What The UK Regulators Are Focussing On Next

Donald Kohn, External Member of the Financial Policy Committee, Bank of England, addressed the Society of Business Economists giving views on some broad priorities for the FPC in coming years.  First, how the FPC can continue to build a systematic and disciplined approach to macroprudential policy – to identifying risks and using our powers of direction and recommendation to address them; and second, how the FPC can contribute to fostering safe and resilient market alternatives to bank finance in the UK.

I have been a member of the Committee since its inception as the interim FPC in the spring of 2011. In that time I believe we have accomplished much to make the UK financial system safer and put in place the foundations for continuing that work in the future. We have worked with the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) to build the resilience of the UK banking system – especially to build its capital cushion against future shocks – so that it can continue to deliver financial services to the real economy in the face of adverse economic and financial developments, and without requiring further taxpayer support. To this end, we phased in the Basel 3 capital risk-weighted capital requirements as quickly as possible for UK banks and instituted a minimum leverage ratio; there is still some work to be done, but major UK banks are now comfortably ahead of the Basel 3 transition timetable. Greater capital supports growth not only by making crises less likely and less severe, but also because well-capitalized banks have been shown to be more willing to lend.

Last year the FPC and the PRA initiated concurrent capital stress tests across large UK banks and are making these tests a regular part of the capital framework. This was a major innovation and strengthens our ability to be explicit about what we see as the important risks to financial stability in the UK and to test the banks’ resilience to those risks. Last year we tested banks’ resilience against the effects of a substantial rise in UK interest rates and a fall in property prices; this year our stress scenario originates in a major shortfall in growth in the rest of the world. The horizontal comparisons across banks from these tests can be particularly revealing about the relative capital positions, modelling characteristics, and risk management capabilities of each major UK bank.

These tests also importantly increase transparency to the public about the FPC’s view of risks to financial stability, the individual bank’s ability to withstand those risks, and the actions the FPC and PRA are taking in response to the results. In that regard the stress tests are an important new element in the accountability of the FPC and the PRA. I expect the stress test to play a major role in our execution of macroprudential policy in the future and I expect us to continue to develop our ability to use the information we collect to identify threats to financial stability, such as procyclicality of bank risk models, interconnections among banks that may not be evident on the surface, and crowded and correlated positions that make the system vulnerable to particular asset price movements.

The FPC has also identified various risks to financial stability beyond those posed by potential bank credit losses and made recommendations to deal with them. For example, we highlighted the dangers of cyber attack, and the potential for rising house prices to cause borrowers to become so indebted for the purchase of houses such that they would need to cut back sharply on spending should interest rates spike unexpectedly or income be temporarily depressed. In both cases we made recommendations that were implemented to counter the perceived risks. And we worked with the banks to enhance their disclosures and thereby strengthen the ability of their private sector counterparties to monitor and price the riskiness of banks through greater bank transparency – especially around capital risk calculations.

Finally we have put in place much of the basic framework required to operate macroprudential policy on an ongoing basis. We worked with HM Treasury and Parliament to get authority for the tools we need – including powers of direction over capital, leverage and key terms of lending against residential real estate. And we issued policy statements outlining how we might use these powers of direction to sustain financial stability.

As a Committee, we have established good working relationships with the PRA, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC). Macroprudential policy is implemented mostly through the PRA and FCA and they and we need to have a good understanding of what each authority is trying to accomplish and how our actions affect the objectives of the others. The chief executives of the PRA and FCA are both members of the FPC and have provided guidance on how to shape our recommendations to accomplish our objectives. Both macroprudential and monetary policy seek to accomplish their separate objectives by affecting aspects of financial conditions, so it is critical that each committee understand what and how the other intends to operate and can weigh the implications for meeting its objectives. The FPC has been asked to provide an independent voice on financial stability – by the MPC and by Treasury (in help-to-buy) to assess the financial stability implications of their policies. We are not completely finished with establishing the macroprudential framework: we need to complete the capital framework; we have requested powers of direction for buy-to-let lending; and the FPC will always need to be alert to the possibility that preserving financial stability in an evolving financial landscape could require new tools in new areas. But I believe the basic structure is largely in place.

Going forward we will be placing more emphasis on how we use the structure; it is a time of transition for the FPC. Having just begun a new three-year term with the FPC, I would like to use this occasion to look forward, to reflect now on what I hope we can accomplish in the next three years, building on the approach already in place. I will concentrate on two broad challenges: first, how the FPC can continue to build a systematic and disciplined approach to macroprudential policy – to identifying risks and using our powers of direction and recommendation to address them; and second, how the FPC can contribute to fostering safe and resilient market alternatives to bank finance in the UK.

How Banks Really Work

In a working paper, issued by the Bank of England, they explore the fundamentals of how banks work. The traditional model is that banks are driven by deposit taking, and use these deposits to make loans, so there is a direct link between deposits (and their volume and interest rates) and capacity to lend. Indeed, some suggest most monetary policy assumes this, yet many central banks have a different perspective.  Last year the Bank of England turned the model on its head by suggesting that actually banks have the capacity to create UNLIMITED amounts of credit, in fact creating money, unrelated to deposits.

Banks that create purchasing power can technically do so instantaneously and discontinuously, because the process does not involve physical goods, but rather the creation of money through the simultaneous expansion of both sides of banks’ balance sheets. While money is essential to facilitating purchases and sales of real resources outside the banking system, it is not itself a physical resource, and can be created at near zero cost. The most important limit, especially during the boom periods of financial cycles when all banks simultaneously decide to lend more, is their own assessment of the implications of new lending for their profitability and solvency, rather than external constraints such as loanable funds, or the availability of
central bank reserves. In fact, the quantity of reserves is therefore a consequence, not a cause, of lending and money creation.

This may explain why banking economics work they way they do. It also raises interesting questions in terms of banking regulation.

This paper, “Banks are not intermediaries of loanable funds – and why this matters” – Zoltan Jakab and Michael Kumhof looks at the two models, in some detail.

