When The Property Market Bough Breaks!

Property prices are political not economic. So, while analysts are talking about property price corrections in 2023, and higher levels of defaults; and the IMF talks of a dysfunctional market; the truth is most politicians prefer to sit on the fence and mouth platitudes, to avoid upsetting voters.


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DFA Live Q&A: HD Replay Leith van Onselen: The 2023 Property Recession?

This is an edited version of our latest Live show, with Leith van Onselen Chief Economist At Nucleus Wealth, and Founder Contributor to MacroBusiness.

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Talking About An Australian Property Price Crash On The Radio!

This is a recording of a recent interview I gave on ABC New Radio, where I discussed the latest IMF report which highlights the risks to the Australian Property market. Australia has one of the most “misaligned” housing and rental markets in the developed world, leading to high priced land and houses.

Property prices in Australia may be as much as 50 per cent above what an average household can afford as interest rates rise, a global analysis has revealed while warning the market is at risk of a major crash as interest rates are pushed up to bring inflation under control.

We hold the prize for unaffordable housing, and rents, and the IMF believe we are due a correction. Is this likely? Will the Government save us?


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FINAL REMINDER: DFA Live Q&A 8pm Sydney Tonight – Leith van Onselen: The 2023 Property Recession?

Join me for a live discussion with Leith van Onselen Chief Economist At Nucleus Wealth, and Founder Contributor to MacroBusiness.

You can ask a question live!

Its Edwin’s Live Property Rant Of The Year (HD Replay)

This is an edited version of our latest Property Rant, and live Boxing Day show in replay, discussing the latest from the property market and looking ahead to 2023.


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FINAL REMINDER: DFA Live Special: Property Rant Of The Year With Edwin Almeida 6pm Sydney Time Tonight!

Join me for a live discussion with our Property Insider Edwin Almeidia as we pick over the bones of the property market in 2022 and into 2023.

You can ask a question live! And we will have Doggycam 2.0 on line too…

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Life Lessons From A Death!

My thoughts on the first anniversary of Gill’s death, and what I have learnt.

We have succeeded in raising the awareness of the risks from asbestos exposure, despite the clear wish from politicians to ignore the issue, thanks to Asbestos Awareness Australia.


The estate administration continues thanks to so many poor processes across Australian institutions from banks through to the ATO.

And as I come to terms with the life changing event, I now consider the future and what I plan to achieve.

Oh, and my two canine friends are a big part of the picture too.


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An ASIC Endorsed Scam Hidden In Plain Sight!

Yet another example of ASIC failing to regulate effectively, this time it is centered on Business Name Renewals, which ASIC seems to be happy to outsouce to higher paying private operators. We show documentary evidence of the scam. Another disgrace!

Businesses can end up paying much more than they need to. Be warned!!!


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DFA Live Q&A HD Replay: Tony Locantro – Year In Review And Ahead

This is an edited version of my recent live discussion with Investment Manager Tony Locantro from Alto Capital in Perth as we reflect on the year that was, and what is coming in 2023. Plenty more Locantro Bingo…

We fixed up the audio glitch which was on the live version https://youtu.be/9E4XqabXhzM

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