Mortgage Stress Accelerates In November 2020

This was not meant to happen – after all the official story is we are in recovery mode – yet the latest results from our rolling household surveys tells another story as unemployment and underemployment rise further, even as Government financial support is tapered down. As a result mortgage stress – those households with a mortgage and cash flow pressures – rose to an astonishing 41.6% in November. Before the pandemic we sat at 32.9% in February, so nearly 10% more households are now feeling the pain.

The surveys showed some mixed drivers of this result. Sure, a number of larger firms have come off JobKeeper as the economy reopenes but more smaller firms are putting people on JobKeeper, even as the level of support is reduced. This was confirmed by the segmental analysis of the latest payroll data which showed growth among larger firms but a fall among smaller firms.

More households have had to recommence mortgage repayments now, with the ABA reporting that among the top 7 largest banks, deferred loans dropped from a peak of $250 billion down to $86 billion in November, with home loan deferrals by the seven largest banks are down to fewer than 145,000. But this has placed considerable pressures on households recommencing, even as unemployment continues to rise – to 7% in November according to the ABS and remember this is artificially understating the true picture as JobKeeper recipients are excluded.

The unemployment rate increased 0.1 pts to 7.0% (1.7 pts higher than a year ago)

Unemployment increased by 25,500 to 960,900 people (and increased by 238,900 over the year to October 2020)

The youth unemployment rate increased 1.0 pts to 15.6% (and increased by 3.1 pts over the year to October 2020)

Our analysis also examines Rental Stress, Property Investor Stress and overall Financial Stress by state and household segment.

Across the states, Tasmania still retains top mortgage stress spot in in percentage terms, followed by Victoria and Western Australia. Rental stress is highest in New South Wales and Victoria, and across Australia. On average 35.2% of those renting have cash flow issues. Among property investors, 25.6% reported a cash flow deficit, as rents fall, and vacancies rise. More are still considering selling – especially those holding high-rise apartments in Sydney and Melbourne.

Across our segments, mortgage stress is highest among young growing families, which includes many first time buyers who were attracted into the market by Government incentives. This will not end well. Those living in the high growth corridors are also under pressure, especially on the urban fringe. And we see more affluent households caught up in stress, thanks to higher levels of unemployment – and high leverage.

Rental stress is broad based, with many first generation migrants under pressure, as well as young affluent.

Many affluent households with investment property are stressed, thanks to the proliferation of multiple properties, and high leverage, even as rentals fall in some areas. Once again, units are most exposed.

Overall financial stress (an aggregate of the three elements we discussed) is broad based across our segments. This is a significant structural issues – and one which was already in play BEFORE the pandemic. But it is significantly worse now.

The top postcodes by mortgage, rental and investor stress are presented below. This data is sorted by the number of households impacted by stress (again in cash flow terms). We see high representation in high growth corridors across the country, as well as some inner City suburbs.

Investor postcodes show the location where the investor resides, not necessarily the location of their investment properties.

Overall financial stress is highest in the high growth corridors, areas where many households are under pressure, yet also areas where more development in under way and home land packages are being pushed very hard though the current Government schemes.

We also mapped the stress – here is an example of mortgage stress in Melbourne. This is to illustrate the patchwork nature of stress (orange and red are high stress areas).

Two final points, as Government support is wound back further, especially in the March quarter next year it seems likely stress will continue to bite, unless unemployment turns around faster than expected.

And as the ABA said recently

“Don’t wait till you are in over your head, talk to your bank, they’ll help you find a way through this. Don’t tough it out on your own”,

This is excellent advice, and should sound a note of caution to those who are considering a property move in the current environment. Mortgage stress can put considerable pressures on households, and often leads to a sale later. So new purchasers should be cautious, and develop their own cash-flows prior to committing – just because a lender agrees to make a loan, this does not necessarily mean its a sensible decision from a borrowers point of view – a bank has a completely different view of “risk”. So buyers beware!

SMSF – Bed of Roses or Crown of Thorns?