In the intermediation of loanable funds model of banking, banks accept deposits of pre-existing real resources from savers and then lend them to borrowers. In the real world, banks provide financing through money creation. That is they create deposits of new money through lending, and in doing so are mainly constrained by profitability and solvency considerations. This paper contrasts simple intermediation and financing models of banking. Compared to otherwise identical intermediation models, and following identical shocks, financing models predict changes in bank lending that are far larger, happen much faster, and have much greater effects on the real economy.

Note that working papers describe research in progress by the author(s) and are published to elicit comments and to further debate. Any views expressed are solely those of the author(s) and so cannot be taken to represent those of the Bank of England or to state Bank of England policy. This paper should therefore not be reported as representing the views of the Bank of England or members of the Monetary Policy Committee or Financial Policy Committee.

UK Funding For Lending Data Q1 2015 Released

The Bank of England has today published data on the use of the Funding for Lending Scheme (FLS) showing, for each group participating in the FLS Extension, the net quarterly flow of lending to UK small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and non-bank credit providers (NBCPs), and the amount borrowed from the Bank in the first quarter of 2015.

The Bank has today published data on the use of the Funding for Lending Scheme (FLS) showing, for each group participating in the FLS Extension, the net quarterly flow of lending to UK small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and non-bank credit providers (NBCPs), and the amount borrowed from the Bank in the first quarter of 2015.

During the first quarter of 2015, the number of groups participating in the FLS Extension was 34. Of these, 10 participants made drawdowns of £3.1bn in total. Participants also repaid £1.5bn, taking total outstanding drawings to £57.3bn.

Net lending by FLS Extension participants to SMEs was £0.6bn in the first quarter of 2015. This compares with quarterly net lending to SMEs in 2014 Q4 by FLS participants of -£0.8bn, while the quarterly average for 2014 was -£0.5bn

Quarterly net lending to SMEs and NBCPs by FLS Extension participants

FLS Q1 2015 chart1
FLS Q1 2015 chart1
Source: Bank of England.  (a)  For more details of the sector definitions within FLS see the Market Notice.  (b)  Note that the number of groups participating in the FLS Extension fell to 34 in 2015 Q1, from 38 at end-2014.

A number of institutions expanded their lending in 2015 Q1 and further borrowing allowances of £4.9bn have been generated, spread across 16 participants.

Aggregate net lending to SMEs (i.e. including lending by banks and building societies not participating in the FLS) was also positive in 2015 Q1. This is part of a broader improvement in lending to all non-financial businesses, as discussed in the May 2015 Inflation Report.3

Over the past few years, credit conditions have improved for SMEs. This has continued in 2015. According to the FSB Voice of Small Business Index, availability of credit to small businesses has risen in 2015 Q1. And in the Bank’s 2015 Q1 Credit Conditions Survey (CCS), lenders reported that spreads over reference rates for medium-sized companies fell significantly over the quarter. The CCS also reported that spreads were broadly unchanged for smaller companies however, while the Bank’s network of Agents report that some small companies continued to find it difficult to borrow from banks.4

The improvement in corporate credit conditions in part reflects the significant fall in bank funding costs that has occurred since the launch of the FLS. Over the first quarter of 2015, the level of funding costs remained low. The FLS Extension will continue to support lending to SMEs in 2015.

 UK banks’ indicative longer-term funding spreads


Sources: Bank of England, Bloomberg, Markit Group Limited and Bank calculations.  (a)  Constant-maturity unweighted average of secondary market spreads to swaps for the major UK lenders’ five-year euro senior unsecured bonds, or, where not available, a suitable proxy. (b)  Unweighted average of the five-year senior CDS premia for the major UK lenders. (c)    Sterling only, average of two and three-year spreads on retail bonds. Spreads over relevant end-month swap rates. Constant-maturity unweighted average of secondary market spreads to swaps for the major UK lenders’ five-year  euro-denominated covered bonds, or, where not available, a suitable proxy.

The Future Shape of Banking Regulation

In a speech entitled “The fence and the pendulum“, by Martin Taylor, External Member of the Financial Policy Committee, Bank of England, he discusses the thorny problems of macroprudential policymaking, which very much include the bank capital and too-big-to-fail agenda. It is worth reading in full.

He concludes:

This is a crucial time for the new international order in bank regulation. We are close to agreement on new standards that the industry, in the UK at least, is not too far off meeting. Four years ago that would have seemed a highly desirable outcome but quite an unlikely one. It’s good for our economies, and it will turn out to be good for the financial industry over the next quarter-century. At the same time the emergence – well, they never went away – the increasingly shrill emergence of voices calling for a regulatory softening is both structurally wrong and conjuncturally wrong. It remains the ungrateful job of the supervisors to save the banks from themselves. The shortness of human memory span and the speed with which we forget the ghastly misjudgements of the recent past: these are the enemies, the unresting enemies, alas, of financial stability.

Oil Prices And Their Economic Impact

How will lower oil prices flow through into inflation, growth and economic activity? Will monetary policy need to adjust to take account of oil price movements, or should these short term movements be isolated from inflation targetting? All important questions.

In a speech given today to the AIECE Conference in London, Martin Weale, External member of the Monetary Policy Committee, discusses two key issues for the inflation outlook in the UK: the impact of oil price moves on the UK inflation forecast, and the degree to which international prices feed through into the outlook in this country.

Weale’s arguments derive from models he believes offer a more realistic sense of the probability of relatively extreme movements in prices occurring than implied by more popular methods in economics – a lesson economists should have learned from the financial crisis. He states: “It might seem like a technical point, [but] it is in fact fundamental: if you seriously underplay the chance of relatively extreme events happening, then not only will you be more surprised when they do happen, but you may be tempted to read too much into them.”

Weale’s model for the impact of oil prices on the macroeconomy – drawing on long run data beginning in 1970 – indicates there is a risk that the impact of the oil price fall we have witnessed will be somewhat stronger in the near term than the MPC has predicted. The result, he concludes, would be that growth for 2015 would prove a little stronger, and inflation a little weaker, than expected.

However, Weale states that the risk of a slightly weaker profile for inflation has little impact on his outlook for policy, as the effect will have dissipated within two years – the relevant point for policymaking.

Turning to the international context, Weale investigates how far inflation in the UK is determined independently of what happens in other advanced economies.

