Join The Discussion On Home Prices!

You’ve probably been reading about the Evergrande collapse and may have some important questions about what China’s property market crisis means for you and your nest egg.

Let me be honest with you – all the indications are pointing to dark days ahead for the global property market. In addition to China’s economic woes, interest rates are not showing any signs of easing, the cost of living is still high, and unemployment is set to spike too.

And property values are still 40% over long-term trends, so there’s risk of a fall – and it could be fast! But not all property is equal, which is why you need to be proactive in planning the road ahead, and get granular to safeguard and grow your portfolio through tough times.

I’m joining Greg Owen from Goko Group to talk through these issues in an exclusive live Zoom call, and I’d love to see you there. There are two sessions to choose from:

Session 1: Wednesday, September 20th @ 7pm (Sydney) / Wednesday, September 13th @ 10am (London)

Session 2: Thursday, September 21st @ 11am (Sydney) / Wednesday, September 20th @ 9pm (New York)

I can’t understate the importance of taking swift and targeted action to protect your nest egg and put yourself in a position to keep growing your wealth.

Please don’t miss this opportunity. Simply click here to register:

I hope to see you there.

Author: Martin North

Martin North is the Principal of Digital Finance Analytics

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