Retail Turnover Falls 0.5 Per Cent In December

Australian retail turnover fell 0.5 per cent in December 2019, seasonally adjusted, according to the latest Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Retail Trade figures.

This follows a rise of 1.0 per cent in November 2019.

“The December fall comes after a strong November, led by Black Friday sales” said Ben James, Director of Quarterly Economy Wide Surveys. “There were also some effects from bushfires and associated smoke haze apparent in New South Wales data. Specifically, food retailing and cafes, restaurants and takeaway food services were negatively impacted.”

There were falls for department stores (-2.8 per cent), cafes, restaurants and takeaway food services (-0.9 per cent), clothing, footwear and personal accessory retailing (-1.5 per cent), food retailing (-0.3 per cent), and household goods retailing (-0.3 per cent). These falls were partially offset by a rise in other retailing (0.2 per cent).

In seasonally adjusted terms, there were falls in New South Wales (-1.2 per cent), Queensland (-0.5 per cent), South Australia (-1.3 per cent), the Northern Territory (-0.4 per cent), and the Australian Capital Territory (-0.1 per cent). Victoria (0.0 per cent) and Western Australia (0.0 per cent) were relatively unchanged. Tasmania (1.1 per cent) rose in seasonally adjusted terms in December 2019.

The trend estimate for Australian retail turnover rose 0.3 per cent in December 2019, following a 0.3 per cent rise in November 2019. Compared to December 2018, the trend estimate rose 2.8 per cent.

Online retail turnover contributed 6.6 per cent to total retail turnover in original terms in December 2019. In December 2018, online retail turnover contributed 5.6 per cent to total retail.

At 11:55pm, AFR Confirms Cash-Negative Interest Rate Conspiracy

Economist John Adams and Analyst Martin North looks at the latest AFR salvo, as the establishment fight back to try to keep the cash bill in play.

What If Negative Interest Rates Are Coming And Will Be Permanent?

The normal line of argument has been that its central banks pumping liquidity into the financial markets which have led to falling real interest rates, and that they might indeed take them into negative territory. This is all to do with “secular stagnation” (reflecting poor productivity, globalisation, weak wages growth, and monetary policy intervention by central banks).

Last year the IMF in a working paper suggested that a cut of 4% or there abouts would be required to react to a financial crisis similar to the scale of the GFC. That would pull rates deeply negative, and of course so far (Sweden apart) no one has found a way back, as Japan and the Eurozone illustrates.

Many sovereign rates sit in negative territory, and there is an unprecedented $10 trillion in negative-yielding debt. This new interest rate climate has many observers wondering where the bottom truly lies.

Now, most economists are on a quest to return to a “stable positive rate”, eventually, considering negative rates to be there for am emergency, and temporary.

But a working paper from the Bank of England Eight centuries of global real interest rates, R-G, and the ‘suprasecular’ decline, 1311–2018 by Paul Schmelzing really puts the cat among the pigeons.

The paper creates a long term global series, weighted by GDP from 1310 to the present day. The series only includes yields which are not contracted short-term, which are not paid in-kind, which are not clearly of an involuntary nature, which are not intra-governmental, and which are made to executive political bodies. In other words, cash lending against annual payments in “chicken” and other commodities, or against leases for offices, against jewellery, land or other real estate with no known equivalent cash value are all excluded.

The GDP weights over time, and the share of advanced economy GDP covered by the series varies as history played out and empires rose and fell.

Data robustness is an issue, as the paper recognises as late medieval and early modern data can of course never be established with the same granularity as modern high-frequency statistics. One still has to rely on interpolations, deal with the peculiarities of early modern finance, and acknowledge that the permanency of wars, disasters, and destitution since medieval times may have irrecoverably destroyed a significant share of the evidence desired. However, the story is pretty clear.

The data here suggests that the “historically implied” safe asset provider long-term real rate stands at 1.56% for the year 2018, which would imply that against the backdrop of inflation targets at 2%, nominal advanced economy rates may no longer rise sustainably above 3.5%. Whatever the precise dominant driver –simply extrapolating such long-term historical trends suggests that negative real rates will not just soon constitute a “new normal” – they will continue to fall constantly. By the late 2020s, global short-term real rates will have reached permanently negative territory. By the second half of this century, global long-term real rates will have followed.