Weale notes that the correlation between inflation in the UK and other OECD countries has been relatively high since 2008 – and more so over the past eighteen months.

However, he finds that there is relatively limited statistical evidence that the correlation is strong over the longer-run. Using data from 1993 to the present, he notes that the variability of core inflation in other rich countries can account for only about a seventh of the variability of UK core inflation.

Summing up, Weale states that the MPC must weigh the need to respond to these international factors, against the desire to provide some stability in the level of interest rates and output.

He adds: “I think the Committee is quite right to let the short-term effects of external shocks feed into inflation, even if this pushes it far from target, whether on the downside as now, or on the upside as in the crisis. To do otherwise, and tighten or loosen aggressively, would do little to help inflation in the short term, but would risk a lot with unwanted gyrations in output.”



Risks In Financial Markets And Shadow Banks

Andrew Bailey, Deputy Governor, Prudential Regulation and Chief Executive Officer, Prudential Regulation Authority gave a speech at  Cambridge University – Financial Markets: identifying risks and appropriate responses – which discusses important concepts in relation to the effective supervision of Financial Markets, in the context of expanding bond markets and automated electronic trading. There is good evidence that financial market conditions have evolved in ways that reduce the likelihood of continuous market liquidity in all states

There is a commonly-held narrative about the financial crisis that the banks caused it, and the solution is more regulation of both an economy-wide (macro-prudential in the jargon) and firm specific  (micro-prudential) type. But it isn’t that simple, and tonight I want to outline the role of financial markets and non-bank institutions (which sometimes go under the somewhat pejorative term of shadow banks ) within the overall financial system and describe how, with sufficient resilience, they play a number of key roles in the financial system, including offering borrowers alternatives to bank lending. Nevertheless, I also want to explain why there is significant and increasing emphasis on the risks they can pose to financial stability. Put simply, it is quite often said that we are living in unprecedented times in the performance of financial markets.

The simple narrative around banks is that they over-extended themselves (over-leveraged in terms of the ratio of assets to capital and over-extended in terms of the ratio of illiquid to liquid assets) in the run-up to the crisis, and the resulting problems had two closely linked and malign effects: first, the crisis jeopardised the provision of those core financial services which banks provide and on which all of us depend; and second, by so doing – and being too big or complicated to deal with as failed companies – they required the use of taxpayers’ money to bail them out. That’s the story, and it explains why the public policy actions taken both immediately after the crisis (bail-outs) and the subsequent post-crisis reforms have been directed at protecting those or core financial services and seeking to ensure that taxpayers’ money does not need to be put at risk.

There is however more to the story than that. In the period between the early 1990s and the onset of the crisis, there was a remarkable and unprecedented evolution of the financial system which involved a major expansion of activity. Banks moved from a traditional model of taking deposits and lending them out, to a model that involved far more the origination and distribution of loans – often known often as securitisation, in which these loans were substantially distributed to shadow banks. These shadow banks thereby took on more of the traditional core bank functions of credit assessment and maturity transformation (the practice of borrowing at shorter maturities than the maturities of the assets they held). And, they did so, like the banks, with weak levels of capital.

But, it would be a mistake to portray shadow banks as bad. There is good evidence that in the twenty years before the crisis they emerged as a stabilising force (most notably in the US) because they were able to expand their provision of credit at times when traditional bank lending underwent cyclical contractions. That said, there were some troubling properties associated with the growth of shadow banking. For instance, quite a few were sponsored by banks as a means to reduce the amount of capital to be held against risk exposures. When the crisis hit, in a number of cases those banks found they had to stand behind their offshoots for contractual or reputational reasons, so the separation was illusory and led to greater leverage in the system. Another issue was that the originate and distribute model of securitisation was often opaque and led to insufficient genuine risk transfer away from the banking system, in ways that became very problematic when the crisis hit. Shadow banks, also neglected the funding side of their balance sheets, so that they came to depend upon using their assets as security to obtain funding, often from banks. This is quite different from the traditional model of deposit funded banking where the assets (loans) are not used as security for raising funds. However, it must be said that in the run-up to the crisis, banks too came to depend overly on such secured funding. When the crisis hit, the value of the assets used as security for collateral fell, funding conditions tightened and in some instances were cut off .

These weaknesses meant that the counterbalancing behaviour of shadow banks vanished. Instead, they retracted just as banks did, but much more violently, which exacerbated the magnitude of the crisis. The result was therefore greater volatility in financial markets, and a dramatic increase in the vulnerability of economies to financial shocks. This contraction in credit supply was thus a powerful channel through which the financial sector hit economies. The result was the largest contraction in real economic activity since the Great Depression. In the better times, securitisation and the shadow banking system appeared to have reduced the sensitivity of the aggregate supply of lending and thus the sensitivity of the real economy to transitions in bank funding conditions. But they did not do so at the point it would have been most valuable, during the global crisis. As Stanley Fischer has recently put it: “when non-banks pulled back, other parts of the system suffered. When non-banks failed other parts of the system failed.”).

The originate to distribute model created tradeable assets – the securities in securitisation. The success of the model depended on there being liquid secondary markets for these securities. In its broadest sense, market liquidity refers to the ease with which one asset can be traded for another, and thus different markets can be more or less liquid. The level of liquidity in financial markets depends on among other things the amount of arbitrage or market making capacity and whether specialised dealers (market makers) will step in as buyers or sellers in response to temporary imbalances in supply and demand (Fender and Lewrick 2015). In what appeared to be normal times before the crisis, there was abundant capacity to maintain liquidity in markets, supported by banks and shadow banks such as hedge funds.

But during the crisis, such capacity became much more scarce or even undeployed, and market liquidity dried up. The key point here is that the originate to distribute approach depended on continuous liquidity in financial markets, and when that dried up in the crisis the effects were severe.

I want to move on now to what has happened since the crisis. Financial market activity has grown rapidly. There are many statistics that could be quoted, so to choose one, over the last 15 years, global bond markets have grown from around $30 trillion in 2000 to nearly $90 trillion today. That is a lot, not least because in the middle of that 15 year period came the global financial crisis. Therefore, when it comes to the task of maintaining market liquidity, there is a lot more to hold up. Also, the broad investment or asset management sector is now much larger, at around $75 trillion at end-2013. Thus, in the wake of the financial crisis there has been a substantial increase in the intermediation of credit via financial markets rather than long-term on the balance sheets of banks, involving both the supply of new credit to borrowers and the absorption of assets coming out of the banking system, as banks reduce their balance sheets.

