Super Tops $2 Trillion

APRA released their quarterly superannuation stats today. Superannuation assets totalled $2.0 trillion at the end of the March 2015 quarter, up by $115 billion from December. Self Managed Super Funds continued to power ahead, both in number of funds (up by 5,911 funds) and value (up $26.6 billion), though relative share fell slightly.

Over the 12 months from March 2014 there was a 14.3 per cent increase in total superannuation assets. The total value lifted $115 billion in the last 3 months.

Total assets in MySuper products totalled $420.2 billion at the end of the March 2015 quarter. Over the 12 months from March 2014 there was a 23.1 per cent increase in total assets in MySuper products.

There were $23.7 billion of contributions in the March 2015 quarter, up 4.4 per cent from the March 2014 quarter ($22.7 billion). Total contributions for the year ending March 2015 were $101.6 billion.

Outward benefit transfers exceeded inward benefit transfers by $641 million in the March 2015 quarter.

There were $14.4 billion in total benefit payments in the March 2015 quarter, an increase of 9.2 per cent from the March 2014 quarter ($13.2 billion). Total benefit payments for the year ending March 2015 were $57.5 billion.

Net contribution flows (contributions plus net benefit transfers less benefit payments) totalled $8.7 billion in the March 2015 quarter, a decrease of 1.4 per cent from the March 2014 quarter ($8.8 billion). Net contribution flows for the year ending March 2015 were $39.3 billion.

Looking at the splits, the trend growth was strong in industry, retail and SMSF.

SuperByTrendTypeMar2015Looking at SMSF, both asset values and number of funds show a steady rise.

SMSFa-Mar-2015However whilst 27% of all superannuation funds are now held in SMSF, this decreased by 1% from a year ago.

SuperSplitsMar2015The annual industry-wide rate of return (ROR) for entities with more than four members for the year ending March 2015 was 13.0 per cent. The five year average annualised ROR to March 2015 was 8.0 per cent.

As at the end of the March 2015 quarter, 52 per cent of the $1.35 trillion investments for entities with at least four members were invested in equities; with 24 per cent in Australian listed equities, 22 per cent in international listed equities and 5 per cent in unlisted equities. Fixed income and cash investments accounted for 32 per cent of investments; 19 per cent in fixed income and 13 per cent in cash. Property and infrastructure accounted for 12 per cent of investments and 4 per cent were invested in other assets, including hedge funds and commodities.

Average Super Fund Return Was 13% In 2014 – APRA

APRA just released their Superannuation Fund-level Profiles and Financial Performance (interim edition). Superannuation funds included in this publication represent the vast majority of superannuation assets regulated by APRA. It contains data for all APRA-regulated superannuation funds with more than four members. Pooled superannuation trusts (PSTs) have been excluded from the publication publications as their assets are captured in other superannuation funds. Exempt public sector superannuation schemes (EPSSS) have also been excluded.

The fund by fund data tells an interesting story. The average across retail, corporate, public sector and industry funds was 13%. This is calculated by taking the returns and costs at a fund level to create a net fund return. Individual members within a fund will see different true returns, based on the options they choose and other elements. However, it gets interesting if we look across the nearly 2oo funds.  Several funds are returning below 5%, and a few above 14%.

SuperReturnsAll2014What is even more interesting is that the size of the fund is not a good predictor of performance. We can see this by mapping returns to number of members.  The biggest fund returned under 10%, the next two between 12% and 14%. But we see some smaller funds out performing, and others languishing. That said, one year’s performance is not necessarily a good indicator of longer term performance anyhow.

MemberMapAll2014What is clear, is that Industry Funds, on average, still return more than retail funds. Corporate (private) funds do even better.

AveragePerSuper2014So, we can then look across each of the main types of fund. First, retail. There are about 100 retail funds. The average returns varies widely. Not all individual funds are listed here, but the graph includes all data points.

RetailFundsReturns2014If we look across the membership, and return map, we see wide variations again. Some smaller funds outperformed the larger ones in 2014.

MemberMapRetail2014The industry funds, of which there are more than 40, did better, with no funds below 8%, even if their peak performance was 14%.

IndustryFunds2014We also see that larger industry funds did better than the smaller ones, on average in 2014.

MemberMapIndustry2014Finally, we look at public sector funds. The 18 funds here did better than retail funds …

PublicSectorSuper2014… and larger funds (by membership) tended to do better.


Life Insurance Companies Net Profit Up 29.7% In 2015 – APRA

The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) today released the Quarterly Life Insurance Performance Statistics publication for the March 2015 reference period.

The Quarterly Life Insurance Performance Statistics publication provides industry aggregate summaries of financial performance, financial position, capital adequacy and key ratios in a time series.