The standard deviation of the real rate – its “volatility” – meanwhile, has shown similar properties over the last 500 years: fluctuations in benchmark real rates are steadily declining, implying that rate levels are set to become both lower, and stickier. But downward-trending absolute levels, and declining volatilities have persisted against a backdrop of a secularly growing importance of public and monetary balance sheets. This would suggest that expansionary monetary and fiscal policy responses designed to raise real interest rates from current levels may at best have a cyclical effect in the longer-term context.

According to the report, another trend has coincided with falling interest rates: declining bond yields. Since the 1300s, global nominal bonds yields have dropped from over 14% to around 2%.

He concludes:

I sought to suggest that a long-term reconstruction of real rate developments points towards key revisions concerning at least two major current debates directly based on – or deriving from – the narrative about long-term capital returns.

First, my new data showed that long-term real rates – be it in the form of private debt, non-marketable loans, or the global sovereign “safe asset” – should always have been expected to hit “zero bounds” around the time of the late 20th and early 21st century, if put into long-term historical context.

In fact, a meaningful – and growing – level of long-term real rates should have been expected to record negative levels. There is little unusual about the current low rate environment which the “secular stagnation” narrative attempts to display as an unusual aberration, linked to equally unusual trend-breaks in savings-investment balances, or productivity measures. To extent that such literature then posits particular policy remedies to address such alleged phenomena, it is found to be fully misleading: the trend fall in real rates has coincided with a steady long-run uptick in public fiscal activity; and it has persisted across a variety of monetary regimes: fiat- and non-fiat, with and without the existence of public monetary institutions.

Secondly, sovereign long-term real rates have been placed into context to other key components of “nonhuman wealth returns” over the (very) long run, including private debt, and real land returns, together with a suggestion that fixed income-linked wealth has historically assumed a meaningful share of private wealth. There is a very high probability, therefore, to suggest that “non-human wealth” returns have by no means been “virtually stable”, only if business investments have both shown an extreme increase in real returns, and an extreme increase in their total wealth share, could the framework be saved.

If compared to real income growth dynamics we equally detect a downward trend across all assets covered in the above discussion.

There is no reason, therefore, to expect rates to “plateau”, to suggest that “the global neutral rate may settle at around 1% over the medium to long run”, or to proclaim that “forecasts that the real rate will remain stuck at or below zero appear unwarranted” as some have suggested.

With regards to policy, very low real rates can be expected to become a permanent and protracted monetary policy problem – but my evidence still does not support those that see an eventual return to “normalized” levels however defined, who contemplate a “nadir” in global real rates in the 2020s): the long-term historical data suggests that, whatever the ultimate driver, or combination of drivers, the forces responsible have been indifferent to monetary or political regimes; they have kept exercising their pull on interest rate levels irrespective of the existence of central banks, (de jure) usury laws, or permanently higher public expenditures. They persisted in what amounted to early modern patrician plutocracies, as well as in modern democratic environments, in periods of low-level feudal Condottieri battles, and in those of professional, mechanized mass warfare.

In the end, then, it was the contemporaries of Jacques Coeur and Konrad von Weinsberg – not those in the financial centres of the 21st century – who had every reason to sound dire predictions about an “endless inegalitarian spiral”. And it was the Welser in early 16th century Nuremberg, or the Strozzi of Florence in the same period, who could have filled their business diaries with reports on the unprecedented “secular stagnation” environment of their days. That they did not do so serves not necessarily to illustrate their lack of economic-theoretical acumen: it should rather put doubt on the meaningfulness of some of today’s concepts.

So negative rates are coming and are here to stay!

New Legislation For Brokers Released

The government has released the draft legislation implementing 22 recommendations and two additional commitments which arose from the Hayne Royal Commission, including recommendations 1.6 and 2.7 which  establish a compulsory scheme for checking references for prospective financial advisors and mortgage brokers. Via Australian Broker.

Before the royal commission began, under ASIC’s Regulatory Guide 104, both Australian financial services licensees and Australian credit licensees were meant to undertake appropriate background checks before appointing new representatives, through referee reports, searches of ASIC’s register of banned and disqualified persons or police checks.