Over the same period, there has been a fundamental and rapid change in the microstructure of financial markets – the organisation of how they work. Electronic platforms are increasingly used in a number of major financial markets (notably equity and foreign exchange markets). As part of that change, automated trading – which is a subset of electronic trading using algorithms to determine trading decisions – has become common in those markets. And, within automated trading, there has been growth in high frequency trading – which relies on speed of execution to get ahead of other market players . While electronic trading has contributed to increasing market efficiency and probably reducing transaction costs, there are also risks that arise from trading strategies that are flawed, or where in constructing the strategy not all possible outcomes were considered, including the ability to trade large blocks.

To recap, the last two decades have seen major changes in the financial system. These have, in turn, shaped the impact of the global financial crisis and its aftermath. I want now to look at the aftermath of that crisis and pick out several developments that are important for understanding current and future risks to financial stability.

The first development concerns the overall pattern of activity in financial markets. While the size of global bond markets has grown rapidly, the evidence indicates that trading volumes in a number of markets have declined. Bond inventories held by primary dealers have likewise reduced, bid-ask spreads have risen in the corporate bond markets, and it has become more expensive to hedge named credit risk using derivatives. A key point here is that the balance sheets of dealers active in these markets have shrunk markedly, with many fewer firms active in market-making.

Markets have grown, but the capacity to maintain liquidity – as judged by the market–making capacity of the major banks and broker-dealers – has declined . As my colleague Chris Salmon recently put it, this reduction in market making capacity has been associated with increased concentration in many bond markets, as firms have become more discriminating about the markets they make, or the clients they serve. But this trend has gone hand-in-hand with a growth in assets under management, with important implications for the provision of liquidity by market makers in times of stress in those markets.).

The second post-crisis development is the natural consequence of the severity of the crisis and its impact on real economies. The extraordinary (by historical standards) degree of monetary policy easing by central banks was followed by a fall in volatility in financial markets. Markets appeared to come to take comfort from their own mantra of “low-for-long” rates which in turn incentivised a “search for yield” (to be clear, “low for long” has not been in the phraseology of central banks).

Studies of the US Treasury market have indicated that the Federal Reserve’s programme of Quantitative Easing (QE) caused a reduction in the liquidity premium return for holding those bonds. Part of the effect of QE programmes is to improve market conditions for the targeted asset classes but also to see the trickle down to other asset classes as market conditions change more generally). To be clear however, QE asset purchase operations were not designed to tackle a liquidity problem in the financial system. Rather, the impact on liquidity was one of the channels through which QE has affected the real economy and thus has had its intended effect in monetary policy terms. While estimates of the impact of QE are inherently uncertain, one of the desired outcomes of central bank asset purchases is to lower yields thus affecting longer term interest rates and creating a positive economic effect. In doing so, QE can improve the functioning of financial markets by reducing liquidity premia.

The third post-crisis development is the impact of the growth of automated trading in financial markets, and the challenges this poses for maintaining continuous market and liquidity. Over the last year volatility in many financial markets has picked up from a low base and we have seen some acute but short-lived incidents of extreme volatility and impaired liquidity in secondary markets. On 15 October last year there was unprecedented volatility in the US Treasury market, and on 15 January this year there was substantial volatility in the Swiss Franc exchange rate following the unexpected decision by the Swiss National Bank to remove its Europe/Swiss Franc floor. Now, central banks are known for their powers of understatement, so what do I mean by words like “unprecedented” and “substantial”. On 15 October, 10 year US Treasury yields moved intra-day by around 8 standard deviations of preceding daily changes. On 15 January, the Swiss Franc moved by more than 30 standard deviations. For rough scale, an 8 standard deviation move should happen once every three billion years or so for normally distributed data.

You may at this point recall the saying popularised by Mark Twain, about “lies, damned lies and statistics”. I think I can be reasonably confident in saying that the fact of these events happening does not mean that we should expect low volatility in financial markets for at least the next three billion years.

I am not going to spend time discussing the causes of these events; suffice to say that there was news of an unexpected sort, and the size of the resulting moves points to greater sensitivity in the response of markets. The ability of markets to trade without triggering major price moves was limited. That said, by the end of both days, volatility had reduced, prices had retraced a portion of their peak intra-day moves and liquidity returned. This quick stabilisation helped to limit contagion to other markets, and thus wider effects on the stability of the financial system. Should we therefore be concerned? My answer to that is we should certainly be keenly interested. I agree with the conclusion of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York that understanding the manner in which the evolving market structure is affecting market liquidity, efficiency and pricing is highly important ). This conclusion has been reinforced in the recent publication of the Senior Supervisors Group (SSG) in which the PRA participates). The SSG has concluded that “key supervisory concerns centre on whether the risks associated with algorithmic trading have outpaced control improvements. The extent to which algorithmic trading activity, including HFT, is adequately captured in banks’ risk management frameworks, and whether standard risk management tools are effective for monitoring the risks associated with this activity, are areas of inquiry that all supervisors need to explore”.

As supervisors of almost all of the world’s major trading banks – through their operations in London – we can provide some helpful assessment of these events. We have observed that the balance between aggregate buy and sell orders submitted to banks’ electronic trading systems can shift instantaneously, and sometimes violently, upon this type of occurrence. The impact is often exacerbated by the simultaneous reduction in order book depth on organised multilateral electronic trading venues. The electronic trading contribution was more evident on 15 January, as a foreign currency market event than the 15 October (a bond market event), reflecting the different patterns of trading in these markets.