Net premium for the industry in the year ended 31 March 2015 was $61.8 billion, up from $50.0 billion in the previous year. Net policy payments for the industry for the same period were $60.8 billion, up from the previous year’s $45.6 billion.

Net profit after tax was $2.6 billion for the year ending 31 March 2015, up from $2.0 billion in the previous year. The March 2015 quarter profit was $830 million compared with the December 2014 quarter profit of $644 million.

The total assets for the industry were $306.5 billion as at 31 March 2015, up from $276.5 billion a year earlier.

The prescribed capital amount coverage ratio for the industry was 1.71 times the prescribed capital amount as at 31 March 2015, down from 1.88 times in the previous year.

APRA On Lending Standards And Capital

APRA’s Wayne Byres today spoke at the COBA CEO & Director Forum in Sydney. His speech was entitled ‘Sound lending standards and adequate capital: preconditions for long-term success’. He highlights some interesting behaviourial differences between banks when it comes to the appraisal of mortgage loans, and also talks (and reinforces APRA’s position) with regards to capital measures.

I’d like to use my time today to talk about two issues of relevance to all ADIs: credit risk and capital. In the world of banking supervision, these are at the heart of what we do: credit risk because it is far and away the biggest risk that ADIs take on, and capital because it is a critical form of defence for when those risks go awry. Sound lending and adequate capital do not guarantee long-run success, but they are certainly a precondition for it.

Reinforcing sound lending standards

For many of you in the room today, the largest part of your loan portfolios is lending for housing. In that, you are reflective of the broader banking system in Australia. Across all ADIs, the proportion of lending attributable to housing has increased over the past decade from (an already dominant) 55 per cent to a little under 65 per cent today. For credit unions and building societies, the trend is directionally the same, but the dominance of housing even greater (Chart 1).

Chart1: Housing loans as a share of total lending

I have made the point elsewhere that the traditionally low risk nature of Australian housing portfolios has provided important ballast for the Australian banking system – a steady income stream and low loss rates from housing loan books have helped keep the system on a reasonably even keel, despite occasional stormy seas and misadventures elsewhere1. Much of the ongoing trust and confidence in the system, by Australian depositors and international investors alike, is founded on this history of stability.

It is not something we should place at risk.

The current economic environment for housing lenders is characterised by heightened levels of risk, reflecting a combination of historically low interest rates, high household debt, subdued income growth, unemployment that has drifted higher, significant house price growth, and strong competitive pressures. Many of these features have been emerging over a number of years, and APRA’s supervision has been intensifying in response. In addition to a heightened level of supervisory activity at individual ADIs, APRA has, for example:

  • increased the level of analysis of mortgage portfolios, including regular review of detailed data on ADI underwriting policies and key risk indicators, to identify outliers;
  • written to boards of the larger lenders, seeking their written assurances with respect to their oversight of the evolving risks in residential mortgage lending;
  • issued a prudential practice guide (APG 223) on sound risk management practices for residential mortgage lending; and
  • completed a stress test of the largest ADIs, with two scenarios focussed on a severe downturn in the housing market.

Not all of you have been directly involved with every one of these initiatives, but I’m sure you will have felt APRA’s presence in some shape or form.

We see this increasing intensity as an example of APRA’s risk-based approach to supervision. As housing-related risks have potentially grown, we have sought to ‘turn up the dial’ of our supervisory scrutiny and, importantly, ensure that Boards and management of ADIs are doing likewise.

Our most recent turning up of the dial was the letter sent to all ADIs in December last year regarding our plans to reinforce sound lending standards2. The letter, beyond expressing some of the general concerns I have just touched upon, also set out some more specific areas that APRA supervisors would be focussing on, and how we would respond if we felt our concerns were not being addressed. Similar sentiments have also been included in more recent letters sent to smaller ADIs.

There are a number of additional regulatory and supervisory tools that APRA has available to address emerging risks: additional supervisory monitoring and oversight, supervisory actions involving Pillar 2 capital requirements for individual ADIs, and higher regulatory capital requirements at a system-wide level. Beyond this, there are more direct controls that are increasingly being used in other jurisdictions, such as limits on particular types of lending – what are commonly referred to as macro-prudential controls.

Up to this point, we have opted to stick with traditional micro-prudential tools targeted at individual ADIs and their specific practices, albeit with an eye to financial stability risks as well as the safety and soundness of individual entities. We are not seeking to determine an appropriate level of house prices, or a particular level of household debt. That is beyond our mandate. Our goal is simpler: reinforcing sound lending standards, which is the ‘bread and butter’ work of a banking supervisor.

