In this trimmed high quality recording of our live event, we discuss the latest financial and property data, examine our latest scenarios, and discuss the trends ahead. We also answer a range of questions posed by our viewers live. The unedited original stream with live chat, is available to view (starting at 0:30) below:
The latest edition of our weekly finance and property news digest with a distinctively Australian flavour.
00:20 Introduction
00:55 US Markets
01:30 Trade Talks
05:15 Japan
05:55 Eurozone
06:20 Germany
07:10 UK
08:25 China
10:40 Australian Section
10:40 Westpac
13:30 Westpac NZ
14:30 Home Sales (HIA)
15:40 Net Government Debt
18:25 RBA on QE and Wages
19:00 Property prices and auctions
20:50 Markets
Damien Klassen from Nucleus Wealth penned this recently. It is an excellent summary of the critical issue in play – Can rising house prices drive the rest of the economy on their own without a construction boom? Note the disclaimer below.
I’ve written a few times recently about the imbalances in the Australian economy and how messed up the Australian housing cycle
is. It looks as if the Australian economy is hanging on to positive
growth based on one factor. Without that factor, there is significant
economic downside. The one economic question that matters:
Can rising house prices drive the rest of the economy on their own without a construction boom?
There are three main areas to indicate if this is the case. Two have come out with more negative data since I last posted. One is a glass half empty: better current conditions, worse future conditions.
Upside Case
Can rising house prices drive the rest of the economy on their own without a construction boom?
the optimists, the answer is a resounding yes. House prices have not
only stopped falling but have risen over the last few months. Buyer
queues are out the door for limited supply which will inevitably mean
rising house prices. And Morrison’s 95% lending for first home buyers
hasn’t even begun yet. Investors will follow first home buyers, which
will lead prices higher and then upgraders will start buying again.
Rising property prices will mean consumers will start spending once
more, construction will recommence, and a new Australian economic growth
cycle will begin.
It would appear that the Federal Government has this belief.
Downside Case
Can rising house prices drive the rest of the economy on their own without a construction boom?
poorer arguments mounted by pessimists tend to have a moral angle:
house prices are too high for children to afford, they will have to come
down to a level that an ordinary person on a regular salary can afford.
If that occurs, house prices will fall 30-40%. While these arguments
are compelling from a social justice perspective, or on a long term
basis, the same arguments have been valid for 15 years. Timing is
weak arguments base the downturn on extrapolating no intervention from
governments. We know the current government is hell-bent on intervening
in the housing market.
better argument is that even if construction approvals rebound,
employment would fall for at least another year as the construction
decisions made over the past two years affect the number of people
employed. And construction approvals are not rebounding.
unemployment in Perth led to a 10% house price fall in the 2012-2017
period while Sydney/Melbourne house prices boomed. What is to stop the
same fate for Australia as a whole?
Per capita income has gone nowhere for 7 years, so it is hard to see any rescue coming from that front:
rising unemployment does mean house prices fall further, then there are
a range of probable adverse effects. There are some seriously negative
economic effects if the effects snowball. And we won’t even get started
about the impact on a fragile Australian housing market if an
international shock (Brexit, Trade wars, Hong Kong unrest, corporate
debt accidents, European recession) hits.
It doesn’t need to be one or the other
don’t need to buy into the entire negative story to be cautious. If
employment holds up, then the positive story has a chance (assuming
benign international conditions). But, if unemployment rises, then
Australia won’t need a global shock to see house prices resume a
downward path.
presented with an asset class that has limited upside in positive
scenarios and significant downside in adverse scenarios, I usually opt
to avoid the asset class and look for returns elsewhere.
Update 1: Australian Credit growth:
Royal Commission into banking reversed the credit boom and was enough
to see house prices down around 10%. This came even while most other
factors affecting house prices were still positive.
the Morrison government manage to get the already over-levered
Australian households to take on even more debt? If I am too bearish,
particularly in the short term, this is where you will see the effects.
So far there are none:
the regulatory front, the Westpac v ASIC responsible lending court case
win for Westpac has the potential to lead to easy lending conditions.
ASIC is taking the case to the Federal court, so we are in limbo for
some time.
Update 2: Unemployment
is not enough space here to go into the detailed links between house
prices and unemployment. Indicatively, during the 2012 to 2017 housing
boom years, the Perth market faced mostly the same factors as
Sydney/Melbourne except for (a) slightly weaker population growth and
(b) rising unemployment. And Perth property prices fell more than 10%
while the rest of Australia boomed.
We are expecting considerable job losses in the construction sector.
said that, construction jobs have been resilient so far. Forward
indicators (job ads and approvals) continue to point to sizeable job
Source: ABS, Seek, UBS
to this scenario, job losses from state government austerity as budgets
have been struck by falling transaction numbers in the housing market:
any global shock (trade wars, recessions, debt crises) is likely to be
transmitted to the housing market through higher unemployment.
Update 3: Foreign Buyers
Foreign demand was substantial for both the boom and the bust:
cracking down on its capital account and deteriorating relations
between Australia and China suggests foreign investment will remain low.
The question is whether Hong Kong unrest translates to increased demand for Australian property.
The Answer
So, the answer to the one question
Can rising house prices drive the rest of the economy on their own without a construction boom?
will be found in whether increases in unemployment remain contained.
I’m skeptical. But if I’m wrong, the charts above will be where we will see the signs.
Recent data suggest my skepticism is warranted.
This blog contains general information and does not take into account your personal objectives, financial situation or needs. Past performance is not an indication of future performance. Damien Klassen is an authorised representative of Nucleus Wealth Management, a Corporate Authorised Representative of Nucleus Advice Pty Ltd – AFSL 515796.
The latest edition of our weekly finance and property news digest with a distinctively Australian flavour.
00:22 Introduction
01:20 US Trade War
02:30 US Data and Markets
03:40 US Debt Growing Too Fast Says Fed
05:30 Repo and QE
07:40 Europe
08:20 Germany Financial Stability
10:50 China Another Bank Bailed Out
11:50 OECD Growth Lower
14:55 Australian Segment 14:55 OECD On Australia 19:10 Westpac MI Index 20:30 Inflation Expectations 21:10 NAB Household Debt 21:30 Housing Affordability 25:10 Home Prices and Auctions 26:32 Markets 26:50 Westpac and AUSTRAC 28:00 RBA. Unconventional Monetary Policy, and Negative Rates