On the 15 January, the ability of banks’ e-trading systems to hedge positions consistently through automatic risk management broke down as the necessary reference prices became discontinuous and unreliable. The algorithms of automatic trading have rules embedded in their code such that quotes are immediately pulled if there is a severe market liquidity event. Moreover, the algorithms often have automatic rules that activate circuit breakers or so-called “kill switches” should the aggregate notional risk on a firm’s book exceed programmed limits. On 15 January, the algorithms acted quickly to pull the so-called “streaming prices” when liquidity in the reference market for these prices dried up. Where this did not happen simultaneously, it resulted in large open positions being accumulated by the banks, quite literally within seconds, as an overwhelming balance of client sell orders were automatically executed. Once pre-determined risk accumulation limits had been breached the algorithms instantaneously shut down. Whilst each algorithm, operating independently, may well have been quite prudently calibrated to protect the bank from building an exposure that exceeded its risk appetite, collectively, the impact on market liquidity was akin, albeit temporarily, to a cascading failure across a power grid.

As a consequence, the foreign exchange market reverted to human voice orders as the substitute for automated trading. There were therefore outcomes that appear not to have been expected. So, at the risk of quoting Shakespeare inappropriately, all was well that ended (reasonably) well, but the risk that this would not be the outcome is too great to ignore.

In summary, there is good evidence that financial market conditions have evolved in ways that reduce the likelihood of continuous market liquidity in all states. One element of this is the response of regulators to the financial crisis (to which I will return later), while the other is a product of the rapid development of technology and trading strategies. The effects have probably been offset to some degree by beneficial influences from central bank monetary policy actions which have increased market liquidity. Measures of risk that reflect the overall demand for and supply of financial assets, including liquidity risk premia, remain low by historical standards, notwithstanding recent events. In part, this likely reflects the continued intended effects of monetary policy setting and the communication of policy looking forward. This has, as intended, provided an incentive for risk-taking by investors, and thus the market environment has been conducive to the so-called “search for yield”.

But, as described, underlying conditions in financial markets suggest that the current situation could be fragile . Shocks that might prompt large-scale asset disposals are of particular concern. The global asset management industry is both large in size in its own right and relative to the size of the commercial banking system.

A key issue is the degree to which asset managers (or shadow banks) typically offer short-term redemptions against potentially illiquid assets. This capacity to realise assets without unwanted disturbance to financial markets is therefore critical and is shaping the work of authorities. The risk is inherently global in nature, thereby suggesting that internationally–coordinated policy action is the preferred outcome where necessary.  In the rest of my time, I will describe the work that is being done on policy responses.

First, I want to challenge the argument that the issue derives from the re-regulation of the capital and liquidity positions of banks that have in the past acted as market-makers, and thus marginal investors. This argument has a number of strands: capital and funding costs for dealer inventories in banks and broker-dealers have increased; the cost of hedging with single name credit default swaps has risen, causing availability to drop; proprietary trading restrictions (e.g. the Volcker Rule in the US) limit market making (it is too hard to distinguish prop trading from market making); and increased trade transparency requirements restrict market liquidity.)

If we look at the US as the prime example, the evidence indicates that the big run-up in inventories of fixed income securities held by the primary dealers occurred from around 2003-04 onwards, reached a peak in 2008, and has then settled back to around the 2002 level over the last two years, or so.

BOE!8May2015Source: Federal Reserve Bank of New York, as reproduced in the Bank of England Financial Stability Report – December 2014

Looked at in this light, the increase in inventory capacity in the dealer community was ephemeral, reflecting the underpricing of risk, a weak capital regime and the subsidy provided to the major banks by implicit government guarantees. Dealers de-risked their balance sheets rapidly as the crisis hit, and this reminds us that their capacity and willingness to stand in the way of major market moves (akin to catching a falling knife) was always constrained . And all of this happened before any new regulations were put in place.

Last on this point, it is worth recalling the background to the large increase in inventories from around 2002/04. Here, regulation does appear to have played a role, and not a good one. The first amendment to the Basel I capital standard came in the mid 1990s in the form of the so-called Market Risk Amendment. It enabled a substantial reduction in the capital held against trading book assets such as inventories, to a level that could be less than 1% of those assets. To illustrate this point, here is a quote from the FSA’s report into the failure of RBS.

“The capital regime was more deficient, moreover, in respect of the trading books of the banks ….. the acquisition of ABN AMRO meant that RBS’s trading book assets almost doubled between end 2006 and end 2007. The low risk weights assigned to trading assets suggested that only £2.3 billion of core tier 1 capital was held to cover potential trading losses which might result from assets carried at around £470 billion on the firm’s balance sheet.

In fact, in 2008 losses of £12.2 billion arose in the credit trading area along (a subset of total trading book assets). A regime which inadequately evaluated trading book risks was, therefore, fundamental to RBS’s failure.”).

I do not doubt that the reversal of this capital treatment of trading books has had an impact on dealer inventory levels by increasing the capital intensity. But I don’t accept that the fairly ephemeral position that emerged shortly before the crisis was fit for purpose or sustainable.

What are we therefore doing about the fragility of market liquidity and the risks to both financial stability and the state of the real economy that arise from it? First, we are working hard to understand better these risks and how they could manifest themselves. As the Bank of England’s Financial Policy Committee stated at the end of March, our concern is that investment allocations and the pricing of some securities “may presume that asset sales can be performed in an environment of continuous market liquidity.” (FPC (2015))

We are: gathering better data and thus building a greater understanding of the channels through which market liquidity can affect financial stability and economic activity; establishing a better understanding of how asset managers form their strategies for managing liquidity in their funds in normal and stressed conditions (taking into account any increase that might have occurred in the correlations between various market participants’ trading activities, such as the use of passive investment strategies); and deepening our knowledge of the contributors to greater fragility of market liquidity. The FPC has asked for a full report on these issues when it meets in September and an interim report in June.

Globally, the Financial Stability Board also has set priorities for its work, with which we are fully engaged. The intention is to understand and address vulnerabilities in capital market and asset management activities, focussing on both near-term risk channels and the options that currently exist to address them, the longer-term development of these markets and whether additional policy tools should be applied to asset managers according to the activities they undertake, with the aim of mitigating systemic risks.

