The Mortgage Stress Pigeons Coming Home To Roost!

Those following the DFA channel will know we have been tracking the rise of mortgage stress in recent times, as the higher interest rates and prices bite while real incomes stalled. I have been listing some of those post codes, like Liverpool in Sydney or DonnyBrook in Melbourrne, where we have been measuring cash flow pressures on households building.

Of course, the banks have been extending and pretending, offering households the chance to extend the term of their loan, or go interest only for a period. Initially people who were over committed reached for this lifeline, but as the recent ASIC report said, this often just put off taking hard decisions about selling up while you can. Many households are making this call now, and I expect property listings to rise in the months ahead as a result.

However, up to now the number of mortgagee sales has been very low, first because of the extend and pretend strategy, second because some households do decide to sell before they are forced to and thanks to recent price rises get to replay the bank and move on. But eventually the mortgagee sales worm will turn, as interest rates stay higher for longer and as lenders, especially from the Non-Bank sector get tough.

But now we are seeing this discussed in the press, with reporting Millions of dollars worth of Aussie homes have been seized for mortgagee sales from McMansions to townhouses and inner city apartments as data shows 100 suburbs in trouble.

However, I think more accountability should be taken by the RBA for its poor monetary policy decisions, the government for pumping migration and lenders for lending way too much and the industry for frankly telling porkies.
But at the end of the day, it is individual households who are caught in the vice, and are having to make hard decisions about their financial futures.

We will be releasing the next edition of our stress analysis in a few days, look out for that, but already I can see that the tax cuts and Government handouts are only providing limited short-term relief for some, so I effect more defaults in the months ahead.

I hate to be proved right on this, but I think I will be!

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The Mortgage Stress Pigeons Coming Home To Roost!

The Mortgage Stress Pigeons Coming Home To Roost!

Those following the DFA channel will know we have been tracking the rise of mortgage stress in recent times, as the higher interest rates and prices bite while real incomes stalled. I have been listing some of those post codes, like Liverpool in Sydney or DonnyBrook in Melbourrne, where we have been measuring cash flow pressures on households building.

Of course, the banks have been extending and pretending, offering households the chance to extend the term of their loan, or go interest only for a period. Initially people who were over committed reached for this lifeline, but as the recent ASIC report said, this often just put off taking hard decisions about selling up while you can. Many households are making this call now, and I expect property listings to rise in the months ahead as a result.

However, up to now the number of mortgagee sales has been very low, first because of the extend and pretend strategy, second because some households do decide to sell before they are forced to and thanks to recent price rises get to replay the bank and move on. But eventually the mortgagee sales worm will turn, as interest rates stay higher for longer and as lenders, especially from the Non-Bank sector get tough.

But now we are seeing this discussed in the press, with reporting Millions of dollars worth of Aussie homes have been seized for mortgagee sales from McMansions to townhouses and inner city apartments as data shows 100 suburbs in trouble.

However, I think more accountability should be taken by the RBA for its poor monetary policy decisions, the government for pumping migration and lenders for lending way too much and the industry for frankly telling porkies.
But at the end of the day, it is individual households who are caught in the vice, and are having to make hard decisions about their financial futures.

We will be releasing the next edition of our stress analysis in a few days, look out for that, but already I can see that the tax cuts and Government handouts are only providing limited short-term relief for some, so I effect more defaults in the months ahead.

I hate to be proved right on this, but I think I will be!

Calibrating The Real Impact Of Households’ “Financial Relief”…

Today we look at the real impact of the recent Government support initiatives for households, as we update our models to the end of July, and adjust the tax bands, income changes, extra cost of living support and other initiates from both state and federal governments.

Actually, while there were some improvements, not all households benefitted equally, so we look at the data at a state, segment and post code level, to see who befitted the most.

On Tuesday 13th August we will run a live show on this topic and do an even deeper post code dive.

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Today’s post is brought to you by Ribbon Property Consultants.

How Do We Know That Mortgage Arrears Are Now Rising In Australia?