Credit assessments – room for improvement

Accurately assessing a borrower’s ability to service and ultimately to repay a loan without undue hardship, including under periods of economic stress, is an inherent component of sound credit risk management, particularly for residential mortgage lending.3

One of the interesting challenges of assessing serviceability practices has been that, just as the vast majority of motor vehicle drivers believe they are above average in driving ability, ADIs invariably claim their lending standards are at the more conservative end of the spectrum, and that it is their competitors that are the source of poor practices. As with everyone claiming to be an above-average driver, not every ADI can be right.

To help us get to the bottom of this, we recently undertook a small hypothetical borrower survey. We asked a number of the larger housing lenders (including a few mutuals) to provide their serviceability assessments for four hypothetical borrowers that we invented (two owner-occupiers, and two investors). The outcomes for these hypothetical borrowers helped to put the spotlight on differences in credit assessments and lending standards. The outcomes were quite enlightening for us – and, to be frank, a little disconcerting in places.

Mortgage lending is often thought of as a fairly commoditised product, but in reality there are wide differences in how lenders assessed the risk of a given borrower. The first surprising result from our review was the very wide range of loan amounts that, hypothetically, were offered to our borrowers. It was not uncommon to find the most generous ADI was prepared to lend in the order of 50 per cent more than the most conservative ADI.

More importantly, the exercise also allowed us to explore the key drivers of difference in risk assessments across lenders. Serviceability is obviously multi-dimensional; it depends on how big a loan is extended, relative to a borrower’s income (and the reliability of the various components of that income) and the nature and extent of non-housing obligations that a borrower needs to meet.

One significant factor behind differences in serviceability assessments, particularly for owner occupiers, was how ADIs measured the borrower’s living expenses (Chart 2a and 2b). As a regulator, it is hard to understand the rationale for large differences in what should be a relatively objective, and extremely critical, metric.4

Chart 2a: Minimum living expense assumptions shows percentage of owner-occupier borrower pre-tax salary income between 20%-35%
Chart 2b: Minimum living expense assumptions shows percentage of investor borrower pre-tax salary income between 0%-25%

Of major concern were a few ADIs who opted to make their credit assessment based on a lower level of living expenses than that declared by the borrower. That is obviously a practice that should not continue, and ADIs should be making reasonable inquiries about a borrower’s living expenses. In fact, best practice (and intuition) would be to apply minimum living expense assumptions that increase with borrower incomes; this was a practice adopted by only a minority of ADIs in our survey.

The treatment of other income sources (such as bonuses, overtime and investment earnings) also played a large role in credit decisions (Chart 3). Common sense would suggest it is prudent to apply a discount or haircut to these types of income, reflecting the fact they are often less reliable means of meeting regular loan repayments. Unfortunately, common sense was sometimes absent.

Chart 3: Income recognised (less tax and haircuts) shows percentage of investor borrower gross pre-tax income

Another area of interest was the discount or ‘haircut’ applied to declared rental income on an investment property. The norm in the ADI industry seems to be a 20% haircut, but we noted in our exercise that some ADIs based their serviceability assessment on smaller, or even zero, haircuts. Bearing in mind that the cost of real estate fees, strata fees, rates and maintenance can easily account for a significant part of expected rental income, and this does not take into account potential periods of vacancy, the 20% norm itself does not seem particularly conservative. We also came across a few instances in which ADIs were relying on anticipated future tax benefits from negative gearing to get a borrower over the line for a mortgage.

Variations in assessments were also driven by the size of interest-rate buffers applied to the new loan (Chart 4) – something we flagged in our December letter as an area of particular importance. For investor lending, this issue was more pronounced: a major driver of differences across ADIs was whether an interest-rate buffer was applied to both the investor’s existing debts (such as loans outstanding on existing owner-occupied or investment properties), as well as to the proposed new loan. As of earlier this year when the survey was conducted, only about half of the surveyed ADIs applied such a buffer to existing debts (all applied some form of buffer to new debts). I confess to struggling to see the logic of such an approach – after all, any rise in interest rates will at some point in time affect the borrower’s other debts just as they will for the new loan being sought.

Chart 4: Existing mortgage debt shows interest rate used in investor serviceability assessment between 4%-9%

The final area I would highlight were differences in the treatment of interest only loans. Our test included one borrower seeking a 30-year loan, with the first 5 years on an interest-only basis. Only a minority of surveyed ADIs calculated the ability to service principal and interest (P&I) repayments over the residual 25 year term. Despite the contractual terms, the majority assumed P&I repayments over the full 30-year term, and hence were able to inflate the hypothetical borrower’s apparent surplus income by, in our particular example, around 5 per cent.

So there is no confusion, let me be clear that Australian ADIs are thankfully well away from the types of subprime lending that have caused so many problems elsewhere (eg lending with an LVR in excess of 100 per cent, at teaser rates, to borrowers with no real capacity to repay). Nevertheless, our overall conclusion from this hypothetical borrower exercise was that there were clearly examples of practice that were less than prudent. As a result, we have shown ADIs that participated in the exercise how they compare to their peers and where their serviceability assessments could be strengthened: in all of the examples above, we expect to see changes to practices across a range of ADIs.