The PRA, as the UK’s prudential supervisor of major trading firms, will continue to develop its capacity to assess algorithmic or automated trading, including the governance and controls around the introduction and maintenance of trading algorithms, and the potential system-wide impact of crowded positions and market liquidity. We will assess the adequacy of existing risk measurement and management practices in capturing exposures from the large volume of intraday trading instigated by these algorithms. We will continue to develop our assessment of whether trading controls deployed around algorithmic trading are fit for purpose, and in doing so we will no doubt capture insights on the role of market making on electronic platforms. This is all part of our task of supervising firms’ trading books. It should be assisted by the introduction of MIFID2 (the Markets and Financial Instruments Directive) in Europe, which will impose rules on algorithms and high frequency trading, including the introduction of circuit breakers, minimum tick sizes and maximum order-to-trade ratios, thereby seeking to improve the stability of markets.

It might be possible to conclude that it is all work to understand the problem rather than fix it. Not so, and I want to end by summarising six areas where action is already under way to reduce impediments to the development of diverse and sustainable market based finance.

First, maintaining the stability of the financial system means that we have to keep a close watch on how risks that can appear in financial markets and the non-bank financial system may wash back into and affect the critical functions performed by banks; in other words destabilise the core of the system. In order to enhance our protection against this risk, in this year’s Bank of England concurrent stress test, we are taking a substantial step to enhance the coverage of market risks. Our new approach to stress testing trading activities will capture how fast banks could unwind or hedge their trading positions in the stress scenario. This means positions that are less liquid under stress conditions will receive larger shocks. And, we have developed a new approach to stressing counterparty credit risk, which focusses on capturing losses from exposures that would become large under the stress scenario and for counterparties that would be most vulnerable in the stress scenario.

Second, the Bank of England, working with the FCA and HM Treasury has set up the Fair and Effective Markets Review to restore trust and confidence in the fixed income, currency and commodity (FICC) markets in the wake of the serious wave of misconduct seen since the height of the financial crisis. The Review is taking a fundamental look at the root causes of these abuses, the steps that have already been taken by firms and regulators to put things right, and what more is needed to deliver less vulnerable market structures and raise standards of behaviour in future. The Review will publish its recommendations in June 2015. Out of this assessment, and based on consultations to date, will I believe come priorities on market structure “standards” and transparency, effective competition, professional culture within firms and effective, pre-emptive supervision which reduces the drama of ex-post enforcement.

The third area of action concerns initiatives to improve the functioning of markets to support activity in real economies. Resilient market-based financing will help to support sustainable economic growth. The aim behind the European Commission initiative on Capital Markets Union is to strengthen markets in the EU to support growth and stability, and sustainable progress on this front will be welcome . Likewise, sound securitisation is a goal of the wider financial reform programme. The Bank of England and the ECB have published a consultation paper to identify simple, transparent and comparable securitisation techniques, the use of which should be encouraged. This work is now being taken forward in international policymaking bodies.

The fourth area of activity involves so-called securities financing transactions (SFTs) including securities lending and repurchase (repo) agreements. These can have the beneficial effects of supporting price discovery in financial markets and secondary market liquidity, and are important as part of market-making activities by financial firms, as well as their investment and risk management activities. But, as we witnessed in the crisis, they can also be a source of excessive leverage and mismatches in liquidity positions. As a consequence, some of these markets shrank rapidly as the crisis took hold. The Financial Stability Board has taken steps to introduce haircuts on SFTs that are not centrally cleared, with the aim of preventing excessive leverage becoming available to shadow banks in a boom, thereby reducing the procycliality of that leverage. The haircuts set an upper limit on the amount that banks and broker-dealers can lend against securities of different credit quality.

The fifth area concerns the risk of asset managers offering short-term redemptions to investors against potentially illiquid securities. The proportion of assets held in such structures has increased over the past decade. Given more fragile underlying market liquidity, for the reasons I have described, stressed disposals of assets might be harder to accommodate in an orderly fashion. The international securities regulatory body IOSCO, issued recommendations in 2012 that provide a basis for Common Standards for Money Market Funds (MMFs) across jurisdictions, in particular seeking to ensure that MMFs are not susceptible to the risk of runs (in the way that banks can be). More broadly, work continues on putting into practice appropriate policies and standards to prevent the risk of disorderly sales of assets in the face of investor withdrawals. Potential responses (and at this stage we are looking at options in an open way) are to require funds to hold larger liquid asset buffers to facilitate orderly redemption payments to investors, to apply more stringent leverage limits where appropriate, and to require that the redemption terms offered to investors take sufficient account of the risk that secondary market liquidity in the assets they hold could become impaired. These are possibilities, but at this stage very much not policies for the reason that a lot more work is need to properly assess them.

Last, central banks can back-stop market liquidity by acting as market makers of the last resort.  The Bank of England had described in its so-called Red Book how it could act in such a way in exceptional circumstances. Here too, there is a lot more to be done to consider the circumstances in which this tool could be used.


The rapid trend towards greater use of market-based financing is one that should be welcomed. But, it is important that accompanying risks to financial stability are well understood and managed. Credit creation since the financial crisis has been heavily reliant on market based finance in the UK and internationally. We have to be alert to, and ready to handle the risks and consequences of any reversal in market conditions. Recent incidents of market volatility act as a reminder that it can disappear very quickly in more normal as well as stressed times. Moreover the business models of the broker-dealers that act as market makers are changing in response to the financial crisis and they are becoming reluctant to absorb large positions. In my view those changes are inevitable, because the pre-crisis state of affairs was ephemeral and unsustainable. But the impact of the change is of course important for both monetary policy and financial stability, because it affects the supply of credit to the economy and the stability of the financial system. My assessment is that in terms of understanding the risks and framing possible mitigating actions, we will fare better if we start by focussing on the activities that create such market risk, and then as appropriate move on to the entities that house those activities.

The policy response from the authorities is by nature an activity that needs to be carried out through close international co-ordination. The Bank of England is committed to playing its part, consistent with the major presence of financial market activity in the UK, alongside and as a part of the work of the G20 under the auspices of the Financial Stability Board.

Bank of England Inflation Report For March – CPI 0%, Please Explain!

