Macro Backdrop WTF is happening with Martin North

A show I recorded for Alt Asset Allocation:

For the full audio interview, transcript, show notes and more visit:

“Martin is a deep thinker and I really enjoyed this conversation. In this episode, we talk about the Australian & New Zealand Economies, the local investment mindset, and the overall financial markets there. In this conversation, we get quite philosophical on where the world is now as a result of COVID and where we could be going.

Absolutely fascinating and worth thinking about”.

Time Codes: 0:00:00​ Welcome and context 0:03:37​ What is your background? 0:06:36​ What is behind the statements that are being made? 0:11:05​ Assumption driven decisions 0:13:10​ What is happening in Australia at the moment? 0:26:41​ How is the Australian Government fighting against the pandemic? 0:36:14​ Why is the stuff that the World Economic Forum is talking about looks terrifying? 0:47:30​ What are your thoughts on MMT? 0:51:00​ How do you think through your investment decisions? 0:55:00​ How Australians approach investing? 0:59:30​ Is the superannuation investing in real estate? 1:01:35​ Where can people find out more about you?

Author: Martin North

Martin North is the Principal of Digital Finance Analytics

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