In doing so, we have been asked whether APRA is trying to standardise mortgage risk assessments or impose a common ‘risk appetite’ across the industry. In fact, we do think it important that ADIs adhere to some minimum expectations with respect to, for example, interest-rate buffers and floors, and adopt prudent estimates of borrower’s likely income and expenses. In that regard, to the extent we are reinforcing a healthy dose of common sense in lending standards, greater convergence is probably warranted.

At the same time, we certainly want to see competition between lenders and fully accept that different ADIs can have different risk appetites. And we are not seeking to interfere in ADIs’ ability to compete on price, service standards or other aspects of the customer experience. However, making overly optimistic assessments of a borrower’s capacity to repay does not seem a sensible or sustainable basis on which to attract new customers or retain existing ones. It also runs the risk of adverse selection and an accumulation of higher risk customers who (perhaps quite justifiably) cannot get finance elsewhere. To go back to my opening remarks, it does not fulfil the precondition for long-term success.

I have mentioned all of this for two reasons:

  • First, because what at first glance might seem prudent practice is not always so. When our December letter was issued, a number of ADIs were quick to point out they were already utilising a floor rate of 7 per cent and a buffer of 2 per cent within their serviceability assessments. Leaving aside that our letter suggested it would be good practice to operate comfortably above those levels, if the buffers are being applied to overly optimistic assessments of income, or only to part of the borrower’s debts, they do not serve their purpose.
  • Second, because much of the attention given to our December letter has focussed on the 10 per cent benchmark for growth in investor lending. I want to emphasise that our analysis goes much broader than just investor lending growth, and captures ADIs’ lending standards and risk profile across the board. Investor lending aspirations will only be one factor in our consideration of the need for further supervisory action.

This work on lending standards has been intensive and time-consuming for APRA and, no doubt, all of the ADIs involved, but has been well worth it if we have been able to reinforce sound lending standards across the industry. (If you have not yet looked at your own policies in the areas I have outlined, I would encourage you to do so as a matter of priority.) Of course, we will need to keep up our scrutiny and be alert to both subsequent policy changes, and/or substantial policy overrides (ie loan approvals outside policy). The latter will warrant particular attention by both ADIs and APRA: if policies are tightened only for overrides to correspondingly increase, we will have not achieved our objective.

That also applies to business plans and growth aspirations: where we have agreed plans with ADIs, we will obviously be monitoring closely to see that they kick into effect in the second half of the year. We recognise that it takes time for growth plans to alter course, especially given lending pipelines of pre-approved loans (there is also typically slightly stronger growth in the second quarter of the calendar year). However, ADIs have now had long enough to revise their ambitions where needed, and we will be watching carefully to see a moderation in growth in investor lending in the second half of the year as revised plans are implemented.

Developments in capital standards

Let me now turn to capital adequacy.

As most of you know, there were five recommendations from the Final Report of the Financial System Inquiry that relate to ADI capital:

  • Recommendation 1 – that we set ADI capital standards in such a manner as to ensure ADIs are ‘unquestionably strong’ (with a suggestion this could be met by having Australian banks in the top quartile when measured against the capital ratios of international peers);
  • Recommendation 2 – that we narrow the differential in risk weights on mortgages between the standardised and internal-ratings based (IRB) approaches (again, with a suggestion of a 25-30 per cent risk weight for the IRB approach);
  • Recommendation 3 – that we should implement a framework for additional loss absorbing and recapitalisation capacity in line with international practice;
  • Recommendation 4 – that we develop a reporting template that allows the capital ratios of Australian ADIs to be reported without the impact of APRA adjustments to the Basel minimums; and
  • Recommendation 8 – that we introduce a leverage ratio as a backstop to the risk-based capital framework.

In addition, the Basel Committee has work underway that will intersect with these recommendations. Most relevantly, it is currently considering:

  • responses to submissions on proposed revisions to the standardised approach, including, importantly, to housing risk weights;
  • responses to submissions on proposed revisions to the capital floor for banks using the IRB approach; and
  • how the IRB framework can be reinforced, given the increasing scepticism towards modelling approaches in light of the excessive variability in capital requirements they are producing.

To repeat what I have said previously, it is to everyone’s benefit that we approach the FSI and Basel proposals in a coordinated manner. But that does not mean waiting until every i is dotted and t is crossed.