The latest RBA bulletin, just released, contained a couple of significant articles relating to mortgage arrears and serviceability. The first, “Recent Drivers of Housing Loan Arrears” shows that Housing loan arrears rates have increased from low levels since late 2022, with banks expecting them to rise a bit further from here. High LVR and DTI loans are most at risk. No surprise there.

The second, “How the RBA Uses the Securitisation Dataset to Assess Financial Stability Risks from Mortgage Lending” makes the point that the data used relating to around one third of loans, contains lags of up to 2 years especially for highly leverage loans, which limits the usefulness of that dataset.

Securitisation data collected by the RBA, forming the Securitisation Dataset, on residential mortgage-backed securities (RMBS) as a condition for eligibility as collateral in repurchase agreements with the RBA. These loan-level data are provided monthly, and are both timely and granular. The data provide detailed information about each loan that can be used to help form a view of financial health among mortgagors. As lenders can face incentives to select certain types of loans for securitisation or ensure the performance of loans after issuance, the data may not be fully representative of all mortgages in the Australian market. In other words, the loans are hand-picked for securitisation.

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How Do We Know That Mortgage Arrears Are Now Rising In Australia?

How Do We Know That Mortgage Arrears Are Now Rising In Australia?

The latest RBA bulletin, just released, contained a couple of significant articles relating to mortgage arrears and serviceability. The first, “Recent Drivers of Housing Loan Arrears” shows that Housing loan arrears rates have increased from low levels since late 2022, with banks expecting them to rise a bit further from here. High LVR and DTI loans are most at risk. No surprise there.

The second, “How the RBA Uses the Securitisation Dataset to Assess Financial Stability Risks from Mortgage Lending” makes the point that the data used relating to around one third of loans, contains lags of up to 2 years especially for highly leverage loans, which limits the usefulness of that dataset.

Securitisation data collected by the RBA, forming the Securitisation Dataset, on residential mortgage-backed securities (RMBS) as a condition for eligibility as collateral in repurchase agreements with the RBA. These loan-level data are provided monthly, and are both timely and granular. The data provide detailed information about each loan that can be used to help form a view of financial health among mortgagors. As lenders can face incentives to select certain types of loans for securitisation or ensure the performance of loans after issuance, the data may not be fully representative of all mortgages in the Australian market. In other words, the loans are hand-picked for securitisation.

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As More Households Are Crushed, Bankers Talk Their Own Book On Easing Mortgage Lending Rules!

Guess what, Bankers are looking at ways to ease lending standards to pump the market some more, as bank margins are under pressure at a time when lending growth is already strong, and more households are already in financial difficulty.

The value of new housing loans have risen by 17.9% since March 2023, to $27.6 billion dollars and were up 3.1% in March, according to the ABS.

The ABS also released their latest estimates of real living costs for households, they said Employee households recorded the largest annual rise in living costs of all household types with a rise of 6.5 per cent,

No surprise then that the DFA surveys for April showed a further rise in mortgage stress, to more than half of mortgaged borrowers, with many first-time borrowers and young growing families most exposed. In addition, rental stress remains very high, underscoring the pressures created by bad policy over many years, making housing unaffordable. On my live show coming up on Tuesday, we will look at this is more detail, and do a further post code deep dive.

AMP chief economist Shane Oliver says there might be scope to reduce buffers for people refinancing — the banks already have some room to do that — but cautions against significant changes to lending laws.

“We’ve gone through a very difficult time in the economy in terms of the massive rise in interest rates, and we’ve come through — so far anyway — at a relatively low level of arrears,” he notes.

“That partly reflects the responsible lending that the banks have been undertaking over the last few years. If we had to take a dramatic easing in lending standards, and the rules around that, the risk is that the next cycle could be far worse.”

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Digital Finance Analytics (DFA) Blog
As More Households Are Crushed, Bankers Talk Their Own Book On Easing Mortgage Lending Rules!

As More Households Are Crushed, Bankers Talk Their Own Book On Easing Mortgage Lending Rules!

Guess what, Bankers are looking at ways to ease lending standards to pump the market some more, as bank margins are under pressure at a time when lending growth is already strong, and more households are already in financial difficulty.