In order to maintain price stability, the Government has set the Bank’s Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) a target for the annual inflation rate of the Consumer Prices Index of 2%. Subject to that, the MPC is also required to support the Government’s economic policy, including its objectives for growth and employment. The Inflation Report is produced quarterly by Bank staff under the guidance of the members of the Monetary Policy Committee. It serves two purposes. First, its preparation provides a comprehensive and forward-looking framework for discussion among MPC members as an aid to decision-making. Second, its publication allows the MPC to share our thinking and explain the reasons for their decisions to those whom they affect.

GDP growth was robust in 2014, moderating in the second half of the year. Despite the weakness in 2015 Q1, the outlook for growth remains solid. Household real incomes have been boosted by the fall in food, energy and imported goods prices. The absorption of remaining slack and a pickup in productivity growth are expected to support wage growth in the period ahead. Along with the low cost of finance, that will help maintain domestic demand growth. Activity in the United States and a number of emerging markets has slowed but momentum in the euro area appears to have strengthened over the quarter as a whole.

CPI inflation was 0.0% in March 2015 as falls in food, energy and other import prices continued to weigh on the annual rate. Inflation is likely to rise notably around the turn of the year as those factors begin to drop out. Inflation is then projected to rise further as wage and unit labour cost growth picks up and the effect of sterling’s appreciation dissipates. The MPC judges that it is currently appropriate to set policy so that it is likely inflation will return to the 2% target within two years. Conditional on Bank Rate following the path currently implied by market yields — such that it rises gradually over the forecast period — that is judged likely to be achieved.

CPI inflation was 0.0% in March, triggering a second successive open letter from the Governor to the Chancellor of the Exchequer. Around three quarters of the weakness in inflation relative to target, or 1.5 percentage points, was due to unusually low contributions from food, energy and other goods prices, which are judged largely to reflect non-domestic factors. The biggest single driver has been the large fall in energy prices. Falls in global agricultural prices and the appreciation of sterling have also led to lower retail prices for food and other goods. Absent further developments, these factors will continue to drag on the annual inflation rate before starting to drop out around the end of 2015.

The remaining one quarter of the weakness in inflation relative to target, or 0.5 percentage points, is judged to reflect domestic factors. Wage growth remained subdued in Q1, despite a further fall in the unemployment rate. Part of that weakness is likely to reflect the effects of slack in the labour market, although the concentration of recent employment growth in lower-skilled jobs, which tend to be less well paid, is also likely to account for part of it.

Chart 2 shows the Committee’s best collective judgement for the outlook for CPI inflation. In the very near term, inflation is projected to remain close to zero, as the past falls in food, energy and other goods prices continue to drag on the annual rate. Towards the end of 2015, inflation rises notably, as those effects begin to drop out. As the drag from domestic slack continues to fade, inflation is projected to return to target within two years and to move slightly above the target in the third year of the forecast period.

The path for inflation depends crucially on the outlook for domestic cost pressures. A tightening of the labour market and an increase in productivity should underpin wage growth in the period ahead. There is a risk that the temporary period of low inflation may persist for longer — for example, if it affects wage settlements. Alternatively, wages could pick up faster as labour market competition intensifies, which could pose an upside risk to inflation. Inflation will also remain sensitive to further movements in energy and other commodity prices, and the exchange rate.

BOECPIMAy2015Another influence on wage and price-setting decisions is inflation expectations. Nearly all measures of inflation expectations have fallen over the past year, with household measures now below pre-crisis average levels. Surveys suggest that employees and firms expect little recovery in pay growth this year. Other measures of inflation expectations are, however, close to historical averages. The MPC judges that inflation expectations remain broadly consistent with the 2% inflation target.

The MPC also noted, however, that, as set out in the February 2014 Report, the interest rate required to keep the economy operating at normal levels of capacity and inflation at the target was likely to continue to rise as the effects of the financial crisis faded further. Despite this, beyond the three-year forecast horizon the yield curve had flattened further over the past year. There was uncertainty about the reasons for this. Given that uncertainty, there was a risk that longer-term yields would move back up over time, for example, in response to a tightening of US monetary policy.


Bank of England Maintains Bank Rate at 0.5%

The Bank of England’s Monetary Policy Committee at its meeting on 8 May voted to maintain Bank Rate at 0.5%. The Committee also voted to maintain the stock of purchased assets financed by the issuance of central bank reserves at £375 billion.  The Committee’s latest inflation and output projections will appear in the Inflation Report to be published at 10.30 a.m. on Wednesday 13 May. At the same time, an open letter from the Governor to the Chancellor of the Exchequer will be published, following the release of data for CPI inflation of 0.0% in March.

The previous change in Bank Rate was a reduction of 0.5 percentage points to 0.5% on 5 March 2009. A programme of asset purchases financed by the issuance of central bank reserves was initiated on 5 March 2009. The previous change in the size of that programme was an increase of £50 billion to a total of £375 billion on 5 July 2012.

The Bank will continue to offer to purchase high-quality private sector assets on behalf of the Treasury, financed by the issue of Treasury bills, in line with the arrangements announced on 29 January 2009 and 29 November 2011.

UK Lending Update

The Bank of England just released their lending trends data for first quarter 2015.  Included in the report is some relevant data on investment or buy-to-let loans. BTL mortgages accounted for 15% of the total outstanding value of UK-resident mortgages as at end-2014 Q4. The rate of possession of buy-to-let properties was almost twice as high as for owner-occupied ones.

Overall, the rate of growth in some measures of the stock of lending to UK businesses picked up in the three months to February. Net capital market issuance was positive in this period. Mortgage approvals by all UK-resident mortgage lenders for house purchase rose slightly in the three months to February compared to the previous period. The stock of secured lending to households increased, but the pace of growth has slowed since 2014 H1. The annual growth rate in the stock of consumer credit was little changed in recent months.

Pricing on lending to small and medium-sized enterprises was little changed in the three months to February. Respondents to the Bank of England’s 2015 Q1 Credit Conditions Survey reported that spreads on new lending to large businesses fell significantly. The Bank’s series of quoted interest rates on fixed-rate mortgages decreased in 2015 Q1 compared to the previous quarter. Quoted rates on some personal loans continued to fall.

