APRA Data Shows Investment Loans Slowing

The APRA monthly banking statistics to end November show that housing loans by ADI’s (a.k.a banks) rose by 0.8% to $1.41 trillion. This was driven by a 1.19% rise in owner occupied loans ($889 billion) and 0.14% rise in investment loans ($517 billion). As we reported, the RBA said that total loans were worth $1.51 trillion, the difference being the non-bank sector. There is still noise in the data (the RBA said that there was a switch of $1.9bn loans between investment and owner occupied loans in the month). Overall, investment lending is below the 10% speed limit.

Looking at individual banks data, Westpac still holds the highest value of investment loans, whilst CBA is the largest lender of owner occupied loans.

SharesByBanknov2015Looking at the relative splits between owner occupied and investment loans, HSBC, Bank of Queensland and Westpac have the highest proportion of investment loans.

BankSharesNov2015The monthly movements highlight that within the numbers there are still some funnies going on, including reclassification of loans.


Author: Martin North

Martin North is the Principal of Digital Finance Analytics

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