I discuss a Nucleus Wealth article authored by Tim Fuller, Head of Advice at Nucleus.

The allure of having complete control over your financial future is very compelling, and becomes even more so in turbulent market periods, like the one we have seen in 2020. So it is understandable that 2020’s volatile markets combined with the opaqueness of many large super funds could have left you wondering if you should be opening your own self managed super fund (SMSF).

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The Recession Is Technically Over….

We discuss the latest GDP figures.

The latest edition of our finance and property news digest with a distinctively Australian flavour.

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DFA Live Q&A HD Replay – Scenario and Stress Update

This is the edited edition of our latest live show.

Join us for a live Q&A as I discuss the latest results from our surveys and explore the impact at a post code level.

00:00 Start
00:18 Introduction
03:25 Our Models
04:45 Economic Update
17:17 October Lending Data
21:52 Mortgage Stress Update
36:59 Scenarios
40:30 3036
41:50 2206
46:00 2099
50:40 3156
52:49 2203
53:42 3065
54:54 4817
59:32 2227
1:02:54 3037
1:05:35 6725
1:07:57 5022
1:13:45 3079
1:15:12 3193
1: 21:32 2232
1:27:30 3844
1:28:49 Balance of Payments/GDP
1:29:42 For More Information
1:35:57 Sign Off

Original edition with live chat replay at:

The latest edition of our finance and property news digest with a distinctively Australian flavour.

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FINAL REMINDER DFA Live Q&A Tonight 8pm Sydney – Latest Scenarios And Household Stress

Join us for a live Q&A as I discuss the latest results from our surveys and explore the impact at a post code level. You can ask a question live via the YouTube chat as we explore the latest economic data together. And yes, I will have my stress mapping and post code analytic engine online…

Its Edwin’s Monday Evening Property Rant (#14)

The latest from our Property Insider Edwin Almeida.

0:00 Start
0:32 Introduction
1:15 Edwin’s NOT Dancing
4:40 The News
9:25 HomeBuilder Extension
17:26 Units For Sale
26:00 Edwin Glows In The Dark
27:00 Under-quoting
33:00 Edwin’s Tips
41:50 Ending

Tomorrow’s Live Stream:

The Great Reset – Future State, Current State?

Today we look at the “Great Reset”. Is it a real thing?

0:00 Start
0:33 Introduction
2:54 World Economic Forum Event
6:25 IMF Negative Rates Required
8:15 Who Are The WEF?
11:25 The Fourth Industrial Revolution
15:08 No Privacy, No Possessions
21:09 AI and Robots
22:34 Davos Manifesto
24:55 Conclusion
26:50 Outtro

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Auction Results 27 November 2020

Domain released their preliminary results for today. Volumes remain lower than a year ago.

Canberra listed 82 auctions, reported 70 with 2 sold, 2 withdrawn and 16 passed in to give a Domain clearance of 74%.

Brisbane listed 59 auctions, reported 43 with 29 sold, 3 withdrawn and 11 passed in to give a Domain clearance of 67%.

Adelaide listed 83 auctions, reported 47 with 37 sold, 6 withdrawn and 4 passed in to give a Domain clearance of 79%.

WA Property In General And a Spotlight On Greenwood

We examine the dynamics of WA property and spotlight Greenwood – a suburb of Perth, Western Australia, located in the City of Joondalup. The suburb is located 18 km from Perth’s central business district. It is bordered by the Mitchell Freeway, Hepburn ave, Wanneroo road and Warwick road.

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1.8 Trillion Reasons Why Home Prices Have Not Fallen – Yet! … With Tarric Brooker

The latest Friday afternoon chat with Journalist Tarric Brooker. Tarric is @AvidCommentator on Twitter.

0:00 Start
0:50 Extend and Pretend
10:00 Economic and Social Costs
14:55 First Time Buyers
20:41 Impact of Rate Cuts
32:43 Financial Markets Booming
42:05 Not Much Achieved
44:29 JobKeeper Missing Data
49:00 Strategy – what Strategy?
55:00 Ending

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