DFA Live Stream Alert For Tomorrow 20:00 Sydney

Today a quick reminder, about our live stream event on Tuesday 21st August at 20:00, Sydney, where we will be discussing our updated finance and property scenarios.

Back in March, we made a post about our four scenarios, none good. Using data from our core market model, we described how things may play out. That video is still available, here is the link. It’s been one of our most popular and has provided to be quite accurate.

But since then, things have moved on, not least the tighter credit, rising international funding rates, and sliding home prices especially in Sydney and Melbourne. So it is time to revise the analysis and scenarios again.

So we will walk through each of our updated scenarios, from the mildest, to the most severe, and examine the implications for households and their finances. It should be a good session.

So mark your diary, for Tuesday 21st August at eight PM Sydney.  It’s already scheduled on the channel if you want to set a reminder. I look forward to seeing you in the chat room during the session, or feel free to send me questions in beforehand if that is easier.

Here is the link to the live stream event.




Author: Martin North

Martin North is the Principal of Digital Finance Analytics

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