No Homes For You: The Structural Desolation Of Dwelling Approval Falls!

Yesterday the ABS released the latest data on dwellings approved and they fell 0.3 per cent in April, after a 2.7 per cent rise in March, according to the seasonally adjusted data after just 13,078 new homes were signed off for construction.

Looing at the mix, Approvals for private houses fell 1.6 per cent. While approvals for private sector dwellings excluding houses also fell 1.1 per cent in April in seasonally adjusted terms.

In the year to April, just 163,493 new dwelling permits were issued, a level which has been broadly consistent since December as surging home building costs and elevated interest rates batter construction activity. The annual result was vastly outpaced by population growth over the same period, which soared by 626,871 mostly due to surging net migration levels. From July 1, Labor is targeting the construction of 1.2 million well-located homes over five years, requiring a 12 month rolling average of 240,000 new homes.

Aprils figure is well short of the 20,000 homes that need to be constructed each month if the country is to hit the federal government’s target of building 1.2 million new homes in the space of five years, starting in July.

So the chronic housing supply issue will remain a problem and put upward pressure on home prices and rents, leading to higher inflation, and so higher interest rates for longer.

So unless things change, the gap between the supply of dwellings and meeting demand will continue to grow, driving home prices and rents higher, and pushing inflation higher which leads to higher interest rates and mortgage costs.

Step one should be to trim migration meaningfully back to bring the supply and demand back into better balance, remembering that on capita we are still currently building MORE dwellings than other western countries, as I discussed with Tarric Brooker recently. There is a strategic path to tackle the issues we face, but it seems to be politically impossible so more people will struggle to find a place to live – something which should be a basic human right, and a priority for Government.

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Digital Finance Analytics (DFA) Blog
No Homes For You: The Structural Desolation Of Dwelling Approval Falls!

Author: Martin North

Martin North is the Principal of Digital Finance Analytics

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