DFA Live On Mortgage And Rental Stress – HD Replay Edition [Podcast]

This is the edited edition, with behind the scene sequences added. The original edition, with live chat is available here: https://youtu.be/Q_6Bo_JYBJw

Digital Finance Analytics (DFA) Blog
Digital Finance Analytics (DFA) Blog
DFA Live On Mortgage And Rental Stress - HD Replay Edition [Podcast]

Final Reminder: Talking Property With Edwin Almeida On DFA Live Q&A 8:00PM Sydney Tonight

Your chance to ask Edwin a property related question via the YouTube chat – our insider really knows whats going on!

And spread the word, Cookie Boy one of our supporters is offering to make a $200 donation to charity if we get more than 800 on the stream at one time, so lets try and beat that target!. Thanks Cookie Boy…

DFA Replay Q&A And Scenario Update 19 May 2020 HQ Edition

This is the edited show broadcast live on 19th May 2020. We discussed our latest finance and property scenarios, the latest news and also walked through our mortgage stress data for selected requested post codes.

There is a path to higher home prices due to lower rates in line with the RBA market model, however it ignores availability of credit. The “Tulip” model weirdly takes little account of the credit drivers.

Most likely though unemployment will remain higher, while incomes are squeezed and so we have a stronger weighting on FALLS in property values over the next couple of years. How far they fall, and where, will be determined by how much stimulus is thrown at the economy, the migration settings and bank’s willingness to lend in a weaker employment and income environment.

You can watch the edited show here:

Note in the show we were comparing the ratios to the total household population in each post code.

The unedited original stream, with live chat is also available here:

DFA Live: Bitcoin’s Halving Q&A Edited Version [Podcast]

This is the edited and optimized version of the show we broadcast live yesterday. Alex Saunders from Nugget’s News and I discussed the state of play.

Digital Finance Analytics (DFA) Blog
Digital Finance Analytics (DFA) Blog
DFA Live: Bitcoin's Halving Q&A Edited Version [Podcast]

Your Finance And Property Questions Answered: 26 April 2020 [Podcast]

I have received more than 600 separate questions from our audience over the past month and today I provide some answers to them, having consolidated them into a logical sequence.

Caveat Emptor! Note: this is NOT financial or property advice!!

Digital Finance Analytics (DFA) Blog
Digital Finance Analytics (DFA) Blog
Your Finance And Property Questions Answered: 26 April 2020 [Podcast]

Your Finance And Property Questions Answered: 26 April 2020

I have received more than 600 separate questions from our audience over the past month and today I provide some answers to them, having consolidated them into a logical sequence.

Caveat Emptor! Note: this is NOT financial or property advice!!