Contacts of the Bank’s network of Agents noted that credit availability had eased further, including for most small and medium-sized companies. Respondents to the Bank of England’s Credit Conditions Survey expected demand for bank lending to increase significantly from small businesses, increase from medium-sized businesses and be unchanged from large businesses in 2015 Q2. Lenders in the survey reported that the availability of secured credit to households was broadly unchanged and that
demand for secured lending fell significantly in the three months to early March 2015.

Secured lending to individuals. The number of mortgage approvals by all UK-resident mortgage lenders for house purchase increased slightly in the three months to February compared to the previous period. Approvals for remortgaging also rose slightly. The stock of secured lending to individuals increased, but the pace of growth has slowed since 2014 H1. The monthly net mortgage flow was little changed in recent months.

UK-Lending-April-2015-1Overall, gross secured lending was higher in 2014 than in recent years. Within this, the share of gross lending for buy-to-let purposes increased. BTL lending represented 13% of total gross mortgage lending in 2014, with gross advances having recovered from its post-crisis trough though still below its 2007 peak. BTL mortgages accounted for 15% of the total outstanding value of UK-resident mortgages as at end-2014 Q4. A buy-to-let mortgage is a mortgage secured against a residential property that will not be occupied by the owner of that property or a relative, but will instead be occupied on the basis of a rental agreement. In 1996 the Association of Residential Letting Agents, the trade body of estate agents dealing with rental properties, along with four lenders set up its first BTL initiative to encourage private individuals to invest in rental property. This market grew steadily and the share of BTL lending in total gross mortgage lending increased until mid-2008, according to data from the Council of Mortgage Lenders (CML).

UK-Lending-April-2015-2After the onset of the financial crisis, gross buy-to-let lending fell more sharply than total mortgage lending. Reflecting discussions with the major UK lenders, the July 2011 Trends in Lending publication noted one reason for this decline in 2008–09 was that the availability of this lending was said to have tightened as some specialist lenders exited this market. Another reason was that wholesale funding markets — often used to fund BTL lending — became impaired.


Gross lending for BTL purposes has grown since 2010, reflecting both supply and demand factors, and was £27.4 billion in 2014. Over the past five years the share of total BTL lending in overall mortgage lending has picked up to 15% in 2014 Q4, higher than in the pre-crisis period, according to data from the CML. Data based on the Bank of England and Financial Conduct Authority’s Mortgage Lenders and Administrators Return (MLAR), derived from a different reporting population and definitions of residency, also show that gross BTL lending grew faster than overall gross mortgage lending in recent years. Contacts of the Bank’s network of Agents noted that the rental market had continued to grow strongly in recent months, supporting continued steady growth in buy-to-let activity.

Gross buy-to-let advances for remortgaging have also increased in recent years. Its share of the total grew from 32% in 2002 to 52% in 2014, with the share of gross advances for house purchase at 45%. UK-Lending-April-2015-4The share of the number of BTL mortgages for house purchase in the total number of house purchases has increased from its trough in 2010 to 13% in 2014 though remains below its 2008 peak, according to data from the CML. A significant proportion of advertised BTL mortgage products in the four years after the financial crisis were at loan to value (LTV) ratios below 75%. The number of advertised BTL mortgage products at LTV ratios of 75% and above has increased since mid-2013, but most are below 80% LTV ratio.


Data on quoted rates for fixed-rate BTL mortgages from Moneyfacts Group indicate that they have fallen since the onset of the financial crisis. This follows the same broad pattern as the aggregate measures of quoted rates on fixed-rate mortgages published by the Bank of England. Spreads over reference rates initially widened on fixed-rate BTL products, as mortgage rates fell by less than swap rates. Since 2013, spreads on these products narrowed as relevant reference rates increased. In recent months, spreads ticked up as fixed BTL rates fell by less than these swap rates. Floating BTL mortgage rates have also decreased since the onset of the financial crisis. The decrease was similar to that for rates on fixed BTL products since 2013. With Bank Rate unchanged, spreads over Bank Rate for floating-rate BTL mortgages have narrowed in recent years. Looking ahead, lenders in the Bank of England’s Credit Conditions Survey expected a reduction in spreads on BTL lending in 2015 Q2. Indicative BTL rates by LTV ratio ranges have also decreased over the years. Rates for LTV ratios below 75% have fallen sharply over the past twelve months.


BTL mortgages as a proportion of the total number of outstanding mortgages more than three months in arrears rose sharply at the start of 2009, around the same time as the overall mortgage arrears rate. The BTL arrears rate fell back and has been lower than that for all mortgages in recent years. In some contrast, the possessions rate on BTL mortgages peaked much later than that for owner-occupied mortgages and while it has fallen recently, still remains higher than that for owner-occupiers. But the CML noted that some of the differences in the path of arrears and possession rates seen when comparing the BTL sector with the wider market reflects the use of receivers of rent in the BTL sector. Other things being equal, the use of receivership may have mitigated some increase in reported BTL arrears and possession rates and delayed the increase in reported BTL possessions.

UK-Lending-April-2015-7The rate of possession of buy-to-let properties was almost twice as high as for owner-occupied ones, even though the rate of underlying arrears on buy-to-let lending remained lower in 2014, according to data from the CML. They commented that this was because lenders offer extended forbearance to owner-occupiers to help them get through periods of financial difficulty without losing their home.

Bank of England Maintains Bank Rate at 0.5%

The Bank of England’s Monetary Policy Committee at its meeting today voted to maintain Bank Rate at 0.5%. The Committee also voted to maintain the stock of purchased assets financed by the issuance of central bank reserves at £375 billion.  The minutes of the meeting will be published at 9.30 a.m. on Wednesday 22 April.

The previous change in Bank Rate was a reduction of 0.5 percentage points to 0.5% on 5 March 2009. A programme of asset purchases financed by the issuance of central bank reserves was initiated on 5 March 2009. The previous change in the size of that programme was an increase of £50 billion to a total of £375 billion on 5 July 2012.

Information on the Asset Purchase Facility can be found on the Bank of England website at http://www.bankofengland.co.uk/monetarypolicy/Pages/qe/default.aspx.

The Bank will continue to offer to purchase high-quality private sector assets on behalf of the Treasury, financed by the issue of Treasury bills, in line with the arrangements announced on 29 January 2009 and 29 November 2011.