Total Housing At Record $1.46 Trillion in April

The latest data from the RBA, Credit Aggregates to end April 2015, shows that lending for investment property pushed higher again, whilst lending to business went backwards. Looking at the splits, overall housing credit was up 0.54% seasonally adjusted to $1.46 trillion, with owner occupied lending up 0.41% to $954 billion and investment lending up 0.79% to $503 billion. Personal credit fell 0.84% to $141 billion and lending to business fell 0.04% to $790 billion. As a result, the percentage of lending devoted to housing rose to 61% of total (excluding lending to government), up from 56% in 2010.

RBACreditAggretagesApril2015Tracking the relative monthly movements, highlights the concentration in the housing, and specifically the investment housing sector. We will see if recent moves by APRA and the banks tames the beast in the months ahead.

RBAAggregateMovementApril2015Looking at the housing data, the proportion of the portfolio in the more risky housing investment sector rose again, to 34.6%.

RBAAggregatesApril2015HousingFurther evidence of the unbalanced state of the economy.

Author: Martin North

Martin North is the Principal of Digital Finance Analytics

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