China’s Silent Invasion – With Professor Clive Hamilton

Clive’s controversial new book, Silent Invasion: China’s Influence in Australia, almost went unpublished after three publishers pulled out citing fears of reprisals from Beijing. His warning that the Chinese Communist Party is engaged in a systematic campaign to exert political influence in Australia seemed vindicated before the book appeared. Published in February, Silent Invasion quickly became a best-seller and is being read in countries around the world that face a similar threat from a rising China under an increasingly authoritarian state.

Author: Martin North

Martin North is the Principal of Digital Finance Analytics

One thought on “China’s Silent Invasion – With Professor Clive Hamilton”

  1. – Besides China, the US is also having a big influence here in Australia.
    – I know that 2 former retired (australian) ambassadors were regurlarly invited to give a speech on several occasions or to attend meetings. But at some point these 2 retired ambassadors started to speak out against the actions of the US Empire. E.g. one ambassador defended the work the australian born journalist Julian Assange has done with WikiLeaks. This man praised Assange for bringing (embarrasing) news / facts regarding e.g. the US and the UK to the attention of the public with his (website) Wikileaks. The other former ambassador did also something that was not to the liking of the US and/or australian government. The end result was that both men weren’t invited to give a speech for an audience or invited to attend meetings anymore. It was the revenge of the US / Australian Empire.

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