Down The Rabbit Hole – Part 3

My “tin foil” friend George joins me for a further deep dive down the rabbit hole. His world view is frankly disturbing and includes elements which some will consider conspiracies….

But in this mind stretching discussion, the journey is as important as the destination.

Part 1:

Part 2:

Author: Martin North

Martin North is the Principal of Digital Finance Analytics

One thought on “Down The Rabbit Hole – Part 3”

  1. – Yes, “George” this time is wearing A LOT OF tin foil. Too much tin foil !!!
    – “George” was wondering who were at the top of the (power) pyramids. This is too much conspiracy stuff. There is no one there. Not even e.g. a president or a prime minister. A US president will discover that the REAL power is in the hands of one or more groups of vested interests.
    – A good example is e.g. US foreign policy. Although there is a clear distinct “red line” in US foreign policy there is actually no one in REAL control. There are interest groups A, B, C, D, E, F, G in the US. US foreign policy is – in general – the outcome of a struggle between the all the different interest groups in the US. And some of those interest groups can be foreign as well (e.g. Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, ………… ). Those countries try to influence US foreign policy as well, for their own interests.
    – When group A, B, C win then US foreign policy turns left. And when group E, F, G win the struggle then US foreign ppolicy goes into a different direction. And sometimes all groups (A through G) want the same.
    – And this kind of “swinging back & forth” applies to all power structures, in every power pyramide.

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