UK Budget Emasculates Negative Gearing

This week the UK Chancellor, George Osborne delivered his latest budget. One strong theme was the need to reduce the bias towards buy-to-let property investors against owner occupied purchasers. Currently, landlords can claim tax relief on monthly interest repayments at the top level of tax they pay of 45 per cent. Mortgage interest relief is … Continue reading “UK Budget Emasculates Negative Gearing”

The Grattan Institute On Negative Gearing

Last weekend the Property Council and the Real Estate Institute of Australia released a consultants’ report that tried to show renters would pay much more if generous tax concessions to landlords were wound back. So interesting to read an article by John Daley and Danielle Wood published by The Australian, Friday 3 July, and posted … Continue reading “The Grattan Institute On Negative Gearing”

The real reasons negative gearing on housing should be phased out

From The Conversation. In recent weeks, there have been signs sentiment may be changing around the contentious policy of negative gearing. There are well-rehearsed arguments on both sides. Critics argue that the deduction of property losses from other sources of income (such as wages) is a tax shelter that imposes an unfair burden on other … Continue reading “The real reasons negative gearing on housing should be phased out”

Did Abolishing Negative Gearing Push Up Rents? – ABC Fact Check

ABC Fact Check investigates whether abolishing negative gearing in 1985 caused rents to surge. During the period negative gearing was abolished rents notably increased only in Sydney and Perth. Other factors, including high interest rates and the share market boom, were also contributors to rent increases at the time. As property prices continue to rise … Continue reading “Did Abolishing Negative Gearing Push Up Rents? – ABC Fact Check”

A Perspective On Negative Gearing

There is no doubt that negative gearing is a hot issue. As the ASIC Money Smart web site says: Negative gearing is when your income from an investment is less than your expenses. In the case of property this means the rental income you receive is less than the interest and other expenses you pay. … Continue reading “A Perspective On Negative Gearing”

Might Labor’s negative-gearing policy yet save the housing market?

From The Conversation. The Real Estate Institute of Australia (REIA) has unleashed the hounds on Labor’s proposed reforms to negative gearing. The REIA’s campaign, Negative Gearing Affects Everyone, follows the lead of the Property Council, which describes the Australian housing market as a “house of cards”, with the REIA stressing how “fragile” the Australian economy … Continue reading “Might Labor’s negative-gearing policy yet save the housing market?”

The Rental Market Is Broken…

In my latest surveys we showed that cash flow stress among households has risen to an all time high of 73.47% or more than 2.27 million households. Mapping the Market data from CoreLogic shows the high proportion of areas where house rents have risen by 20% or more across Sydney, and Melbourne, those here, some … Continue reading “The Rental Market Is Broken…”

Home Prices Could Get “Interesting”: Property Signs 25 Oct 2021

In today’s show we look at the latest property price forecast from some of the major banks, which signal potential easing momentum ahead, plus we look at the issue of reduced housing affordability with the prospect of higher mortgage rates. And the big unknown is how APRA and RBA will tune their macro-prudential measures ahead. … Continue reading “Home Prices Could Get “Interesting”: Property Signs 25 Oct 2021”