It’s Close To The Edge – With Harry Dent

I caught up with Harry Dent, economist and author, to check in on the markets and his view of a crash coming soon. He explores the latest data indicating a significant reset is due, and discusses the preparations to be made ahead of this event, when it occurs.

He also highlights his upcoming online seminar on the 16th October 2020 where he will explore this further, ahead of the launch of his Dent Sector Fund.

“All my research shows that the greatest boom and bubble in the history of the world cannot last. The current pandemic I believe is a key trigger to the correction, one of a magnitude the global economy does not often see. Governments printing trillions of dollars and giving it away is an unsustainable recipe for disaster, keeping Zombie businesses alive past their time, supporting consumption patterns that cannot last. It is the future we must look to. I hope you might join me in the journey!”

Note: DFA has no commercial relationship with Harry Dent, or the fund promoters.

Author: Martin North

Martin North is the Principal of Digital Finance Analytics

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