The Basel Committee meets again in June to review the way ahead on its various proposals. I do not think it will be too long after that that we are able to announce how we will respond to those issues that are easiest to tackle sooner rather than later (particularly Recommendations 2 and 4). Other items will take a little longer to pin down the precise detail. But the direction is clear, and we fully support the FSI’s recommendation that Australian ADIs should be unquestionably strong. So it also makes sense to start early and move forward in an orderly fashion wherever possible: affected ADIs should, provided they take sensible opportunities to accumulate capital, be well-placed to accommodate these changes when they occur.

What does all of it mean for customer-owned banking organisations? As this audience already knows, the capital ratios of credit unions and building societies stand, on average, well above that of the rest of the banking sector (Chart 5), providing a healthy buffer with which to accommodate any future changes. I suspect that, when looked at in aggregate, mutual ADIs will be less impacted by the collective set of changes to regulatory requirements than other parts of the ADI sector. Of course, within the sector, there are differences from ADI to ADI, so I am wary of making sweeping statements. But there is no doubt that mutual ADIs generally start with high capital ratios vis-à-vis many of their larger competitors, and the impact of changes are likely to be felt more acutely elsewhere.

That said – and I wouldn’t be true to my role as a prudential supervisor if I did not sound a note of caution before I conclude – it doesn’t mean the changes won’t be felt at all, or that changes in the competitive landscape will provide a panacea to the strategic challenges that face smaller organisations in a more demanding environment. Long-standing issues of scale, geographic concentration, technological capacity, and more mobile and demanding customers will not be diminished by regulatory changes. The only suggestion I would offer on these today is that the challenges will be more likely to be overcome if, consistent with the mutual ethos that underpins COBA and its members, the mutual sector works cooperatively together to address them.

Concluding remarks

I opened by setting out two necessary – but not sufficient – preconditions for long-term success: sound lending standards and adequate capital.

Lending standards are important for the stability of the Australian banking system, and given the importance of housing-related lending, it should not be surprising that APRA supervisors are increasingly vigilant on the risks this lending presents. Put simply, if all our eggs are increasingly being placed in one basket, we need to make sure the basket isn’t dropped. ADIs that have continued to adopt sensible practices and prudent credit assessments should welcome this approach, as it strengthens their capacity to compete without being reckless. On the other hand, ADIs with more aggressive practices should fully expect to find APRA increasingly at their doorstep.

When it comes to capital, we will have more to say shortly. But my message today is that we will respond to all of the FSI’s recommendations as soon as we can, bearing in mind the need for a coordinated approach that factors in international work that is still in the pipeline. No one disputes the benefits of having an unquestionably strong banking sector, so where it makes sense to move ahead, we will get on with it. ADIs should adopt a similar approach in their capital planning: to the extent further capital accumulation is needed, there is little to be lost from starting early.

1 Seeking Strength in Adversity, AB+F Randstad Leaders Lecture Series, 7 November 2014

2 Reinforcing Sound Residential Mortgage Lending Practices, 9 December 2014

3 APG223, Residential Mortgage Lending, November 2014. See also Financial Stability Board, Sound Residential Mortgage Underwriting Practices, April 2012.

4 Estimated living expenses between the most conservative and the least conservative ADI varied by at least 30 per cent, and in some cases significantly more (depending on the borrower’s characteristics).

APRA Finalises New Disclosure Requirements for ADIs

The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) has today released a response to submissions paper and final versions of Prudential Standard APS 110 Capital Adequacy and Prudential Standard APS 330 Public Disclosure, which incorporate new disclosure requirements for a limited number of authorised deposit-taking institutions (ADIs). These standards take effect from 1 July 2015. In most cases, the first set of disclosures will be based on September 2015 reporting dates.

With regard to capital, the Prudential Standard requires an authorised deposit-taking institution (ADI) to maintain adequate capital, on both a Level 1 and Level 2 basis, to act as a buffer against the risk associated with its activities. An ADI must have an Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Process (ICAAP) that must: (a) be adequately documented, with the documentation made available to APRA on request; and (b) be approved by the Board initially, and when significant changes are made.

An ADI must, on an annual basis, provide a report on the implementation of its ICAAP to APRA (ICAAP report). A copy of the ICAAP report must be provided to APRA no later than three months from the date on which the report has been prepared.

APRA will determine prudential capital requirements (PCRs) for an ADI. The PCRs, expressed as a percentage of total risk-weighted assets, will be set by reference to Common Equity Tier 1 Capital, Tier 1 Capital and Total Capital. PCRs may be determined at Level 1, Level 2 or both.

The minimum PCRs that an ADI must maintain at all times are:

(a) a Common Equity Tier 1 Capital ratio of 4.5 per cent;
(b) a Tier 1 Capital ratio of 6.0 per cent; and
(c) a Total Capital ratio of 8.0 per cent.

APRA may determine higher PCRs for an ADI and may change an ADI’s PCRs at any time.