However, despite this requirement’s existence, the royal commission found financial services licensees weren’t doing enough to communicate the backgrounds of prospective employees among themselves, highlighting that licensees “frequently fail to respond adequately to requests for references regarding their previous employees” and that they do not “always take the information they receive seriously enough”.

As such, financial advisers facing disciplinary action from an employer were able to simply leave and find another to employ them.

Recommendation 1.6 and 2.7 seek to address this systemic weakness. 

The latter looks to promote better information sharing about the performance history of financial advisers, focusing on compliance, risk management and advice quality, while the former made sure this change is extended to mortgage brokers as well.

According to the draft legislation, the reporting obligation “targets misconduct by and serious compliance concerns about individual mortgage brokers” and “recognises that in the industry, other parties such as lenders and aggregators are often well positioned to identify this misconduct”.

Obligation to undertake reference checking and information sharing

New law: Both Australian financial services licensees and Australian credit licensees are subject to a specific obligation to undertake reference checking and information sharing regarding a former, current or prospective employee.

Current law: Australian financial services licensees are subject to general obligations, including taking reasonable steps to ensure its representatives comply with the financial services laws and credit legislation.

Civil penalty for failure to undertake reference checking and information sharing

New law: Australian financial services licensees and credit licensees who fail to undertake reference checking and information sharing regarding a prospective employee are subject to a civil penalty.

Current law: No equivalent.

The proposed legislation will be in consultation until 28 February, with interested parties invited to make a submission before the deadline.  

The RBA Lands Sunny-Side Up

We look at the latest from the RBA in the light of current international issues.

RBA Holds (As Expected)

At its meeting today, the Board decided to leave the cash rate unchanged at 0.75 per cent.

The outlook for the global economy remains reasonable. There have been signs that the slowdown in global growth that started in 2018 is coming to an end. Global growth is expected to be a little stronger this year and next than it was last year and inflation remains low almost everywhere. One continuing source of uncertainty, despite recent progress, is the trade and technology dispute between the US and China, which has affected international trade flows and investment. Another source of uncertainty is the coronavirus, which is having a significant effect on the Chinese economy at present. It is too early to determine how long-lasting the impact will be.

Interest rates are very low around the world and a number of central banks eased monetary policy over the second half of last year. There is an expectation of a little further monetary easing in some economies. Long-term government bond yields are around record lows in many countries, including Australia. Borrowing rates for both businesses and households are at historically low levels. The Australian dollar is around its lowest level over recent times.

The central scenario is for the Australian economy to grow by around 2¾ per cent this year and 3 per cent next year, which would be a step up from the growth rates over the past two years. In the short term, the bushfires and the coronavirus outbreak will temporarily weigh on domestic growth. The household sector has been adjusting to a protracted period of slow wages growth and, last year, to a decline in housing prices, with the result that consumption has been quite weak. Following this period of balance-sheet adjustment, consumption growth is expected to pick up gradually. The overall outlook is also being supported by the low level of interest rates, recent tax refunds, ongoing spending on infrastructure, a brighter outlook for the resources sector and, later this year, an expected recovery in residential construction.

The unemployment rate declined in December to 5.1 per cent. It is expected to remain around this level for some time, before gradually declining to a little below 5 per cent in 2021. Wages growth is subdued and is expected to remain at around its current rate for some time yet. A further gradual lift in wages growth would be a welcome development and is needed for inflation to be sustainably within the 2–3 per cent target range. Taken together, recent outcomes suggest that the Australian economy can sustain lower rates of unemployment and underemployment.

Inflation remains low and stable. Over 2019, CPI inflation was 1.8 per cent and underlying inflation was a little lower than this. The central scenario is for CPI inflation to be around 2 per cent in the near term and to fluctuate around that rate over the next couple of years. In underlying terms, inflation is expected to increase gradually to 2 per cent over the next couple of years.

There are continuing signs of a pick-up in established housing markets. This is especially so in Sydney and Melbourne, but prices in some other markets have also increased. Mortgage loan commitments have also picked up, although demand for credit by investors remains subdued. Mortgage rates are at record lows and there is strong competition for borrowers of high credit quality. Credit conditions for small and medium-sized businesses remain tight.

