The Rise, and Rise, and Rise of Investor First Time Buyers

DFA has just released the latest analysis of survey results which shows that nationally 35% of all First Time Buyers are going direct to the Investment sector. However there are significant state differences, with more than fifty percent of transactions from first time buyers in NSW, and upticks in other states as the behaviour spreads. … Continue reading “The Rise, and Rise, and Rise of Investor First Time Buyers”

The Facts on Australian Housing Affordability – The Conversation

From The Conversation. Housing affordability, high house prices and rents are attracting plenty of media attention right now. The latest figures on house prices, mortgages, number of first time buyers and so on are dissected by journalists and commentators as if this is an issue of recent origin. In fact what we have here is … Continue reading “The Facts on Australian Housing Affordability – The Conversation”

Bubble Smuzzle

The sudden talk of bubbles in the property market, by the regulators and treasury, looks like an attempt to talk the housing market down whilst not really doing that much in reality, and leaving space for more rate cuts in the cash rate as broader economic activity slows. The RBA’s low rate strategy is partly … Continue reading “Bubble Smuzzle”

APRA On Lending Standards And Capital

APRA’s Wayne Byres today spoke at the COBA CEO & Director Forum in Sydney. His speech was entitled ‘Sound lending standards and adequate capital: preconditions for long-term success’. He highlights some interesting behaviourial differences between banks when it comes to the appraisal of mortgage loans, and also talks (and reinforces APRA’s position) with regards to … Continue reading “APRA On Lending Standards And Capital”

Senate Delivers Final Affordable Housing Report

The final Senate report into Affordable Housing was released today. The report is more than 450 pages long (including appendices), and the 40 recommendations cover a wide range of issues, including coordination and management across states and territories; developing a long term national plan; phasing out stamp duty; new funding options; urban planning; land supply; … Continue reading “Senate Delivers Final Affordable Housing Report”

Latest DFA Survey – Other Segments

Today we round out the latest survey results, by updating our other segments. The property as investment bug continues to spread. First, those looking to trade up. Property investment has now overtaken the desire for more space as the main driver to transact. We also see that life style changes and purchase due to job … Continue reading “Latest DFA Survey – Other Segments”

First Time Investor Buyers Focused In NSW

After the ABS data came out yesterday, DFA updated its industry models, and included the status of First Time Buyer Investors, at a state level. We had already shown that there were many First Time Buyers who were not able to buy an owner occupied property, and were switching the an investment alternative, as a … Continue reading “First Time Investor Buyers Focused In NSW”

DFA Video Blog On First Time Buyers Switching To Investment Property

DFA analysis shows that more first time buyers are leaping into investment property instead of purchasing a property for owner occupation. This short video explains why. From our surveys, we found that: 1. Most first time buyers were unable to afford to purchase a property to live in, in an area that made sense to … Continue reading “DFA Video Blog On First Time Buyers Switching To Investment Property”

Reflections on FSI

The final report of the Financial Systems Inquiry was released on Sunday. We already provided a summary of the 44 recommendations and discussed some of the specific proposals. It is of course a report to Government, so still a political process will run before we see what translates into policy, though some recommendations – for … Continue reading “Reflections on FSI”

Property Finance Continues To Lift In September

The ABS released their lending finance data today for September 2014. When compared with August, Housing Finance For Owner Occupation The total value of owner occupied housing commitments excluding alterations and additions rose 0.1% in trend terms and the seasonally adjusted series rose 1.4%. Personal Finance The trend series for the value of total personal … Continue reading “Property Finance Continues To Lift In September”