Australia’s World Economic Forum Secret Agent?

What has become of our country?

We have learnt that Australia for the past two years have had a secret government behind our backs and even behind the backs of the Ministers of the Crown. Adams was beyond gobsmacked to learn that Scott Morrison had secretly appointed himself the Minister in 5 portfolios behind the backs of his ministers including the Ministry of Health; Ministry of Finance; Ministry of industry; and Ministry of Resources.

This was somehow done without the Governor-General in some cases and in other cases with the Governor-General! The Governor-General participated in a conspiracy of appointing ministers in secret without evening informing the substantive ministers or the Palace!

It is essential that Australians remember that we have a dual constitutional system: A written constitution (influence from America); and Convention (influence from Britain). Convention is an essential part of how our parliamentary system actually works.

Parliamentary practice has been developed over the course of centuries and people have literally died and gone to civil war to develop our conventions and to ensure that the rights of Parliament and the Parliamentary system remains intact.

Between the Governor-General, Morrison, Porter and some official inside the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Parliament, conventions and have been trashed.

Author: Martin North

Martin North is the Principal of Digital Finance Analytics

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