Why Has John Adams Disappeared?

It has been many months since our last broadcast on ‘In the Interests of the People’ and many of you the audience has wondered where have we gone?

John Adams was last seen on this platform 7 months ago on 11 October 2023 and then he just disappeared?

Rumours on the internet and social media have been swirling around what has happened to Mr Adams?

I have no doubt that ASIC officials have also been wondering the same! ASIC was one of our most loyal viewers in 2023!

It is worth remembering that this channel started a national conversation about financial crime in September 2022;

On 6 October 2022, Adams published his statistical analysis about ASIC’s handling of reports of alleged misconduct. At this time, the Adams Report was covered by ABC and News.com.au.

On 27 October 2022, in response to the Adams Report, the Australian Senate voted 43 20 to establish an inquiry into ASIC after Senator Bragg moved a motion.

Then this channel led the national coverage about ASIC where we broke some of the biggest stories including that ASIC officials scheming to fix parliamentary proceedings by planting Dorothy Dixers as well as ASIC Chairman Joseph Longo giving the order for officials stop Senator Bragg for pursuing the current Senate inquiry.

This channel started contemplating the proposition of corruption happening at ASIC and our coverage considered the newly National Anti-Corruption Commission.

We also played the testimony of various witnesses who appeared at the ASIC inquiry – including the devastating testimony of former Chair James Shipton.

Next month, the Senate Inquiry will be handing down its much-anticipated report – 18 months in the making.

Be rest assured that Adams’ dedication to the interests of the people remains resolute and unshakable. Soon enough, Adams will make his return. There is an extraordinary story to be told.

Keep Following John Adams And Martin North!

IOTP is likely to be relatively idle for the time being as Martin North relocates to the UK and John Adams continues his quest in a new way. That said, you can still follow us on our respective channels:

Walk The World (Martin) https://www.youtube.com/c/WalkTheWorldDFA @WalkTheWorldDFA
The Public Crusader (John) https://www.youtube.com/@thepubliccrusader/featured

Hopefully we will find ways to make joint shows, but meantime do not miss out following our work – and stay subscribed to IOTP for updates!

Thanks to all those who follow and support our work.


Are MMT And Helicopter Money Monetary Socialism?

We continue our series on MMT with a discussion between Wilson N. Sy (Ex. APRA and ASIC), Economist John Adams and Analyst Martin North on our “In The Interests Of The People” channel.

Specifically we examine Wilson’s thesis that MMT is i) Not New and ii) Another version of Socialism.

Wilson’s Blog on MMT and on helicopter money