The value of new housing loans have risen by 17.9% since March 2023, to $27.6 billion dollars and were up 3.1% in March, according to the ABS.

The ABS also released their latest estimates of real living costs for households, they said Employee households recorded the largest annual rise in living costs of all household types with a rise of 6.5 per cent,

No surprise then that the DFA surveys for April showed a further rise in mortgage stress, to more than half of mortgaged borrowers, with many first-time borrowers and young growing families most exposed. In addition, rental stress remains very high, underscoring the pressures created by bad policy over many years, making housing unaffordable. On my live show coming up on Tuesday, we will look at this is more detail, and do a further post code deep dive.

AMP chief economist Shane Oliver says there might be scope to reduce buffers for people refinancing — the banks already have some room to do that — but cautions against significant changes to lending laws.

“We’ve gone through a very difficult time in the economy in terms of the massive rise in interest rates, and we’ve come through — so far anyway — at a relatively low level of arrears,” he notes.

“That partly reflects the responsible lending that the banks have been undertaking over the last few years. If we had to take a dramatic easing in lending standards, and the rules around that, the risk is that the next cycle could be far worse.”

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Pop Goes My Budget!

Our latest surveys to the end of February reveals the current state of Household Finances in Australian as measured by cash flow. A record 73.3% of those living in the rental sector are under pressure, while just over half of those with a mortgage are also in net negative cash flow. All up around 48% of households or 4.7 million families are struggling. The causes are clear to see, with costs of living still outstripping real incomes, high mortgage interest rates thanks to RBA monetary policy and rental cost driven sky high. Massive net migration, and bad government housing policies have created this disaster, which will likely be with us for decades. Housing affordability is shot.

So, in today’s show I will walk through the latest findings, ahead of a live show during which we will examine the data at a post code level. That show will be on Tuesday 12th March 2024.

But here we examine how we measure cash flow stress, examine the latest results across mortgage, rental, investor and overall financial stress, and also look at our price scenarios for the months ahead, alongside our estimates of mortgage defaults in the next 12 months.

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Pop Goes My Budget!

DFA Replay Q&A: A Mortgage Broker’s View Of The Property Market: With Chris Bates

This is a recorded version of my latest live show in which I discussed the current state of play of the property and mortgage markets with Chris Bates. Chris started as a Financial Adviser back in 2007 and sold his Financial Advice business in 2020. Over the past 9 years, Chris has grown into one of Australia’s top Mortgage Brokers and is passionate about taking the product providing industry to a trusted advice based profession.

Previously Weathful, Chris, and the team decided, in 2023, to rebrand and are now ‘Blusk’ – a name that better encapsulates the feeling they achieve for their clients. And further changes are afoot, as you will see on the show.

He is known for regularly airing his views on sound property investing on both LinkedIn and popular property industry podcasts The Elephant in the Room and Australian Property Podcast.

Find out more beforehand by watching this show: Many Households Are In Trouble – Mate!

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Digital Finance Analytics (DFA) Blog
DFA Replay Q&A: A Mortgage Broker’s View Of The Property Market: With Chris Bates

DFA Live HD Replay Q&A: A Mortgage Broker’s View Of The Property Market: With Chris Bates

This is a recorded version of my latest live show in which I discussed the current state of play of the property and mortgage markets with Chris Bates. Chris started as a Financial Adviser back in 2007 and sold his Financial Advice business in 2020. Over the past 9 years, Chris has grown into one of Australia’s top Mortgage Brokers and is passionate about taking the product providing industry to a trusted advice based profession.

Previously Weathful, Chris, and the team decided, in 2023, to rebrand and are now ‘Blusk’ – a name that better encapsulates the feeling they achieve for their clients. And further changes are afoot, as you will see on the show.

He is known for regularly airing his views on sound property investing on both LinkedIn and popular property industry podcasts The Elephant in the Room and Australian Property Podcast.

You can ask a question live.

Find out more beforehand by watching this show: Many Households Are In Trouble – Mate!

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