A Major Victory: Regional Bank Closures Now Under Senate Review!

Thanks to Senator Rennick, and others, the Senate agreed to an Inquiry into the closure of Regional Bank Branches, the first in nearly 20 years.

So, there will be a chance for regional communities to make submissions and the Senate should write to the Banks to ensure they hold off on further closures pending the December report deadline.

Thanks to Dale Webster from the Regional for her article on this important matter.

Democracy in action….


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Rate Rise Endgame? With Tarric Brooker

Today’s afternoon chat with journalist Tarric Brooker focuses on the question of whether inflation is really falling, or whether the markets are misreading the data streams.

You can follow along with Tarric’s slides at: https://avidcom.substack.com/p/charts-that-matter-3rd-february/


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Its Time To Regulate BNPL Properly!

The current Treasury review of Buy Now Pay Later lending highlights the contentions around the issue. Those with existing Credit Licenses of course argue that BNPL providers should also play on the same level playing field.

Many under financial stress are reaching for BNPL and some are ending up paying high effective interest rates. APRA changes also shape the game.

The sector does need proper regulation. Will the Government cave or stick?


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You Asked, We Answered: With Tarric Brooker

Journalist Tarric Brooker and I chew over a range of audience questions in out Friday session today, from property prices and monetary policy to China demographics.

Thanks to all those who sent in questions. Tell us what you think of this format.



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DFA Live Q&A HD Replay: Senator Rennick Vs John Adams: The Ultimate Showdown

This is a edited version of a live debate between Senator Gerard Rennick and Economist John Adams as we examine economic and monetary policy, debt, and the role of the RBA and other regulators. How can we improve the economic outcomes for Australia, and Australians? Who is to blame for high inflation and home prices?

Original stream: https://youtu.be/DPZNSTeAFkk with chat.


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FINAL REMINDER: DFA Live Q&A: Senator Rennick Vs John Adams: The Ultimate Showdown 8pm Sydney

Join me for a live debate between Senator Gerard Rennick and Economist John Adams as we examine economic and monetary policy, debt, and the role of the RBA and other regulators. How can we improve the economic outcomes for Australia, and Australians? Who is to blame for high inflation and home prices?


You can ask a question live!

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Operation Numberwang And The CPI!

The true CPI experienced by many households is higher than the official figures, which by the way have been continually revised lower over time as the weighting methodology has changed.

So today we look at upcoming changes in the US CPI methodology, which is likely to put downward pressure on the CPI read, despite households on average now significantly worse off. A Numberwang if ever I saw one!


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Its Edwin’s Monday Evening Property Rant

More from our property insider Edwin Almeida, as we look at the latest incentives for NSW first time buyers, the latest from China as people there vote with their feet on property, the numbers, and of course a special chat about underquoting.



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How To Fix Housing!

Interesting article in The Conversation looking at how wealth inequality has been amplified due to home price distortions and how this flows into some households at the expense of others.


They suggest tax reforms and planning reforms, but are silent on the main driver of this inequality – monetary policy, credit availability and lending policy. This is not the first-time analysts have chosen to ignore the elephant in the room.

The truth is the financialisation of property, as a policy, coupled with ultra-low interest rates and ultra-loose policy caused the problem. Question is, will this be addressed? We think not, given the power of the financial and construction sectors and their influence on governments of all persuasions.


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