ACCC Versus The Future – With Salvatore Babones

The ACCC’s stance on media platforms like Google versus local media companies has unintended consequences. Salvatore Babones from the University of Sydney and I discuss.

Salvatore Babones is Australia’s globalization expert. He is an associate professor at the University of Sydney, an adjunct scholar at the Centre for Independent Studies, a columnist for Foreign Policy and Quadrant, and a regular contributor to The National Interest. A proud American by birth and by habit, he has lived in Sydney since 2008.

The Mysterium Of Ethereum – With Caroline Bowler

Caroline Bowler, CEO of BTC Markets, joins me to discuss Ethereum, one of the emerging digital players, which is setting standards for the digital revolution. Many large established players are building solutions from these standards.

Note DFA has no commercial relationship with BTC Markets.

From Hardware To Software To Netware – The Basis Of American Power In The C21

Associate Professor Salvatore Babones and I discuss the rise of the network giants and consider how they are shaping American power in the current century.