The easing of monetary policy last year is supporting employment and income growth in Australia and a return of inflation to the medium-term target range. The lower cash rate has put downward pressure on the exchange rate, which is supporting activity across a range of industries. Lower interest rates have assisted with the process of household balance sheet adjustment. They have also boosted asset prices, which in time should lead to increased spending, including on residential construction. Progress is expected towards the inflation target and towards full employment, but that progress is expected to remain gradual.

With interest rates having already been reduced to a very low level and recognising the long and variable lags in the transmission of monetary policy, the Board decided to hold the cash rate steady at this meeting. Due to both global and domestic factors, it is reasonable to expect that an extended period of low interest rates will be required in Australia to reach full employment and achieve the inflation target. The Board will continue to monitor developments carefully, including in the labour market. It remains prepared to ease monetary policy further if needed to support sustainable growth in the economy, full employment and the achievement of the inflation target over time.

Mortgage Stress Pushes Higher In January 2020

The latest results from our household surveys to end the end of January reveals that mortgage stress continues to push higher with 32.8% of households now impacted, representing more than 1.1 million borrowing households. In addition expectations of defaults are up to more than 83,400 over the next 12 months.

These results are of no surprise, given the ongoing pressure on incomes and rising costs, despite somewhat lower mortgage rates for some borrowers. The banks of course are deeply discounting rates for new loans, but many borrowers are unable to access these “cheap” deals and are stranded on more expensive rates.

Whilst some households who are not stressed continue to pay mortgages down ahead of time (which is why many claim all is well in mortgage-land), the hard fact is that one third of households are facing ongoing financial pressures. These households are not reducing their debt, rather in some cases they are turning to additional finance to try and bridge the cash-flow gap. Or they are raiding savings if they have them, and are putting more on credit cards.

We analyse mortgage stress in cash-flow terms. If a household is paying out more each month including the mortgage repayments, compared with income received, they are in stress. This is not defined by a set proportion of income going on the mortgage. They may have assets they could sell, but nevertheless in cash-flow terms they are underwater.

Mortgage stress continues to be visible across most of our household segments, with more than half of young growing families exposed (56%), and this includes a number of recent first time buyers.

Those in the urban fringe, especially on new estates are also exposed (50%) but the largest cohort are in the disadvantaged fringe, where incomes are below average as well. More than 300,000 households in this group are exposed, comprising 47.2% of all household in this segment.

Stress also appears in our more mainstream groups, though at a lower level, and we also see our most affluent segments over-leveraged, with 24% of Exclusive Professionals (the most affluent group) and 10.7% of Young Affluent households impacted. In fact our predicted bank losses are more extreme in these groups, as they have larger mortgages and multiple properties.

Across the states, 36.9% of households in Tasmania are registering as stressed, which equates to 31,700 households exposed, followed by South Australia at 34.1% (99,700) and Western Australia at 33.6% or 152,000 households. In TAS and SA prices have remained elevated relative to income and housing affordability continues to deteriorate. Victoria has more than 305,000 household in stress, or 32.9%, while Queensland has 193,000 (28.1%) and New South Wales 304,000 (27.3%). The highest rate of default (a forward-looking estimate over the next 12 months) is in WA at 4.2%, while the national average is 2.2%.

Across the regions, Regional Queensland, Horsham (VIC), Alice Springs and the Southern Half of Tasmania recorded the highest proportion exposed. But the main urban centres of Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide had the highest counts. Default rates were highest in Curtin WA at 5% and Brand WA (4%). This is driven by multiple years of poor economic performance across the state and underscores that mortgage stress is a precursor to defaults, which tend to occur significantly later. The majority are still working, though income is under pressure. Given current economic headwinds and settings, we expect defaults to continue to rise.

Finally, across the most stressed post codes, WA 6065, which includes Tapping, Wangara and Wanneroo recorded 50% of households in stress, or 7,360 households, followed by Queensland postcode 4350, the area around Toowoomba with 7,000 households in stress, NSW post code 2560, the area around Campbelltown with 6,900 households in difficulty, or 59% of households, and then Victorian post code 3805, the area around Narre Warren, with 6,200 households in stress, which is equivalent to 53% of households.

