, as people will be forced to trade off heating versus eating.

But we in Australia are, according to the recent RBA Statement, also exposed to persistently rising energy bills. This is of course caused by the gas cartel as I have been highlighting. But the truth is, where the UK is going we may well follow, so expect persistent higher inflation in coming months. UK inflation is predicted to reach 13%, thanks to high energy costs – so just how high will we be going?

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Explosive Discussions within Federal Parliament

This week Adams went to Canberra in a whirlwind sweep of the Federal Parliament to discuss a variety of topics. Adams had the opportunity to speak to people within the Coalition, Labor, the UAP and One Nation.

Adams had a number of very frank conversations about the nature of Australia’s economic problems. In total, Adams had more than a dozen meetings over the course of 2 days with political figures and the media.

Australia is in the biggest economic mess since becoming a country. Politics is stopping sensible discussion of our national problems and the considering of the correct policy solutions. So in fear of the Australian people, politicians believe that as a community, the debt bubble is not able to be discussed.

The position of some in Parliament is that the unvarnished truth and common sense is beyond the Australian people. Accordingly, democracy is the problem. This was foretold centuries ago.

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