If You Have A Financial Services Complaint – Who You’re Gonna Call?

When you need help to resolve a complaint and your financial services company won’t come to the party, the Australian Financial Complaints Authority may be able to help. Today we explore this route for resolution, with the help of an industry professional.


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Shameful: When Housing’s Ponzi Pops…

We review the latest Senate Estimates hearings and an important article on the strategic risks we face thanks to the housing price bubble.

Yet they still want to remove responsible lending provisions – and now we know why – to propagate the so call wealth (a.k.a. inequality) effect.

The latest edition of our finance and property news digest with a distinctively Australian flavour.

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Have Another Mortgage Or Two!

We look at the latest credit data, which is all about booming mortgage lending. Given the rate of change of credit, home prices are set to rise higher. Totally the wrong time to remove responsible lending obligations from the banks!

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Adams/North: Australians Must Escape The Fantasy Utopia

We explore the expectations many Australians have about the Government Pension, many of which are unfounded, or subject to the whim of Government. Economist John Adams and Analyst Martin North examines the facts.

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The Insurance Pay Through The Nose Price Walk

The UK are outlawing Insurance renewal price walking (which relies of loyal customers paying more than new customers on renewal. In Australia things remain muddy at best, and people can save significantly by being proactive – yet most just roll over!

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Down The Market Snakes, And Up The Market Ladders!

The latest edition of our finance and property news digest with a distinctively Australian flavour.

0:00 Start
0:15 Introduction
0:52 US Markets and PCE Index
6:00 The Short Squeeze
7:12 Crypto Complex – weekend risks
11:47 PCE Index Hides
14:39 Gold Up, But…
17:20 Asian Stocks
18:25 Iron Ore
19:25 Australian Markets
23:30 Grantham’s Bubble
26:42 Conclusions and Close

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