Is The U.S. Vs China True? – With Salvatore Babones

Salvatore Babones, Associate Professor University of Sydney joins me to discuss the question of the China U.S relationship. He suggests it is not what is being reported.

Author: Martin North

Martin North is the Principal of Digital Finance Analytics

One thought on “Is The U.S. Vs China True? – With Salvatore Babones”

  1. – Again, a very interesting conversation although I don’t agree with everything Babones says.
    – I agree that the “relationship” between the US and China is much more complicated that the news headlines suggest.
    – A “slowing” chinese economy will also have a MAJOR (financial) impact on the US economy. E.g. China is/was the 2nd largest car(sales) market in the world and the 2nd largest market for air travel in the world. So, when China “stumbles” then that WILL have a MAJOR impact on world demand for e.g. oil & oil products.
    – There are “tensions” in the South Chinese Sea. Based on my information I blame the US for deliberately increasing those tensions. In that regard I think that when the US economy “slows down”, “enters a recesssion” or worse then that would be actually very positive for “reducing tensions” in the South China Sea.
    – To make the chinese yuan a reserve currency China will have to start running a Trade Deficit & a Current Account Deficit.

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