From 1 January 2016, an ADI must hold a capital conservation buffer above the PCR for Common Equity Tier 1 Capital. The capital conservation buffer is 2.5 per cent of the ADI’s total risk-weighted assets, unless determined otherwise by APRA. The sum of the Common Equity Tier 1 PCR plus the capital conservation buffer determined by APRA will be no less than 7.0 per cent of the ADI’s total risk-weighted assets. Any amount of Common Equity Tier 1 Capital required to meet an ADI’s PCRs for Tier 1 Capital or Total Capital, above the amount required to meet the PCR for Common Equity Tier 1 Capital, is not eligible to be included in the capital conservation buffer.

From 1 January 2016, APRA may require an ADI to hold additional Common Equity Tier 1 Capital, of between zero and 2.5 per cent of total risk-weighted assets, as a countercyclical capital buffer. An ADI with credit exposures in geographic locations outside Australia must calculate any countercyclical capital buffer requirement as the weighted average of the buffers that are applied by the regulatory authorities in jurisdictions in which the ADI has exposures. APRA will inform ADIs of any decision to set, or increase, the level of the countercyclical capital buffer up to 12 months before the date from which it applies. Any decision by APRA to decrease the level of a countercyclical capital buffer will take effect immediately.

An ADI or authorised NOHC (as applicable) must obtain APRA’s written approval prior to making any planned reduction in capital, whether at Level 1 or Level 2.

An ADI or an authorised NOHC (as applicable) must notify APRA, in accordance with section 62A of the Banking Act, of any breach or prospective breach of the capital requirements contained in this Prudential Standard and inform APRA of any remedial actions taken or planned to deal with the breach.




March Monthly Banking Stats Update

APRA published their monthly banking statistics for March. Overall housing lending was $1.336 trillion by the banks (the RBA number of $1.45 trillion includes the non banks). This was a rise of  0.59% in the month, with owner occupied loans lifting 0.46% and investment loans 0.84%. Investment loans accounted for 35.1% of all loans in the month. Looking at the individual bank data, there was little change, with CBA holding the largest share of owner occupied loans, and Westpac, investment loans. Macquarie continues its growth path.

MortgageMarketShareMarch2015Looking at the portfolio movements, ING and Suncorp both lost portfolio share, whilst Macquarie continues to expand at pace. Members Equity and Bendigo/Adelaide also grew well above the market average.

MovementsMortgageMarch2015Looking at the annual growth rates, for owner occupied loans, Macquarie led the way (partly thanks to acquisition) and ANZ was the major with the largest growth.

YOYOOMovwementsMarch2015On the investment lending side, where there is more interest in not exceeding the 10% “alert” level, we see that ANZ and Westpac were at 10%, whilst CBA and NAB were above the 10% mark. Macquarie and Members Equity continue to grow their investment lending book well above system. No doubt the regulators are having a quiet word! As APRA said, “strong growth in lending to property investors — portfolio growth materially above a threshold of 10 per cent will be an important risk indicator for APRA supervisors in considering the need for further action”

YOYInvetsmentMortgagesMarch2015Talking about APRA, their supervisory lens also includes serviceability buffers – “loan affordability tests for new borrowers — in APRA’s view, these should incorporate an interest rate buffer of at least 2 per cent above the loan product rate, and a floor lending rate of at least 7 per cent, when assessing borrowers’ ability to service their loans. Good practice would be to maintain a buffer and floor rate comfortably above these levels”. So how come we do not get any reporting on this dimension? As discussed before, this should be addressed.

Deposits grew at 0.47%, so slower than lending, indicating that some banks are relying more on other funding avenues to support growth. Deposits rose by $8.6 billion to a total of 1.8 trillion. There was little relative movement amongst the major players in terms of share, though we do see deposit repricing in hand, with rates continuing to falling.

DepositShareMarch2015 Individual movements are charted below for selected banks.

ShareMovementsDepositsMarch2015     Finally, the credit card portfolio grew by $169 million in the month, and sits at $41,6 billion. Little change in the market shares reported this month.


Housing Credit Higher Yet Again

Today APRA released their Monthly Banking Statistics for February 2015. Overall housing lending by the banks rose by 0.53% in the month to $1.329 trillion. Investment lending rose by 0.68% and owner occupation loans by 0.45%. The lending records continue to be broken. Looking at bank by bank performance, CBA has the largest share of owner occupied loans (26.9%) whilst Westpac has 31.7% of investment home loans.

FebAPRAMBSFeb2014Tracking portfolio movements, we see that in the month Macquarie grew its total portfolio by 3% (compared with the market average of 0.5%), Suncorp and Members Equity Bank both grew by 1.9%, whilst AMP Bank rose by 1.2%

MonthlyPortfolioAPRAMBSFeb2014Looking at the YOY movements in the Investment portfolio, the market grew at 12% (above the APRA 10% monitor rate). A number of banks exceeded this growth level, with Macquarie, CBA and Suncorp at the top of the range.