Most of these areas are fast-growing highly developed suburbs, often on the fringes of our major centres, with many relatively newly built properties on small lots, and often with little local infrastructure. As a result, a significant proportion of income goes on transport costs, and so despite many households having above average incomes, their larges mortgages and high expenses are putting them under continued severe pressure.

Finally, a couple of comments for those in stress, bearing in mind many we survey seem unaware of their plight, because they do not maintain a cash flow. So step one is to draw up a cash flow of money in and money out – ASIC’s Money Smart web site has some excellent tools. Next prioritise spending, and focus on repaying high interest debt (like credit card debt). Third, be cautious of refinancing and restructuring as while this may provide a short term path to relief, unless households in difficulty change their behaviour, it will not be a long-term fix. And finally, do not count on income growth ahead, as given the current economic conditions across the country, we expect wages to remain lower for longer.

And this is a warning too to those contemplating the new first owner incentives. Be conservative in your cash flow estimates, do not count on automatic income acceleration. This would be a path to mortgage stress sooner rather than later.

We plan to publish some stress geo-mapping in a later post.

CBA launches venture building entity X15

Commonwealth Bank has today launched X15 Ventures, an Australian technology venture building entity, designed to deliver new digital solutions to benefit Australian consumers and businesses.

X15 will leverage CBA’s franchise strength, security standards and balance sheet to build stand-alone digital businesses which benefit from and create value for CBA’s core business. CBA customers will benefit from a broader range of solutions which complement the bank’s core product proposition.

The bank will partner with Microsoft and KPMG High Growth Ventures to deliver X15 Ventures. Microsoft will bring its platform and engineering capability to the initiative, while KPMG will provide advisory services.

CBA Chief Executive Officer Matt Comyn said: “We remain focused on bringing together brilliant service with the best technology to deliver exceptional customer outcomes in the core of our business. X15 will enable us to innovate more quickly, and continue to offer the best digital experience for our customers.”

X15 will be a wholly-owned subsidiary of CBA, with funding provided from CBA’s $1 billion annual technology investment envelope, its own delivery model, and a dedicated management team. X15 will be headed by Toby Norton-Smith who has been appointed Managing Director of X15 Ventures.

Mr Norton-Smith said: “X15 allows us to open the door and partner more easily with entrepreneurs than ever before. Under its umbrella, we will create an environment for new businesses to flourish, we’ll empower Australia’s innovators and bring new solutions to market designed to empower customers as never before.

“X15 businesses will be nurtured and developed as start-ups but will have the scale and reach of CBA behind them to achieve rapid growth. We are pleased today to be unveiling our first two new ventures, Home-In, a digital home buying concierge, and Vonto, a business insights aggregation tool. We intend to launch at least 25 ventures over the next five years.”

Microsoft Australia Managing Director Steven Worrall said: “Commonwealth Bank has always excelled in terms of its technology vision and we have partnered with the bank for more than 20 years. Today’s announcement takes that innovation and transformation effort to the next level with the launch of X15 Ventures. I believe that the next wave of major technology breakthroughs will come from partnerships such as this, bringing together our deep technical capabilities and absolute clarity about the business challenges that need to be addressed.”

Amanda Price Head of High Growth Ventures KPMG said: “A performance mindset can be the difference between success and failure for start-ups. We look forward to working with CBA and X15 Ventures to build the ecosystem of support these new ventures need. From founder programs designed to unlock sustained high performance, to business and strategy solutions for high-growth ventures, there will be a wealth of smart tools at their disposal to help them overcome the challenge of scaling at speed.”

Further information:

More information on X15 Ventures, please visit:

Home-in, which is live for select customers today, is a virtual home buying concierge that will simplify the complex process of buying a home. Smart app technology helps buyers navigate the purchase process more easily from end-to-end, leverage a platform of accredited service providers like conveyancers and utility companies, access tailored checklists and a dedicated home buying assistant who will respond to queries with the touch of a button. More information is available at

Vonto, launched today, is a free app available to all small business owners, not matter who you bank with. It draws data from Xero, Google Analytics, Shopify and other online business tools and presents the data and analytics in one location, allowing users to obtain a quick, holistic and rich view of their business for ease and increased control. For more information on Vonto, please visit: