Simple Simon Exposes Worsening Disaster!

In the past week, Adams has published a new 25-page supplementary report examining ASIC’s FY 21-22 performance. Yesterday, this was sent to over 30 federal parliamentarians for their review.

ASIC’s FY 21-22 performance data is the worse in 11 years. The new supplementary report demonstrates the importance of why a stand-alone parliamentary inquiry is required.

There are major problems at ASIC and stakeholders across the country need to have their voices heard be being able to put their case forward to Parliament. The normal oversight hearings only allow ASIC to provide a one-sided distorted picture.

Adams will be going to Federal Parliament tomorrow to do the rounds and find what the sentiment is. It is imperative that the audience and the community at large become aware of what is happening with Australia’s police force and ensure that Parliament is aware of your stories.

We need to give Federal Parliament a push in order to get an inquiry up and going.

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Author: Martin North

Martin North is the Principal of Digital Finance Analytics

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