AnnualInvPOrtfolioAPRAMBSFeb2014 Turning to deposits, balances rose by 0.53% in the month, to $1,82 trillion. The portfolio mix changed a little in the month, though CBA still has the largest share at 24.8%.

DepositFebAPRAMBSFeb2014Here are the monthly portfolio movements. ANZ, Bendigo and Rabbobank lost relative share, reflecting further deposit repricing strategies.

DepositMovementsAPRAMBSFeb2014Finally, the card portfolio rose to $41.5 billion. Little change in the market shares,with CBA at 27.8%, WBC at 22.7% and ANZ at 20.2%.


APRA Waiting For Global Capital Developments Before Acting

In Wayne Byres speech today to the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Economics, there was a clear indication that they would wait for the results of the international work of changes to capital rules before doing much locally. Meantime they will continue to talk to the local banks about sound lending practice. Too little, to late in my view. We need to move beyond a fixation on financial stability.

Sound Lending Practices for Housing

When we made our last appearance, we were still contemplating potential actions with respect to emerging risks in the housing market. We have since written to all authorised deposit-taking institutions (or ADIs) encouraging them to maintain sound lending standards, and identified some benchmarks that APRA supervisors will be using in deciding whether additional supervisory action – such as higher capital requirements – might be warranted.

I would like to emphasise that, in alerting ADIs to our concerns in this area, we are seeking to ensure emerging risks and imbalances do not get out of hand. We are not targeting house price levels – as I have said elsewhere, that is beyond our mandate – and we are not at this point asking banks to materially reduce their lending.  We have identified some areas where we have set benchmarks that we think will be useful indicators of where risk could be building, and in doing so, will help reinforce sound lending practices amongst all ADIs.  We are currently assessing the plans and practices of individual ADIs and, over the next month or so, will be considering whether any supervisory action is needed. So far, our discussions with the major lenders have suggested they recognise it is in everyone’s interests for sound lending standards to be maintained.  But we shall see – we are ready to take further action if needed.

Financial System Inquiry

Beyond this immediate issue, we are also giving thought to the more fundamental issues in relation to ADI capital contained in the recommendations of the Financial System Inquiry. There are two key influences on how we will proceed on these issues: first, the submissions made through the Government’s consultation process, and second, the work still underway on a number of related issues in the international standard-setting bodies, particularly the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision.

Helpfully, the FSI and the international work are pointing us in the same direction. There are, however, complexities in the detail that we need to work through carefully. In terms of timing, we do not need to wait for every i to be dotted and t to be crossed in the international work before we turn our minds to an appropriate response to the FSI’s recommendations.  But it will be in everyone’s interests if, over the next few months, we are able to glean a better sense of some of the likely outcomes of the international work before we make too many decisions on proposed changes to the Australian capital adequacy framework.

Conflicts Management in Superannuation

When we last appeared before this Committee, we spent some of our time discussing the management of conflicts of interest in the superannuation industry. Since the introduction of prudential standards for superannuation in 2013, APRA has been assessing how well trustees have adjusted to the heightened expectations placed upon them, with a particular focus on conflicts management. The main message from our recent review in this area is that, while there have been improvements across the industry and some trustees have established quite good practices, others still have more work to do to meet the objectives of the prudential standard. Unfortunately, we still see instances where actual and potential conflicts are viewed very narrowly: a minimalist, compliance-based approach is taken to the design of conflicts management frameworks, rather than an approach that seeks to meet the spirit and intent of the requirements. Some trustees also take a reactive approach to dealing with conflicts, rather than ensuring regular and appropriate prior consideration of conflicts and a proactive approach to their effective management.

APRA’s supervisors are engaging with the entities that were covered by the review to ensure that appropriate and timely action is taken on any specific issues that were identified. We are also issuing a general letter to the industry, providing the key findings from the review and identifying a range of specific questions for trustees to consider in reviewing and enhancing their conflicts management frameworks. APRA will continue to focus on conflicts management as part of its future supervision activities, and will continue to push the industry to meet the enhanced governance and risk management expectations set out in our standards.

Private Health Insurance

Finally, let me make a quick comment on private health insurance. As you would be aware, APRA is not currently the prudential regulator of private health insurance – the Private Health Insurance Administration Council (PHIAC) performs that function – but we are preparing to take on that task from 1 July 2015, assuming the passage of the relevant legislation. For our part, we are working closely with PHIAC and other stakeholders, and will be ready to take on these new responsibilities. We are proposing only the minimum change necessary to the prudential standards and rules to align them with the proposed new legislation – in practice, health insurers should notice very little difference in their prudential arrangements from 1 July. But, even though the impact of the change may not be particularly noticeable, we would stress that a lot of work has gone into the preparations and it is in everyone’s interest that the momentum is not lost. APRA, PHIAC staff and industry will all benefit from the certainty provided by that.

