Pulling Up The Drawbridge On Home Ownership!

One stunning chart which I keep coming back to is the change in income and home prices overtime. It shows simply that housing is becoming more and more unaffordable. We also know that more households have bigger mortgages and so are heavily exposed to higher rates, and that many will still have mortgages well into retirement. Our debt ratios are some of the most extreme across the world, as I have been reporting for years. Great for banks, as they reap interest payments, bad for society. In fact, I believe we are at the point where the drawbridge is being pulled up making it harder than ever to get on to the property ladder or stay there.

Few policies are more harmful to young Australians seeking a place to live than forcing them to compete for housing with hundreds of thousands of new migrants each year.

Future Australians will have to make do with cramped shoe box homes owned by corporations and landlords.

Essentially, the property ownership drawbridge is being progressively raised – but this is by design, not accident. I hope post the voice, Albo and Co will get serious about correcting their mistakes, but frankly I am not holding my breath.


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Today’s post is brought to you by Ribbon Property Consultants.

Author: Martin North

Martin North is the Principal of Digital Finance Analytics

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