Loan Portfolio Analysis To January 2015 – Where APRA May Look

The Monthly Banking Statistics from APRA, released late last week, shows some interesting trends across the loans portfolios of individual banks in the sector. It of course does not include the non-banks. A number of smaller players are likely to gain APRA’s attention.

Looking first at the year on year portfolio movements for investment home loans, (of interest given APRA’s recent statements “strong growth in lending to property investors — portfolio growth materially above a threshold of 10 per cent will be an important risk indicator for APRA supervisors in considering the need for further action”), we see a market average (Jan-Jan) of 12%. But there are significant differences between players, with several above 20% growth, CBA at 15%, NAB at 12%, Suncorp at 11% and Westpac at 10%.

MBSYOYINVMovementsJan2015Looking at owner occupied loans, the market grew at 5.6%, with significant portfolio variations, including Members Equity at 13%, Bendigo and Adelaide at 9%, and Suncorp at 7%. Remember, these are net portfolio movements, (allowing for new loans, and existing loan run-off. Macquarie stands out, but that is because of the $1.5 billion portfolio of non-branded mortgages they purchased from ING in September.

MBSYOYOOMovementsJan2015 In January, the portfolio grew by 0.42% for owner occupied loans to $859,645 bn, whilst investment loans grew 0.76% to $462,358 bn. Investment loans make up 35% of the bank’s portfolios. Total lending was up by $7,107 Bn. Looking at the current share of loans, there was little change in mix, with CBA the largest owner occupied loans provider, and Westpac the largest investment loan provider.

MBSHomeLoansShareJan2015We see Macquarie, AMP and Heritage Buildoing Society growing their loan portfolios the fastest last month.

MBSHomeLoansMonthlyMovementsJan2015Turning to deposits, they grew by 0.61% in the month, up $10,948 bn, to $1,807,882 bn. There was little change in the overall portfolio, with CBA still holding nearly a quarter of the market.

MBSDepositSharesJan2015However, looking at the portfolio movements, we see the smaller players, like Bendigo ING, Rabobank and HSBC growing faster compared with the main players. This represents differential deposit discounting which has been in play, thanks to beguine wholesale markets, and competition for deposits easing – bad news for depositors, and rates continue to fall.

MBSDepositMovementsJaqn2015Finally, credit card balances fell slightly in the month (after the Christmas splurge) down $824 bn to $41,002 bn. Little change in the footprint of the major players.



Groupthink Stems From The Council of Financial Regulators

Behind the scenes, it is the mysterious Council of Financial Regulators which is coordinating activity across the Reserve Bank, APRA, AISC and Treasury. This body, is the conductor of the regulatory orchestra, and although formed initially in 1998, it has only had an independent website since 2013.  It is the coordinating body for Australia’s main financial regulatory agencies. It is a non-statutory body whose role is to contribute to the efficiency and effectiveness of financial regulation and to promote stability of the Australian financial system. The Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) chairs the Council and members include the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA), the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC), and The Treasury. The Council of Financial Regulators (CFR) comprises two representatives – the chief executive and a senior representative – from each of these four member agencies.

The CFR meets in person quarterly or more often if circumstances require it. The meetings are chaired by the RBA Governor, with secretariat support provided by the RBA. In the CFR, members share information, discuss regulatory issues and, if the need arises, coordinate responses to potential threats to financial stability. The CFR also advises Government on the adequacy of Australia’s financial regulatory arrangements. A formal charter was only adopted on 13 January 2014.

The Council of Financial Regulators (CFR) aims to facilitate cooperation and collaboration between the Reserve Bank of Australia, the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA), the Australian Securities and Investments Commission and The Treasury. Its ultimate objectives are to contribute to the efficiency and effectiveness of regulation and to promote stability of the Australian financial system.

The CFR provides a forum for:

  • identifying important issues and trends in the financial system, including those that may impinge upon overall financial stability;
  • ensuring the existence of appropriate coordination arrangements for responding to actual or potential instances of financial instability, and helping to resolve any issues where members’ responsibilities overlap; and
  • harmonising regulatory and reporting requirements, paying close attention to the need to keep regulatory costs to a minimum.

So, given the intended independence of the RBA, from Government, there is an important question to consider. How can this be seen to be true? More likely, we think there is significant potential for groupthink. In addition, no minutes of discussions are made public. We think its time for greater transparency and openness.

Sunlight is said to be the best of disinfectants; electric light the most efficient policeman” said U.S. Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis. We agree.